I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

622 What's So Special About My Bones?

[Great. Speak with the three sovereigns, tell them I want to accept the three offers]

[This… But… You only have one bone! They… I don’t think…]

I could feel his panic even from my faraway place! [Dude, chill it out first. There is nothing to worry about here. I didn’t mean I want to exchange my bone for the three, I meant I want to exchange one bone each with them for their offers]

[You… You have… No way! This… Are you sure?!!!]

Instead of getting panicked or ruining the deal, he panicked out of his shock. This dude… He still didn’t know me quite well.

[Just ask them and let me know. I’m willing to exchange one red bone each with each sovereign in exchange for their generous offers]

[Damn Hye! You… Are you really a human? Are you a reincarnation of a mighty being?]

[Hahaha, no, not at all. I’m just a human who got lucky]

[I doubt it! Luck can’t do all these miracles for you!].

[Just go and ask them… Ah, I also want to get a clear answer about something. The offers stated that they will exchange my bones for their items. But they didn’t state the exact numbers for each exchange]

[Because they don’t know the value of your higher grade bones] he paused for a long minute, [You do know that the highest grade bone we have is the blue ones you provided for us]

[No problem. I just sent you nine bones, three for each sovereign] I didn’t hesitate to select silver, gold, and dark gold graded bones for them to assess.

[These… Damn! Your bones are fierce!]

[They are the ones I’m willing to use in these deals] I laughed over his reaction, [Of course I can’t provide lots of amounts from these. They aren’t as weak or low graded like other bones you saw before]

[I understand]

[Let them assess each bone and give me a detailed list of exchange for each item they offered. I’ll use this list as the base for out future trades]

[I will send these to them and get back to you. But… You do have more of these red bones, right?]

[Dude, they are very precious and extremely rare!]

[It’s just… If the news spread, others would get the wrong idea and might come asking for a deal as well]

[They have none to blame but themselves] I shrugged, [If they were sincere, they should have offered something precious like these three]

[What if… They made such big offers then?]

[Well, I can’t say no to a big profit, right?] I sent such a good response to make him excited before adding, [However… I don’t have any more right now. They will have to wait for quite some time, until I find such redbones again]

[So… You can get more?]

[In time and big battles? Indeed!]

[That… I will deliver such news as well to the three sovereigns]

[What for?]

[They might ask for red bone monopoly]


[It’s normal, who would let his rivals get the same good stuff he has?]

His words made quite sense indeed. Damn! Such a deal that I started with only having the kingdom heart in mind turned this big.

But I had nothing to regret here. I still had a few left of the red bones. I wasn’t out of stock yet. But it was always great to make my customers feel how hard and rare my goods were.

I closed the chat with him with a big smile over my face. What I got from him, from his race, was something I didn’t even imagine.

Getting the approval of the three wouldn’t be a big issue. They were offering what they had for me to take. It was all upon me to provide three bones to them.

But it seemed many eyes were looking closely and watching this deal talk at his race. Would others make a move? Give more generous offers?

Another thing I started to consider while sitting inside the big and empty mansion. What was the real benefit and value of my bones?

I heard the explanation provided by the nymph lady. But she lied and kept things hidden from me about the real value of my bones.

So why would she tell me everything about the real uses of my bones? In fact I even started to doubt the things she said before.

Using the bones to get a similar shape and abilities of the dead race they belonged to? High grade source of energy? And other uses? They looked enticing and great, but something told me these were just the tip of the iceberg.

Even such mighty figures of a mighty race were craving for my bones. I took a red bone out and started to closely examine it.

What was so special about you, my love? Wouldn’t you speak and tell me about your secrets?

Thinking about going to Silverlining and asking him for answers wouldn’t give me anything in return. In fact, he might be dealing with me in such fairness as he thought I knew all the benefits and real value of my bones.

If he sniffed that I didn’t know any of that, a different treatment might be the result of it.

No, it was risky, I shouldn’t even think about doing it.

As for the rich things I’d get, I started to consider how to use them. I wouldn’t delay in using the den of heroes here. As for the necromancers’ world, it would be used on my Earth once I got it.

The problem lies at the fountain of life. I had many brutal fights inside my territory. However I didn’t count the number of deaths at any battle.

Besides, I had to wait until I’d use the kingdom heart before thinking about using this fountain.

I could use it, but if the conditions weren’t met, I’d end up losing all the energy I paid for this time.

Would I lose such a big number for nothing? Would I use it at my capital? Or at the big battle that occurred at the central plains?

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