I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

685 The Two Jerks Are Mad!

They nodded, turned to stand at the edge of my chariot, before sending off their deadly attacks.

I didn’t need to crush this army or force it to retreat. I just wanted to slow it down.

And the best way to do it was by creating chaos at any place I could. So instead of focusing everything on a single point, I had to randomly hit anyplace I could reach.

The first to do it were my fallen gods. Their attacks created a great disturbance at the enemies far from me.

Then my technique popped up in the picture.

The threads moved out and started to infect many races down below.

Unlike monsters, these races showed a resistance I forgot for a long time against my threads.

I knew that the longer it took to control someone, the stronger he would be. So when my threads needed a couple of minutes to control the first batch of enemies here, I got how strong they were..

They were elites! An entire army of elites! Damn!

Once I knew that, I seriously considered changing up my plans. Seeing such a huge pool of talents and elites made me drool over having them.

But I didn’t keep such thoughts in mind for more than a few seconds. I had a bigger goal to achieve here. And these elites wouldn’t go anywhere in the end.

As I controlled the first batch, more threads came out from their bodies to infect more of those nearby. I didn’t wait for more than five minutes here, forcing those who became under my control to sign the contracts, before moving out.

I gave them a simple order; kill! They turned around and started a spree of killing that caused little trouble at this zone.

If it was just this zone, then this wouldn’t matter. But as I progressed to the direction of the shore, I kept using my technique and repeated such mess in other places.

Besides, my boys were attacking all the time, creating a situation for my technique to give better results.

As they kept attacking, I started to arrive at zones void of many forces. I only hunted those standing on the edge of such emptiness, looking puzzled and terrified.

Like this, the more I progressed forward, the more forces I gained, and the bigger the fight became. At the same time, my army was marching forward towards the shore at a high pace.

But the rear of my army got entangled already with enemy forces that I didn’t target.

I saw the big bellows of dust clouds rising up from the rear and could only accept such a result. I started just from the midzone of my army, and went towards the shore at such a slow and steady pace.

So it was expected for the rear to get hit and might also get exterminated. The strongest forces of mine were already at the forefront, leading this march.

Even if the rear was entirely lost, I wouldn’t feel sad about it.

But after fifteen minutes, and with everything I was doing, the enemy drew closer from my army and was just this close from clashing with them.

“Move slowly towards the south, keep the distance between you and the enemy fixed!” I got out my horn and gave such an order.

There were around twenty miles left from the shores from the main bulk of my army. The vanguard units arrived already and were waiting for the rest of the army to arrive.

If I waited for any longer, then the enemy would clash against the last half of my army. So I thought about moving towards the south, maintaining the gap fixed between the two sides.

From one way, this would keep my armies intact and safe. From another, my real aim was to be closer to the bridge at my capital.

So moving in such a direction wasn’t bad after all.

With such a simple move, my army was left untouched no matter how hard the enemy tried. And in the meantime, I bought myself enough time to amass more forces under my control, and create more chaos.

At a point, I stopped moving forward and started to roam around in a certain zone. My forces already reached the shores and were gathering up.

There were less than five miles left. And this was enough to hold my army here. So I didn’t press forward, and kept pressuring the enemies around the rest of my army.

As for my forces at the shores, they already started fighting their enemies.

It took roughly an hour for us to cross a distance that was supposed to be crossed in half. I lost almost one fifth of my army until the army gathered up at the eastern shores.

“Attack!” and by this, it was time for payback.

I didn’t wait for my chariot to arrive at my army to give such an order. And once given, my forces sprung out and started killing in a bloody fight.

The strongest were my soulers and dragons. Aside from my fallen gods, they killed the most without much resistance.

“I’ll take a different route,” as my boys were leading the army forward, I selected to not join them and just go towards the enemy directly from a different route.

The enemy was gathering up just in the same way my army did. And unlike what anyone would expect, I moved towards the opposite direction of my army.

I had to form another army to help mine when the time would be right.

So I started controlling and forcing forces down at the ground to follow me using my technique and contracts. Then I gave them a simple order

[Stay hidden, don’t expose yourselves, and don’t go near the frontline]

From this moment on, the stealth operation of forming another army started.

[F*ck you Hye! You said five hours and even after eight you never showed up!]

[We are losing a lot! We are retreating far behind! We are going to be killed in the end! Screw you human! I should have known from the start that you aren’t that trustworthy!]

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