I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 660 659. Existential Doubts

“Stillborn? Can you elaborate on that, Lady Sophia? Was there anything else that you noticed during my birth? Physical, magical, spiritual, or anything out of the ordinary, or something that made you doubt.” Sylvester inquired, as this was the first time he had learned about the stillborn incident. He was certain that not even Xavia was aware of this, or she would have disclosed it during their occasional one-on-one conversations.

Sophia looked at Sylvester with worry. “Your Holiness, is there a matter of great concern? Why pose such questions? You are a Supreme Wizard, the one above all.”

‘Ah, I acted too hastily,’ Sylvester sighed and quickly composed himself.

He smiled and tried to make a story. “Certainly, I am aware that I am truly blessed by the Lord. That’s why I wish to know if any extraordinary events occurred during my birth. Some of the Holy Land’s scribes wish to record it in the annals of history.”

It was a tough pill to swallow. But if he weren’t the Pope and peak powerhouse, she would not have believed him.

“Oh? Will my name be included in this historical record?”

“On the very first page.”

Completely speechless and filled with excitement, Sophia seemed to grow ten years younger upon hearing this news. Her elderly heart raced so fast that Sylvester had to keep a close watch over her.

But she eventually began to recollect and share everything she knew. “That night… It was quite chilly. I could only spare a brief moment to watch over Xavia since several more women were set to give birth that same night. I was in a hurry, but proceeded with caution—it was a difficult childbirth. The umbilical cord was entangled around your neck, and you were suffocating. I had to employ magical healing to free you as swiftly as possible.

“When you were born lifeless, I feared I had arrived too late to save you. However, you showed movement and opened your eyes as soon as I placed you in Xavia’s arms. Since I was in a rush and you were healthy, I departed shortly after and never had the opportunity to discuss the perilous birth with her.”

“Anything else?” Sylvester persisted, manipulating the Solarium in the air around them to create a more soothing atmosphere. “Even the smallest details are significant.”

But Sophia shook her head, murmuring to herself and stroking her chin thoughtfully. “There was… but it was likely just an illusion caused by the dim light of the lantern.”

“What do you mean?”

As if it were nothing, she replied, “When your head emerged, I thought you had brown hair. I quickly wrapped you in a towel after you were fully out and cleaned your face. But at that moment, I realized you actually had blonde hair. Strange how light played tricks on my eyes—I was too tired.”

Eyes frozen, breath so slow that he appeared like a statue. Sylvester’s head flushed with various possibilities. The things only he knew gave Sophia’s little statement significant meaning. He didn’t speak for a few moments until Sophia touched him.

“Your Holiness?”

“Ah, yes… Thank you for these details, Lady Sophia. I will make sure everything is recorded.” He spoke normally and stood up. “I heard your grandson became the new chief. I am delighted to hear that.”

“What happened that night…” Sorrowfully, Sophia remembered the whole ordeal of how she became the new chief. “The entire village had thought we would be severely punished by the holy land. But instead, the Royal Administration sent more aid, and the Church established a permanent monastery here—despite harming you, the people here only flourished due to your grace.”

“Not mine, Solis’.” Sylvester replied and decided to leave. “I will depart now, Lady Sophia. But do attend the dinner at the monastery with your grandson. I’m sure you can move without the pain now.”

She just smiled uncontrollably as the pain was indeed gone. There was still a lack of strength and speed, but that was just the old age.

“I will, Your Holiness.”

“May the Holy Light forever enlighten you.” Sylvester blessed her with a small spark of light from his palm and left the house. He tried to control his thoughts all the way, hoping to digest it all when alone.

“Godfather! I’m hungry!”

Just as Sylvester walked out of the house, Rex shouted and lunged at him, climbing on his back. The boy had grown too comfortable around him. Even King Highland couldn’t be as direct anymore.

But Sylvester, as if he didn’t even feel Rex on his back, took everyone to the monastery. “Let’s go and eat then. We will continue our journey tomorrow morning.”v

Over the next few hours, Sylvester spent time meeting the villagers during the dinner in the monastery. Some came to apologize for what happened years ago, and some sought his blessing for their children, themselves, or their parents.

But when the cold night of the desert arrived, and everyone went to sleep, he went to the monastery’s terrace from where he could oversee the entire village and the distant lands with ease. The sound of the cold air and some insects created a strange, melancholic atmosphere. This was heightened by the questions he had nowhere to seek answers from.

“Maxy, what happened? You’re not talking ever since we met that granny.” Miraj asked, concern in his voice as he hovered in front of Sylvester’s face.

Sylvester grasped Miraj by his chubby belly and spoke solemnly, “Chonky, do you know what reincarnation is?”

“Nation? Is it like a kingdom?” Miraj asked, his chubby paw rubbing his even chubbier face in confusion.

