I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

715 Turning Elites Into Generals

“At least do your thing and add fresh forces to us like this,” he motioned his head towards the outside army. The size of his army was doubled by the Hectors I added.

Compared his army to Sara’s, he got much more force than her. She lost a lot during the encirclement, letting her army gain triple and not double like the jumper.

“I’m not that free to do that,” I sighed, “you just have to hold on for a week.”

“A week? Damn Hye! You think we have enough force to stop those maniacs?”

“I’m training a big army as we speak,” I slowly said, ignoring the loud shout or his rude attitude, “one way or another you have to sustain the pressure during this time.”

“Then either keep helping us or let us retreat,” he shrugged, “if we are going to get a new army, then we can accept small losses for now and take the lands back later on.”

“Not an option,” I knew that dealing with such a mighty race was troublesome. Trying to do it his way was meaningless, as they would let these lands turn into formidable forts during this period..

“Then you should stay here and keep helping us!” he glared at me, and I knew I had to help.

I didn’t have much to do anyway. The necromancers’ world would need more time to mature. As for Lily, she was handling the training process at the second Earth and leading the reconstruction there.

Isac was handling the construction here. She might need more hands later on, but for now she could do with whatever she got.

I had nothing else to do but to either train or help my forces here. Out of the two, helping my forces was the top priority.

“Ok, I’ll stay here and help,” I resigned to his demands, “also Sara and the spearhead will act as supporting armies.”

“They will create a vacant space, you don’t expect us to fill their places, right?”

“I’ll let my boy handle it,” I pointed at Lucias who stood next to me as I asked him to come, “his forces will fill the gap.”

“Are you sure?” he knew how fierce Lucias and his soulers were. But what he was referring to was the fact that he was already fighting at the frontline.

“He will have more forces as well,” I said, without explaining much. I knew he mistook my intention as to add more Hectors to my Lucias’ forces.

But what I intended was to add the newly acquired warriors to his forces. I got a million fresh warriors, enough to support a frontline on their own.

“Do as you see fit, after all this is your kingdom,” he shrugged before leaving while saying, “I’ll ask for a long vacation after this war is over.”

“The golden quest comes next, do you want to take a rest and not join me?”

He paused for a long moment, while his body trembled a couple times. He didn’t say anything else while moving down the stairs.

I knew he got shaken from the inside. The golden quest was his way to meet the man he was looking for.

He tried to run as hard as he could away from this meeting. I just hoped things would turn out fine for him in the end.

“Are we going to cover up the space of two armies?” from the side, Lucias asked when the jumper went down.

“I have one million warriors for you to handle,” I turned to Lucias before adding, “and I’ll add more Hectors to serve you as well.”

“Can we eat their souls in the end?”

This dude… He was very hungry towards any soul! Or did he like the taste of the Hector souls or what?

“Don’t touch any soul serving me,” I said in a serious tone, “just select two of your five elites, each will lead an army. One will lead the army of warriors, and the other will lead the army of Hectors.”

“Ok, lord,” he bowed, moved away in his usual orange fog, before vanishing off my sight using his superb speed.

I like him. He was very professional and loyal. Of course that was thanks to all the souls he got from me.

I’d ask for more generals later on. I just had to gather more soulers first before asking for a general and a bunch of elites to lead them.

I didn’t know if the elites were good enough, but I was sure they wouldn’t be as good as Lucias. They would handle the frontline well, I hoped, while I and the other two would help from the side.

“Time to go to the next army then,” as I finished helping the jumper, I left while that jerk started to lead his forces forward. He wanted to control as much land as he could while the Hectors were on the run.

I let him do whatever he wanted, and went towards the next army. It was Angelica’s.

She wasn’t as fierce as Sara, or cunning like the jumper. She was simply fighting the Hectors head on while using the normal war tactics.

She arranged her army in three parts, left wing, right wing, and middle. The fight was brutal on all fronts, while each side was grinding his enemies without any mercy.

But thanks to the difference in stats, her side was getting pressured and gained more losses. “If she kept doing this, her army would get ruined!” I sighed while starting out my technique.

This time, it took roughly eight hours to control Hector. Even when they started to run away, I kept chasing and controlling them until I was met with another army which I worked on.

After getting finished from two more armies this way, I led all the Hectors I gained back. I took control over a couple million Hectors, and asked them to send it to their people as usual.

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