Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 93 Wizard Mitchell

(From MC Perspective)

Little Mint Town,

Together with the help of his team, Vice Captain Alan killed the rogue wizards who were hiding in the underground. Later, they also caught 5 human thugs and an old level 2 Wizard.

After cleaning up other areas, Vice Captain Alan and the rest of the team members left the hotel with captured rogues.

Vice Captain Alan sighed in relief. Because apart from few restrictions, rune pentagrams they didn’t come across any life threatening danger.

Upon seeing that Vice Captain Alan halted his movements, Ms. Lottie observes that Mr. Alan seems to think something. She turned around and looked for any disturbance in their team.

The only capable person among the captured rogues was an old Wizard. She saw his scared expression, which implies that he posed no threat to them.

Ms. Pam Levine also feels better after helping the team to kill those rogue wizards. Her mental state right now is much better than earlier. Upon perceiving the gaze from her friend Lottie she gently nodded in reply.

At the same time, Vice Captain Alan retracted back his thoughts and then all of them stepped out of the Blue Wing hotel one by one.

“Captain?” Vice Captain Alan hurriedly walked towards him.

Captain Tyler falls asleep due to a powerful heart protection pill. But this pill can only hold on for not more than 2 hours. Before that they need to quickly reach the Headquarters to seek medical attention for him.

Seeing his appearance, Vice Captain Alan turned towards Jimmy Herman. Jimmy Herman simply confirmed the state by simple nodd. There is no need to inquire anymore because before going inside the hotel Vice Captain Alan told them about the Heart Protection Pill.

Ms. Lottie said by looking at their situation, “Vice Captain, Since Captain is injured now you are responsible for the team.””

Vice Captain Alan lifted his palm to stop her. He already knows what to do; he doesn’t need any one’s reminder. Then looking at everyone he simply uttered, “Alright, We will leave now.”

Next second he knocked out the old wizard to put him unconscious. As for 5 human thugs they had already learnt the truth from the spell. It’s wrong to say them as thugs, that are pure human labourers.

Because, Vice Captain Alan was the one who messed up their memories. So he didn’t kill them, instead he simply wiped out some memories, including the battle that happened here.

As for the old man he is the necessary person for interrogation. Though he is skeptical about the old man’s information about Poison Dagger. But at this point of time they can’t return empty.

The state of the backup force is also clueless.

Next second, Mr. Alan supported Captain Tyler back to their air car. While Jimmy Herman brought a fainted old wizard with them. Ms. Pam and Ms. Lottiw quickly followed behind.

The 5 human thugs were already unconscious after a memory erase spell.

Once the thugs wake up they will continue their life as it is. And there is no hint of evidence left behind them.



A blue police hover car rose above the ground slowly and in the next second disappeared into the cloud.

Old man Minzoe watched the hover car fly away from his clinic. He couldn’t help but worry about Captain Tyler. Right now his clinic is full, a large number of people were standing in queue in front of the clinic.

If not he would have hurried to help Captain Tyler. Because before going back, the Vice Captain had already filled him in with details.

Since there is no serious life threat to Captain Tyler, old man Minzoe can calm his mind and treat his community people.

The hover car is wide in size, it has enough space to carry 15 people in normal. So there is no problem for their team to watch over Captain Tyler.

2 hours later,

Vice Captain Alan drove the hover car within necessary time to reach the Headquarters.


Slowly hovering car lands near the platform in front of the Police Headquarters.

The sound of hover cars alerts everyone, as every wizard is waiting for their arrival.

“Alarm” The alarm rang out. Soon the medical team with level-4 Healing Wizard arrives at the spot.

Vice Captain Alan stepped out of the hover car and was followed by others.

The medical staff supported Captain Tyler and they placed his body on the stretcher.

“Wizard Mitchell, Please check the condition of our Captain ” Vice Captain Alan said with a worry as he hurriedly came in front of Healing Wizard Mitchell.

Wizard Mitchell is a brown haired middle aged person. He is 6ft tall in height. And he has tanned skin color. He appears to be young but his actual age is 148 years old.

The Higher ups already informed him about the status of Captain Tyler. Upon noticing Vice Captain Alan he simply nodded.

Then he moved towards the stretcher and placed his palm on Captain Tyler’s heart. A small wisp of energy released from Mr. Mitchell’s palm and entered Captain Tyler’s organ.

Next second, Mr. Mitchell gently controlled the energy and slowly moved it to the mana core area. Right now, the heart protection pill’s power begins to wear off slowly.

Mr. