I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

670 She Is Mad!

“Thanks,” I knew it might take a couple hours at least to reach my capital.

I started to work over drawing using my blood, thinking about nothing else but the pyramid with a shining top.

It was a simple drawing, a triangle with rays coming out from its top. It was an easy symbol when drawn using my blood.

If I had to draw it using colours and on paper, I had to think about the perfect shape and the colours to be used. However I just had to draw a flat triangle and nothing more.

However I got the feeling that the bigger the pyramid was, the better the results would be! The only drawback here was that using my blood was going to make me weak.

So I had to circulate my spiritual energy all the time, to start healing and replenishing my lost blood.

Even if I got weaker from this, I’d use sheer force and will to keep me standing tall till the last moment of this brutal war.

I controlled my technique and released a few arms. If I was going to work, I had to go all out then. Instead of using a single arm to do it, I started up with a dozen!.

I used my glaive to injure myself, before starting to take blood directly off my right arm and used it to draw.

At the same time, many arms were digging, drawing the symbol in a big way.

Doing all this, with the constant replenishing of energy using my bones made me totally focused on this task. I got zero attention left to care about anything else.

I had to do all these tasks and at the same time, do my best to slow down the descending continent.

I needed two hours to reach my capital, and much more to get this drawing done. I didn’t know what else I had to do, so I had to buy myself enough time.

So I lost track of what was going on everywhere! I knew that the jumper was facing imminent death right now, but he had to do whatever it took to survive.

I only needed a couple more hours, nothing more! And once there, I’d do something about his predicament.

I lost track of time, only doing my best to control all this.

[You arrived!] just in the middle of all this, I heard the voice of Sith loud in my head like a bomb just exploded.

I got jolted awake, this close from losing control over all this. “Sigh! It would have been nicer to speak in a lower tone.”

[You won’t have been able to come back to your senses if I did that]

“Ok… Oh, you are here!”

[0)ᴠʟ Just as I looked around, to check where I was and what was the situation of the war at my capital, I spotted a face looking at me in anger.

It was covered with fine scales, and her eyes were glaring at me.

“You finally noticed me! I’ve been running and shouting at you for almost an hour or so!”

It was Lily! She was riding over her chariot, coming from far in such great speed. As I looked at her, I recalled what I did before starting all this.

I sent it to her, wanting her to do something for me.

“Great! I want you to do something for me now!” I said, but her face scales didn’t show any signs of chilling out. They looked bright red, just like they were on fire or something.

“Aren’t you going to apologise? Explain yourself?”

“No time for that!” I got that she was mad, but really this wasn’t the time for any of that. “Just go in there, tell Angelica this…”

I started to tell her what I wanted before opening a portal for her to reach my second Earth.

“Got it,” she paused for a moment at the edge of the portal, looked around, at this brutal fighting everywhere, and the big and deadly continent falling on top of our heads before sighing.

“I never thought that by joining you I’d come to see such scenes or feel such despair. It’s either you are destined for something huge, or you are just unlucky and will die soon with all of us going down with you.”

I blinked while watching her vanish through the portal. I didn’t close it, left it there and even started opening lots of portals next.

I had to prepare the stage for the arrival of the armies from the other world.

They should come fast, move faster to do the task I handed it over to them. As for the process of drawing the symbol over my capital and finalising the one over that continent, I started doing it.

[Great! You finished that one over the continent. Now focus on finishing the one on the capital] the voice of Sith came thundering in my ears, jolting me awake for the second time.

I didn’t know how long I took, but I was sure I spent a lot of time. Once I opened my eyes, all I saw were my portals that I opened before returning to work, and tons of human forces and other races gushing out from these portals.

I didn’t see Lily or Angelica, meaning that they both were still on the other side, or they came and then went towards the horizon.

Anyway, the two had a task to do, a very important one. And I had to do mine as well.

I looked down at my capital. Thanks to the shield, not a single rock fell over it. All the rocks were stopped and that protected my capital.

As for the attacks coming from everywhere, they were also stopped by my forces and my capital defences.

My capital stood tall and mighty, just like myself. I didn’t even hesitate and continued my drawing over it.

Weirdly enough, the last edits Hilary introduced over the general layout of the capital turned it into a colossal pyramid. All I had to do was to just follow the lines and coast, lining up my capital borders without any need to think much about it.

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