Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 94 Department Head Billy

Red Province City,

Wizard Police Headquarters,

Wizard Mitchell released his vine healing particles into Captain Tyler’s blood stream. When he observes with his mental senses, he finds the bloodstream is filled with purple particles.

In other words, these purple particles were the result of Leon Willy’s mucus magic. It finally begins to corrode the bloodstream.

If it were a normal human, he would have died even with a slight contact of mucus poison magic.

The reason Captain Tyler is able to sustain so far is because of his level 4 Wizard strength. On top of it he is a physique wizard. Both of the combinations provide strong resilience to the foreign threat.

When it comes to other level 4 wizards, it’s impossible to say what would have happened in the end, if they were contaminated with such poison.

Wizard Mitchell’s complexion becomes solemn. A small sweat began to form on his forehead. Because he notices his dark green healing particles were erased when they came into contact with these purple particles in the bloodstream.

“So these purple particles were extremely potent. What to do next?” Wizard Mitchell thought to himself.

He himself depends on dark green healing particles for treating patients. In each of his breakthroughs the green particles will strengthen further.

That’s why he cured most of Level 4 Wizard with different Poison contamination. Also at this time he thought of something. In his career, the poison patients that he had treated so far were contaminated with natural poison.

So his healing magic easily dissolved natural poison. But here this purple poison is the result of forbidden research done by some rogue wizard. Inorder to form antidote, we must find his research papers. In this way we can use his research papers to create some antidote.

But the possibility of that happening is very slight, Wizard Mitchell knitted his eyebrows further realizing that. For now he has saved Captain Tyler’s heart. The spell can protect his heart for next week.

In meantime, we need to come up with solutions.

Wizard Mitchell realizes this crucial point as his healing magic fails against the purple poison.

Three medical assistants beside him stood motionlessly. They were waiting for their head’s order.

Suddenly, Wizard Mitchell retracted his thoughts. He turned towards his assistant and instructed them to monitor Captain Tyler’s situation.

And also warned them to not be careless. Incase of any change in situation, they should call him immediately.

After instructing them, Wizard Mitchell comes out of the clinic room. The door behind him closed automatically.

Seeing the Healing Wizard exiting, Jimmy and Pam stood from their seat and hurried towards Wizard Mitchell.

“Sir Mitchell, Please tell us how he is?” Jimmy asked with a worried face.

Beside him Pam also followed hurriedly. Her expression is also no worse than Jimmy Herman. .

Seeing these little two guys, Wizard Mitchell halted his footsteps for a moment and turned towards them.

Instead of answering their questions, Wizard Mitchell asked back, “Where is your Vice Captain?”

Just as he asked, Wizard Mitchell heard footsteps behind him.

Vice Captain Alan and Ms. Lottie just came back after submitting the reports to their higher ups.

Both of them also saw Wizard Mitchell talking to their team members.

After seeing them, both hurried their pace.

Wizard Mitchell stopped talking to Jimmy and waited for Vice Captain Alan to come forward.

“Sir Mitchell, What happened?” Mr. Alan said.

“Cough” Wizard Mitchell let out a small cough.

Then looking at everyone he said in a solemn tone, “I won’t hide it from you. The situation right now is critical. I had cast a spell to protect his mana core. But the poison had already infiltrated his blood stream.”

After saying that he stopped for a moment, then sighed, “My healing magic wasn’t able to crack the poison. It’s really potent.”

Everyone’s expressions change drastically. Pam is very emotional and she bursts out in tears immediately. Ms. Lottie was also saddened by the result but she had expected it already. “The result is the same as the reports” She said in her heart.

Jimmy stood speechless by the worry. He knows Wizard Mitchell is one of the prominent healers in their country. If he is helpless then what are they going to do?

Vice Captain Alan stood like a stone statue. He doesn’t know how to react? Like you are facing your worst nightmares. There is no solution for it. There is no hint of expression on his face at this moment.

Wizard Mitchell gives them some minutes to digest the news. Because he knows these officials were professional members of their system. So he hoped they would handle it professionally.

