I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

671 Checking Over The Entire War

It was really a weird coincidence, one that made things here much easier for me.

[0)ᴠʟ During which, I had lesser tasks to do. I didn’t need to dig deeply into Earth. Just moving around my arms to draw was enough to dig deeply as well.

So I got time at last to check over the general situation of the war.

The worst indeed was the two vanguard armies. To be honest, and from what I received from these two, it would be wrong to call them armies anymore.

Both lost, lost it big this time to the degree that they dropped their arrogance and ego, joined hands together to survive.

Despite this was a clear indication on how things were ugly at their end, it didn’t prevent me from laughing at them. These two… At last they faced a situation where they’d lower their heads and do the logical thing any normal person would do!

However they managed to buy themselves time until the reinforcements I brought over arrived..

According to what the two showered me with in their messages, and avoiding the curses they used a lot in such a rude way, they seemed to get trapped in between a tight encirclement from all sides.

This came as a result of the mistake they both committed. Once they came on the land, they didn’t wait and started to run deeply like happy naïve kids.

When they released the bitter reality they were in, they were already too deep inside the enemy territory.

That caused both to lose too much early on. I understood now why that jerk came running back crying and wailing when just one hour passed!

The one to admit such mistake was none of them of course, but Angelica when she arrived there. The first comment she sent was that these two weren’t anywhere close to the shores!

They were tens of miles deep into the enemy lands, surrounded with hundreds of thousands and even millions of enemies from all sides.

I got what happened without the need to ask. As for Angelica, she did brilliantly.

I sent Lily to her with a few instructions and a general touch of the plan they two would execute.

I asked Angelica to gather up any aquatic race. No matter what, anyone who could swim would come. Then they would come here, move directly towards the ocean, and start crossing it.

The plan was simple. We wouldn’t repeat the same mistake that jerk did before when he sacrificed half of his forces. I asked Angelica to form a bridge, connecting my kingdom with the Hector’s.

Then the forces would cross in one whole bulk. As for defending such an operation, I had to ask the help of Lily.

I didn’t ask her because she was Hector. I did it because of an idea I got when I thought about her training method.

I asked her to go, select all the ships she could get, load them with force, and move them to the side of the bridge.

They would get dragged by the aquatic races, while the forces on these ships would work as a deterrent defensive force against any hostile forces.

Like this, I solved most of the problems, only lacking on; the aerial forces.

And that was solved simply by the weapons I bought before. So two thirds of the forces on the ships would be for ground fights, and the remaining third would be holding those short bows.

Angelica didn’t just lead her army out, she led mine in addition to all the aquatic races. She also seemed to recruit more races from the other world, as I spotted many different shaped ground races running out from these portals.

She went all out! And that was the last order I gave to Lily.

I told her to ask Angelica to go all out, never stop at anything, and use whatever she could find to secure victory for me.

And the price? I promised her the site of cosmetics she and Hilary fought over before.

I knew I might get myself killed by doing this, but I had no other choice. This fight was one that I had no intention of losing! And above all, I would never lose any of my generals, not the jumper, not fall for this damn bastard’s schemes.

Having such a rich reward at the end of this task, she really heard my words and started to go all out.

I even doubted that she moved every single living soul from the second Earth to here! She was crazy about that relic site to do such a thing!

With the messages I read from all of the four at the Hector continent right now, I knew things got stabilised over there.

The grand enemy army was routed back deeply inside the continent with big losses. As for the four generals there, they divided the huge army among themselves, and were now pushing hard against the enemies.

I didn’t interfere or give any advice or order to them. I trusted they were capable of expanding the lands without falling into the mistake of thinning their forces to a dangerous degree.

As for the other battlefields, the two frontlines already finished their battles and started to move inwards.

At first, the two girls’ messages aren’t any different from others. However with the slow descent of such calamity over their heads, they started to feel little hope.

They and others knew that such a thing wouldn’t be stopped by anyone except by me. They asked me about what I was doing, before they gave me the news of moving towards the spearhead and Isac’s armies.

The battles there were really intense! With the joining of Hectors, things started to look quite ugly for the two generals at the midzone.

However during the past half an hour, they sent me messages alongside the spearhead, expressing their disbelief from what Hectors were doing.

They were running away! Turning around and ran as fast as they could to reach the shores and return home again.

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