I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

623 The Crown Meeting

That battle was really huge! Ten million? I’d bet the number of dead there would be in the tens of millions.

However… The distance between my capital and these plains was simply immense! I’d use the kingdom heart at my capital. Would it reach that place?

If it did, then I’d use the fountain there. And that wasn’t the sole problem.

That fountain must be secured and watched all the time by lots of my forces. If any hostile force attacked it, it would shatter and I’d lose time and resources.

I thought about using it at my capital or near it. However, that big number of dead conditions was the only obstacle I had.

Even if the kingdom’s heart range reached the central plains, it would place a great pressure over my forces right now to secure it.

Besides… I had low confidence in my ability to control these plains in the next quest.

Wryly was busy fighting up north with all his forces. Fang could help, but that bastard would ask for lots of benefits in return.

Since day one I met him, and he was such an informative person. Lily also gave me the same impression. It seemed all Selvators were knowledgeable and knew lots of info and secrets about the universe..

So if I wanted to get it all for myself, I had to depend solely on my forces. And putting in picture the threat coming from Hectors at East, and that son of b*tch eyeing my kingdom from west, I had no ability to do such a thing for now.

My only hope would be for the upcoming battle to have tens of millions of dead in it. It might reach such a scale if monsters were added. But the stretch of such battle might encompass most of the kingdom ‘s territory.

I needed such a big fight to happen at a certain spot.

Sigh! I was already having trouble dealing with this big fight. And now I had to not aim to scatter my enemies around, but try my best to group them together.

Was I working against myself right now or what? Wasn’t this supposed to be the sole focus of my enemies?

[I got good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?]

[Give me both, I don’t care]

I knew there would be good news. They would accept my offer without doubt.

However I didn’t expect bad news. Not so soon at least.

[The good news is that all the three agreed on your offer]

That was expected indeed. [So what is the bad news?]

[Others learnt about your offer]


[The three sovereigns asked for monopoly of your bones. Not only the red ones, but all the bones you can provide]

[All the bones?]

[Even for my impact. They want to be the sole customers of your bones in the entire universe]

That… Was pretty unexpected! So my bones held such immense value for the three to go for such lengths?

Without the need to hear the rest of his words, I guessed what happened.

[Other sovereigns protested. They asked for a fair chance to compete over your bones. The two fights are now amassing their powers, and a calling for a grand crown meeting of our race is being issued]

[Crown meeting? What does this mean?]

[All the big names of our race will gather up. A decision will be made, and that’s the bad news]

[What do you mean?] I still wasn’t aware of the bad results such a meeting would bring to me.

[In that meeting, new offers can be enforced over everyone to give to you]

[Enforced? How?]

I agreed and was ready to exchange bones for the things I received in these offers. I even started drawing many of my future plans based on them.

[The meeting can force the three sovereigns to change the terms, either lower or increase the terms of the offer]

[Aha, I see…] I controlled myself from exploding in his face. [Then you should tell anyone asking about my answer, I didn’t yet agree and won’t agree to any offer that’s lower than the ones I received]


[I’m the owner of the bones] I tried to select my words carefully. I didn’t want to start building friendship with such a mighty race, and ended up being an enemy with them, [And I got the right to decide to whom I’ll sell these bones to. I agreed on the offers provided by the three sovereigns. Anyone wants to give another offer of such worth, then I’ll consider it and can accept it. Just like I told you before, my bones might not be available for now, but will be in the future]

[But… The three wants monopoly over your bones]

[That’s another offer and deal to talk about] I had to put a clear line between the two deals here. Mixing them like that would either end up with me gaining tons of profits, or having nothing in the end.

[You mean…]

[I only agreed upon the three offers I received. As for any other offers, I didn’t receive any to decide. And if the three offers got changed to be on bad terms, then don’t expect me to agree on any]

[Understood] he got my point and knew what I wanted to say here. [But I doubt the initial offers will be changed. The only debate right now is about the monopoly offer]

[This a deal, and that’s a totally different one]

[Got it!] he paused for a second, making me think he went to see the ruckus at his place, [But… This meeting will happen in one day time from now]

[No problem]

[The decision might take another day to come out]

[I can wait]

Did he think I was dying to complete this deal right now? I wasn’t his sovereign! They were the ones who must be dying to complete this deal now more than later.

[By the way… Can we conclude this deal before the meeting?]

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