Seeing them he couldn’t help but pity. Forget about the mission, it’s already a miracle that they had successfully come back alive.

Vice Captain Alan comes back to his senses, he looks at Wizard Mitchell and asks, “What should we do now?”

Wizard Mitchell thought of something and raised his head and said, “Well, I have some plans. Let us discuss with our Head”

Vice Captain Alan nodded. Not everyone can visit their head. Only wizards with some ranks can see him in person. So Mr. Alan turned towards his team and asked them to wait for a while.

Then both of them head towards their higher up’s cabin.

Ms. Lottie held Pam’s hand and walked with her towards the waiting area. Jimmy Herman sighed and slowly followed behind them.

Ms. Pam finally mustered up her courage seeing her friend and asked, “Lottie, What do you think? Is there any way we can help our Captain.” Pam sounded very helpless.

Ms. Lottie sat in the waiting area with her. Then her eyes set on the clinic room. She can see a medical assistant monitoring the situation carefully.

For a while, she doesn’t know how to answer her friend. But she is clear in heart that she doesn’t want to lie.

She said with a calm tone, “Don’t worry, Our higher ups will find some way to cure our Captain.”

Pam slowly nodded her head.

Jimmy silently sat beside them and listened to their conversation.

This Police Headquarters is under construction nowadays. So far the new 5th floor is constructed and work for the next floor is going on. The higher ups of the department occupied the top floor.

Most of their cabins were found very near to each other.

Wizard Mitchell and Wizard Alan arrived at the 5th floor via lift.

Each respective department has its own head. Each head has the strength of a level 5 Wizard except the healing department. For Healing depart, Wizard Mitchell is the current Head.

It’s impossible to see a level 5 healing wizard in this remote land.

That’s why the position is given to Wizard Mitchell. So Wizard Mitchell decided to discuss with the Investigation Head about Captain Tyler’s treatment.

The investigation department Head’s cabin can be found at the end.

Both of them quickly reach the cabin. Wizard Mitchell decided to come here on a whim, but he doesn’t know whether their Head is present or not.

Vice Captain Alan presses the call button to inform.


Next Second, the door slid open.

Both of them stepped inside and found the Investigation Department Head was sitting behind the desk.

“Oh, Wizard Mitchell. What happened?” Level 5 Metal Element Wizard, Billy Woods asked with surprise.

He also glances at his department official Mr. Alan.

Then he gestures to both of them to take the seat.

The door behind them closed automatically.

Wizard Mitchell nodded and patted Mr. Alan’s shoulder. Both of them moved to sit.

Investigate Department Head, Wizard Billy Woods is a white haired old man with a goat beard. He appears to be 60 years old. But his actual age is 420 years.

He was dressed in black formals with a white coat on top of it. There is a label mentioning his name and department on the left part of his chest.

Seeing both of them sitting, he adjusted numerous files on his desk and straightened his back for the discussion.

“Can you talk now?” Old man Billy asked in a solemn tone.

He had already guessed Wizard Mitchell’s purpose by seeing Alan beside him. But still he wants to hear from Wizard Mitchell’s mouth.

Wizard Mitchell took a glance at Alan and turned towards Wizard Billy and said, “I have checked Captain Tyler’s condition and protected his heart. But his health is deteriorating by the second. ”

Old man Billy touched his small goat board while pondering. Few minutes ago, he had already learnt the entire situation from Alan’s mouth.

Who would have thought that a small routine mission would turn out like this? But he had never expected two pillars from Poison Dagger to appear at the same time.

His team really had met with misfortune.

Old man Billy sighed and commented, “I heard Rogue Leon’s poison has no antidote so far.”

Wizard Mitchell said, “Leon’s poison was curable before but now after his successful research it has become deadly and incurable.”

Old man Billy sighed.

Beside, Vice Captain Alan nervously listens to their conversation. He is just a level 3 Wizard, it’s impossible to interject the conversation between the tyrants.

Vice Captain Alan hoped that their discussion would be fruitful.

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