I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 659 658. Questionable Existence

Chapter 659 658. Questionable Existence

“And there you see the beautiful and lush agricultural fields of Riveria Kingdom.” Sylvester, sitting in the reinsman seat, drove the carriage he had borrowed from Aurora. With Ella and Rex sitting beside him, the rest of the adults were in the back, with slightly more windows added to the carriage’s frame.

“What’s that?!” Rex exclaimed, pointing his little finger toward a building structure in the middle of the fields.

At that, the little girl Ella replied with a monotone voice. “That is the water tower. Its height helps move the water in the pipes and irrigates the field.”

Sylvester smiled and passed a candy to the girl for her correct answer, which she happily accepted. “That is right.”

Through the many fields of the Riveria, they soon entered the Highland Kingdom from the Fort Sunflower. Too many memories were connected to that place, but he didn’t stop and kept going down south while showing his students the various places he had battled.

He told them the stories of how poor and backward the Highland Kingdom used to be once upon a time, but now before them was so much activity and greenery that it was impossible to believe the history.

There were large, wide canals every now and then that they crossed through the bridges. There were now newer villages as the refugee problem once upon a time had now vanished, as the people settled down. Farmlands sprawled all across, not as lush as Riveria, but much better than the dry desert land the Kingdom once was.

“I heard you were born in this kingdom, Your Holiness?” Asked Emara, the ex-slave woman and mother of three.

“Of course!” Rex proudly proclaimed, being the Crown prince of the kingdom. “Godfather was born on a cold night in a village near the start of the Tame River. The stars were shining brighter that night, and all the oracles fell on their butt in shock.”

‘When did that happen? Did someone cook stories and tell him?’

“I was born in Deserte village. It’s close to the Desert Road, but back then, the road wasn’t much in use due to its poor condition and a surge of bandits. In fact, we are going there right now—what better way to learn about your Pope than to see where he was born.” He revealed the first stop of their destination, a place that excited them all.

They continued on the path through the Desert Road this time. But on the way, Sylvester noticed an old town that was entirely empty and crumbling apart. It was the place where it all began, where he made up his mind to become the Pope.

‘I hope you’re resting well, little Shane—I did become the Pope.’ He muttered while silently moving along the road, deep in thought.

There was some traffic now, a sign of economic activity. Even the Foothill village that had been destroyed due to a Bloodling years ago was now rehabilitated and had turned into a city. Many of the large villages were in the process of turning into a city. But Sylvester had placed importance on ensuring no corners were cut, and cleanliness, sewage, road, and such matters were taken care of during these expansions. It was all to avoid low-quality towns that seemed like unproductive slums.

There were no stops on the entire way ahead anymore, and by the evening, they crossed the bridge over the Tame River and arrived at the Deserte Village, the place of his beginning in this new world.

“And this is Deserte Village,” Sylvester announced as soon as they crossed the large signboard on the side of the road. “I am coming here for the first time since my birth—believe me, this village used to look like a dry, desolate slum with no roads before.”

But now, there were paved roads, the houses looked cleaner, and there seemed to be no mud brick houses with thatched roofs, the likes of which he was born in and lived for a month. But what amazed him was the largest building, a massive Monastery that usually was not built in small villages.

“Woah! Statue of Godfather!” Rex shouted in awe as they came to a stop in front of the monastery.

It was quite beautiful, and a large water fountain was present in front of the entrance, acting as a roundabout. In its middle was a fifty-meter-tall statue of him—but seeing it was from his early days, it was clearly the statue was placed long before he became the Pope.

“Aaaaa! Your Holiness!”

From inside the magnificent, five stories tall monastery, an old man came running, having the mitre of a Cardinal on his head, supporting a long white beard and simple clergy robes. He landed right beside Sylvester’s feet in a kowtow.

“If this lowly servant has made any mistake, I beg you for forgiveness. I… I didn’t mean to eat that child’s apple pie… I didn’t know it was his… Forgive me!”


‘That’s the biggest crime he has ever committed?’ Sylvester amusedly grabbed the old man’s shoulders and made him stand up. ‘Extreme worship—no wonder he serves in this small village despite being a Cardinal.’

“What is your name, Cardinal?”

“I am Lionhart… Edward Lionhart, Your Holiness.” The old man meekly replied, his blue eyes shining with worry, not knowing why the Pope was there all of a sudden without any entourage or notice.

