I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

714 [Bonus chapter] The Jumper Evolves

The most admirable thing was her ability to take over her entire army and infect it with her personality and aura. They all looked the same in my eyes, almost seeing her shadow behind each one of them.

That was a remarkable talent in leadership in my opinion. She would perform better if she got a supporting army nearby, helping in covering up her shortcomings like this situation here.

And this time, she got me as her supporting army.

I started with creating my technique then I started to control as much of Hectors as I could.

This time I wasn’t pressured like the last time I fought Hectors with the same technique. Even if Sara’s army was surrounded, she was doing great.

It wasn’t like the situation of the four armies from before.

[Sorry about that] just in the middle of the process, and when I controlled enough army to start impacting this fight, [I know I shouldn’t have let myself get surrounded like this].

[No problem. You are a fierce fighter, and I have the right battlefield for you to shine]

I knew she was blaming herself for such a mistake. But I was also aware she wouldn’t learn her lessons.

This was her nature, and no one could fight against his nature.

As her lord, I was obliged to find a way to solve this weakness of hers. And I got the right role for her to play.

[We are going to change the order of the fighting armies here. I’m going to visit each battlefield first, help to add more fresh forces to you before doing the change] I sent this to all the generals fighting here before adding:

[Spearhead and Sara will break free from the frontline. Both will work as a single army, with Sara acting as the tip of the spear and spearhead acts as her shield]

This was the arrangement I had in mind for her. She was fierce, but she needed a supporting army for her to show her real abilities.

Such a role best suited the spearhead. His ability played a great role in supporting any army, weakening their enemies, and turning the tide of any fight for our favour.

I could use Sara as the frontline vanguard. When she would get surrounded like this, the spearhead army would come in picture to help.

[But we lack enough armies to hold the frontline!] Hilary asked in worry.

[I said I’ll come first to add more forces to each army, right?] She missed this point and my ability to turn any Hector army into ours.

Just like here, I managed alone to shift the tide of this battle towards Sara’s favour in five hours.

I managed to control lots of Hectors, turning them against their friends and allies. In the end, the remaining Hector army had to hastily retreat, while Sara’s army tripled in size by this point.

“Thanks for the timely help,” as she came on board my chariot, she said in honest gratitude.

“You are a fierce fighter who discards any sense of tactic or defence,” I said while stating her strong and weak points together, “so it’s better for you to act as a supporting army from now on. You will roam the entire battlefield, helping others to relieve any pressure over them.”

“I… See…” she seemed a bit disappointed when she heard that. She was a fierce tigress, who craved battle on the frontline.

But she had to adapt to her weakness as well. Besides I didn’t remove her totally from the frontline. She would keep fighting, but not her own battles.

“The spearhead will help you in twelve hours. Just stay here and hold this place for the time being.”


She returned back to her army before I gave the order for the Hectors to follow her orders. I didn’t forget to follow Lily’s example and asked them to bring their families and friends here if they wanted.

Like this, I’d not end up getting hundreds of thousands of Hectors, but millions each time. I just left tons of signed contracts with Sara to give to anyone coming from the Hector lands.

Then I turned my chariot and went towards the nearby battlefield. It was led by the jumper. And this dude was acting more cautious and cunning than Sara.

He led his army smart this time, not falling in any enemy trap. Even if he lacked enough numbers to crush the enemy, he didn’t let his boys die before taking lots of the enemy in return.

When I arrived there, I saw him retreating with his forces, creating a gap while luring part of the big army of his enemies to chase after them.

Then he gave the order to attack, letting his boys kill a good deal of the enemy with the least losses.

“He is evolving,” I said with a big smile on my face when I saw such a nice tactic.

[Are you going to stand there and do nothing? Won’t you do your thing and add more force to me?] As I stood there watching for ten minutes, he finally couldn’t control himself and asked.

[Ok] I wasn’t doing this on purpose, I just wanted to see how much he progressed since his last failures.

I started my technique and controlled many Hectors. It took me less time than Sara’s to route the enemy.

This was thanks to the difference in the overall situation between the two armies. Sara was surrounded and already in a dire situation. But the jumper’s were just fighting normally.

So I just asked the ones I controlled to move to one side before joining the jumper’s army. Like this I didn’t need to let them fight early on to relieve the pressure over the jumper’s army.

I was done in three hours, forcing the enemy to retreat.

“You really are pushing us over our limits this time,” as the battle was over, he finally came on board with the ugly mask of his.

“We have no options but to do that, right?” I rolled my eyes, “you do know we lack armies and generals.”

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