Sylvester nearly chuckled, “It’s the idea of someone passing away and then being born again in another world as a new baby. Sometimes they remember their previous life, and sometimes they don’t.”

Eyes open wide, Miraj jolted. “Then Maxy is a nation?”

Sylvester chose neither to confirm nor deny. He wasn’t afraid of sharing everything with Miraj but was concerned about the little fluffball’s loose tongue. “Maybe… What I do know is that I came into this world for a specific reason, and it certainly isn’t to become the Pope.”

“Of course!” Miraj chirped. “It’s to meet me and get adopted by me.”

‘I’ll take that over everything else that I am speculating.’ Sylvester thought silently as he cuddled Miraj and gazed at the sky, recalling Sophia’s revelations. ‘Was I naturally born in this world, or was I forcefully inserted here by some entity? Did I… replace Xavia’s real son at birth?’

In his mind, it all started to make sense. Genes didn’t lie, and Rathagun had black hair and grey eyes, while Xavia had red hair and blue eyes. His golden eyes and blonde hair made no sense unless external forces were at play.

‘Solis isn’t powerful for something like this, nor is Nehilius. The two Primordial gods are my enemies, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to do it. But then, who brought me into this world?’

Tug! Tug!

“Hmm?” Sylvester looked down to his side as he felt someone tugging at his clergy robes. “Ella?”

The little blonde girl, with her emotionless face, stared up at him, her blue eyes gleaming in the light of the twin moons. “Why so sad?”

‘Sad?’ Sylvester amused at the girl’s ability to sense the surroundings at least. ‘But she should be asleep.’

“I’m not sad, just thinking about a few things,” he replied, changing the subject. “Ella, do you believe in gods?”

The girl, who stood shorter than Sylvester’s waist, nodded softly and folded her arms, resembling a wise elder despite her young age. “You are a god, so I believe in gods.”

Amused, as this was the first time he’d heard someone respond in this manner, Sylvester said, “Me? Why me? Solis is the god.”

Ella mumbled something under her breath and kept her gaze fixed on him, almost tilting her head all the way back. “But… You are the strongest. You help people. You punish the bad people. You maintain peace, and you teach everyone—so you are a god.”

“Haha.” Sylvester laughed and just picked the girl up in his arms since she was just a little ten-year-old kid. Together, both of them gazed at the vast lands around the village while he imparted some words. “Well, I want you to become a God like me then. Let’s go now and test your magical talents in the monastery. It was never tested, am I right?”

She bobbed her head but showed a faint, rare emotion of worry. “What if I am weak?”

‘She’s afraid she’ll be rejected and sent back?’ Sylvester immediately discerned her thoughts through her scent.

He squeezed her a little while holding her in his arms, giving her a reassuring hug. After all, she was now his adopted daughter. “My dear, the realm I am forging won’t rely solely on magical prowess but intellect. And aren’t you already the brightest of the bunch?”

“I can kill people with my brain?” She amusedly asked.


Sylvester almost coughed. “Yes, but you mustn’t—use your superior intellect to help. Invent things that can reshape the world for the better. Enhance modes of travel, devise methods for abundant food production, craft machines for manufacturing goods, concoct chemicals, create gadgets, and even delve into magical incantations, and much more.”

Ella nodded strongly, showing some of her childfulness. But then again, she was probably the most intellectually gifted person, and she was able to connect the dots and predict certain situations that could arise in the future. “But even if we make a world that relies on science, new inventions, and intellect, there will always be magic, and there will always be powerful Grand Wizards and Supreme Wizards.”

“That is right.” He knew where she was going.

“Then… There will always be someone bad with Grand Wizards or Supreme Wizard power who wants to rule the world. How can we stop them from destroying everything good we make?” She asked in her meek, plain, and childish voice.

Sylvester rubbed his chin, nodding in agreement as he began descending the stairs to find an orb to measure her talents. “Well, this is a problem I am still solving. To neutralize all evil Grand Wizards and Supreme Wizards in the future will require a permanent solution. But you must always remember that magic can be used for both evil and good.”

“I will only use it for good, Pope.” she declared firmly, clenching her fist tightly, her only display of emotion.

“And you must never let your heart be corrupted by greed, for it leads to the greater sin. However, I understand the importance of wealth, and rest assured that you’ll never need to worry about it,” Sylvester reassured her since he remembered her asking for money. “If you prove yourself to me, all my wealth will be inherited by you when I am gone.”

“Gone? But you are young.” Ella cast a close gaze at him, nestled securely in his arms. “Why leave?”

“Because nothing lasts forever, Ella—always remember that,” Sylvester replied with a heavy heart. “That’s why you must live each day to the fullest, giving your all to achieve your desires before the end arrives.”

“I’ll give my all,” she chirped.

‘And I will get to the demon realm—to Diana.’

“Excellent! Let’s check your talents now.”


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