Sylvester smiled and patted the man’s shoulder. “I simply came to show my students where I was born, Cardinal. Do not mind my presence here. Keep working as you would normally do. But please prepare rooms for us to stay in.”

“Ah! Of course, of course.” The old man felt his fleeting soul returning to his body. “I will get the finest rooms prepared, as well as a great fest. I shall inform the village Chief as well.”

“Is it Chief Sophia?” Sylvester inquired as he only came to see her.

The old Cardinal rubbed his chin. “Sophia? No, the Chief is named Roger Fortis, a fine young man with words of god always on his lips. Sophia is his grandmother… she is bedridden now, her bones have deteriorated, and the age has not been kind to her.”

Sylvester sighed, expecting that much. Sophia was just a simple, low-level healer who had less magic and more knowledge of herbs and such. She was the first teacher who taught Xavia healing as well—and she was already old back then.

“Where is her home? I wish to meet her.”

“I will lead you to it myself.” The Cardinal enthusiastically agreed and began walking. “It’s very close to her.”

Solemnly, Sylvester followed the man behind, hearing him talk about all the changes that had occurred in the village and how it was different from the time when Sylvester was born there.

“You will be surprised to know that recently, many pilgrims have begun to come here during the Season of Solis. That is why I had to make the Monastery so big. The people of the village don’t mind it either as they have constructed many guest houses which earn them money. Recently, we have decided to name this a town as well and receive further aid from the Royal Administration.” Cardinal Edward happily explained the little things, all the roads that were named after him, his spear, Xavia, and even Lord Inquisitor and Sir Dolorem.

‘This looks less worship of Solis and more of mine.’ Sylvester realized but decided not to change anything.

“This is it!” They stopped in front of a modest, twin-story house with a garden area around it. It was certainly not for the poor, but again, all houses in the village now looked like that.

Sylvester looked at the sky. The sun had almost set fully. Then he looked behind at his students. “I will be going in alone. Archbishop Noah, Noby, and Emara, take care of Rex and Ella. Cardinal Edward, wait for me here with them.”

“Of course, Your Holiness.”

‘Only she is inside the house.’ Sylvester sensed it through the solarium in the air and walked forward, opening the door without knocking, making sure his feet made enough creaking noise on the wooden floor that she’d know someone was home.


Sylvester followed the voice through the clean and painted loving room and arrived in a bedroom with faint light from a lantern. He didn’t go in abruptly and gently called back her name with a bit of his magic in it, utilizing the air as well as fire to make her feel warm.

“Healer Sophia?” He said and opened the door, remaining standing at the frame.

White-haired, extremely wrinkled in her face, and eyes that had grown to lose their color—the old woman looked at him while seated on the bed and reclined on a few pillows. Her gaze stuck to him, and pupils dilated at the notice of his features—the long blonde hair, the golden eyes that she could never forget in her lifetime.

For no reason, gentle tears slid down the corners of her eyes, and a shivering smile creased on her lips. “Y-Your Holiness… You really came to see me?”

‘She wanted to see me?’ Sylvester had no idea.

“I… I saw you calling my name in my dream just now, and I thought… I thought you had come to guide me.” She muttered and suddenly realized something. “A-Am I deceased?”

Sylvester walked closer to her and dragged a chair to sit beside her bed. He took one of her hands and pressed it between his palms, causing a green hue to cover her arms and then her entire body. He could not de-age her, but he could surely heal all her diseases and injuries so she could be active again.

“You only ever had to write me a letter, and I would have come to see you, Lady Sophia. I have not forgotten the kindness you showed to my mother. If not for you, I would not be in this world.” He said with genuine feelings, making her bawl her eyes out.

In no time, he healed her completely, and she felt it all over her body. The heightened energy, her body not aching anywhere. She knew it was the grace of the Pope.

But Sylvester felt a hint of rush and asked her what troubled his mind. “Lady Sophia, I wanted to see you but also ask you a few questions about my birth.”

“Your birth?” She exclaimed, wiping her tears.

Sylvester didn’t want to raise any suspicions, so he tried to appear calm and collected. “I wondered if there was anything strange about my birth—anything magical that happened or anything out of the ordinary?”

“Magical? I don’t believe there was anything like that.” Sophia’s brows creased as she tried to remember the details. “Initially, I had thought you were stillborn—but I was wrong, and you opened your eyes.”



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