I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

938 I Want Dens

I watched her leave in one direction, the one I pointed towards to go and meet Lily. As for the other soldiers, they dispersed all over the place.

Well… My work here was done. And now I had to go to a new continent and try that weapon out.

I have no high hopes for it. The brutality of my purple ore was beyond the durability of that rocket launcher, that was what I believed.

[Is everything alright?] After flying for three days straight, I was close to crossing the border of the second continent.

I selected a path towards the other shore of it. It was going to save me lots of time and lead me towards a moderate size continent up in the north-east.

[We are fighting that great monster outbreak… It came as expected, pretty much bigger than ever]

[Good. And how about the fresh forces? Are they coming in large batches like before?]

[They are. Why? Do you fear they might not deliver?]

Lily got what I feared. After all, we were getting such constant reinforcements for a long time.

Yet it seemed I underestimated the vast universe we were in. Taking races and sending them to me in such large numbers seemed to be an easy task that they could continue for a long time.

And I hoped they’d take decades before their supply lines grew thin, or never would be.

[I’m just asking] I paused, [How is Alex?]

[She… Is quite fierce!]

[Alex? Are you sure?]

Alex was fierce? Well, that was new even to me!

[She is leading her forces, fighting in such weird way]

[How so?]

[She lures the monster to the ground before sending all of her forces to fight them in a melee fight. It’s quite brutal, but I didn’t intervene in how my generals do things as long as it brings good results]

This girl… It seemed she was venting out her anger and frustration over her soldiers!

[Ok, keep an eye over her for me. She isn’t that ready yet to be left alone]

[Got it! But I never saw her before! Why so?]

[You joined after she left] I realised that the great battle where I decided to demote these two happened before taking Lily under my wing.

[I see… Anyway I’ll take good care of her] she promised, and I closed the chat with her with her last message, [Don’t forget, I still need two more continents, flying and ground dens]

“Yes, I have to take care of this while travelling.”

I estimated that I’d take another three days at least to reach the ocean, a few more days to cross the strait there to the other continent at the north-east.

[I need dens]

[Shouldn’t you say hi first? Aren’t we friends?]

I laughed, [Ok, how are you doing my old friend?]

[Enjoying the nice life of being a man who knows someone special like you, hahahaha!]

[I’m glad you are doing great] I laughed as it seemed he was enjoying his time, [I want my dens then]

[First there is the issue of warriors to sort out]


[Did you forget? We owe you lots of warriors. You were away and unreachable before. So my men stored the warriors and now we got tons of them]

[Oh, send them over if they are causing you trouble]

[They are! Especially those soulers! I don’t know how you manage to keep those beasts alive without dying. Anyway, I’m sending them over]

[What about my dens?]

[You seek low grade ones, right? That will take a few days to arrange. My race only got the high grade available, mostly mid grade]

[They won’t do]

[I know. What type of dens do you seek?]

[I want… All] I paused. Why wouldn’t I get aquatic dens as well?

I just saw how the few dens I used turned out to be something fierce and grand. They even evolved!

[How many then?]

[Twenty each… Or wait, make them a hundred!]

[Damn! When will you learn that you got limits? Sigh! What do you need them for? Going out for war with them or what?]

Could this be done? I paused and was tempted to ask. Yet I got that he was just joking when I reread what he sent.

And he just confirmed it later when I took my time to respond.

[Dammit! Can’t you even take a joke! Dude, it’s a joke, not real! Don’t come asking for a way to lead them at war! They are monsters, not races for god sake!]

Hahahaha! That Silverlining… He was pretty much funny indeed.

[Fine, just bring them as soon as possible. I’m going to train my forces against ground and aerial monsters so we can be ready for Hescos]

[You… Do you think this will be enough?]

[Then… What else can we do?]

If I should take the words of anyone as granted about Hescos then it should be the words of Toranks. They were their rivals, their nemesis, and their enemies.

They got to know heads and tails about Hescos. And if one of them said it wasn’t enough, then there was no room for arguing.

[I got an idea… But let me see if I can do it first or not]

[Ok…] I thought about asking, but I felt he wasn’t going to tell. He felt like he was in a very good mood.

So I entrusted him with this task.

As I kept travelling and waited for his next message, I got one from his race but not from him.

[I prepared everything we agreed upon… I’ll pay triple for having you with me]

Oh, it was that crazy sovereign, and it seemed he got the bait at last.

[Only triple? Fine!]

[What? Do you think what we dealt with is cheap? Damn! I had to open my own vault for you, never did for anyone before]

[You aren’t doing this for me, but for your girl and yourself] I reminded him.

[Sly little bastard! And here I was thinking about preparing a grand feast in your honour when you arrive! No way! Screw parties, I’ll give you a beating instead]

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