I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

686 The Final Battle Starts

Just as the battle kept grinding at both sides for hours, these two never stopped complaining and whining.

I knew they were pressured, but they got to have more faith in me. Even after all this time, the enemy didn’t start moving out yet.

I was back holding their back, and that wasn’t just a simple task. I didn’t bother letting them know about this. In time, they’d see with their own eyes.

For a long time, I felt puzzled towards the delay in enemy movements until I realised something.

The enemy had many continents and forces here on Earth, but those near us were far away. So even if they sent such a big coalition army and kept supporting it from the big number of portals in the cities and towns nearby, they still didn’t manage to bring the army needed to crush that bridge.

Also I got the feeling that they would wait until the four generals of mine would be close to the bridge before attacking.

Doing so would deal a strong blow to the remaining forces morale, letting the last struggle of my boys greatly weakened.

I read through their intentions. And that had only one explanation; they weren’t ready!.

They couldn’t amass enough forces to crush mine yet. So they had to use such a tactic to make sure they’d secure their lands.

Knowing all this made me calmer. I was pressured to such an extent, and they were also facing the same problem.

So I didn’t hurry to move out there yet. I had to amass as much force as I could.

Once the Hectors would start their attack, I’d jump over and leave this battle for another leader.

[Have you arrived?] As I decided whom to lead my forces here, I had to make sure his replacement arrived at the capital first.

[Just half an hour away]

[Good. you will handle the fight at the capitol on your own]

I then opened a chat with one of the dragon girls around the capital, asking her to find Lucias and deliver the new assignment over to him.

He would leave his army behind for Isac to order and would travel to me. At the right moment, he would take over the army here and I’d be freed to face the Hectors.

And according to the situation at the capital, I’d decide if I’d use the help of Isac and her army or not.

Gradually the plan became more coherent. The advantage I was getting now made me more comfortable towards the end of this big war.

I knew the four armies at the Hector continent were getting wiped out. But I was preparing more armies for them.

After this war would be over, Hectors would emerge as the biggest losers. They wouldn’t only lose lots of forces, most of their continent near my capital; they would also lose more at the northern epic tri-races battle.

They tried to put down a fire at one home to end up losing the entire town! Their leaders acted a bit arrogant this time, much more foolish than brave in my opinion.

I didn’t know what happened to them. Did they think I got deeply wounded and looked like a tasty meal to them or what?

Did they grow greedy? Thought they could use the help of their strong northern armies to smash my kingdom?

Well, I didn’t know what went loose in their heads, but they screwed up big this time.

Even comparing the losses of that bastard enemy of mine with them, they lost even more than him.

I kept turning their elites against themselves. After the passage of four more hours, things started to show an expected development.

“Lucias… I’ll leave this place over to you,” when I got the reports describing a huge aquatic army appearing all of sudden around the bridge zone, I turned to my souler general and said.

“Don’t worry lord, I can handle things here,” he slowly bowed his head. He arrived a couple of hours ago and didn’t take part in any fight.

He just stood by my side, watching in silence and respect as I kept taking control over tons of enemy forces.

All the elites I controlled were moving in circles, avoiding going near the bloody frontline or showing any signs to expose themselves.

The frontal battle kept grinding more lives during the past hours. My side lost a lot as for the enemy. However they lacked constant reinforcements, not like how enemies kept replenishing their losses all the time.

I could just have ordered my newly gained forces to turn their blades and kill those around them. But I had to wait for the right moment.

And this moment was here.

[Listen up, gather around my chariot first. You will follow the order of Lucias, the general with orange fire and fog. He will lead you from now on]

I sent this order to all the newly acquired races. It was time for them to gather up and join forces with my big army.

My chariot stood in the air for half an hour before a grand army of mixed races was formed down below.

“They are all yours now,” as they gathered in enough numbers, I handed things over to him while taking out my stuff.

I recalled back my fallen gods and chariot, and left things here over to him while jumping through the opened portal.

I decided to buy Lucias a nice chariot as my other generals. Such a fierce souler shouldn’t get buried under dust inside my inventory.

He should lead his army and keep killing enemies everywhere. Battlefield was his home, and I intended to let him live freely there.

Once I passed through the portal, I appeared on a point at the eastern shore of my capital.

Sounds of brutal fighting were echoing from every corner of this world. From the mainland, the brutal fights between Isac’s forces and the enemies were causing big noise.

But the loudest came from the nearby ocean. The incoming aquatic big army started the fight, clashing against the aquatic forts and races belonging to me there.

Alongside this, the defensive forces stationed at both sides of the bridge joined. In addition to the elite forces prepared by Lucias, this zone turned into a real piece of bloody hell.

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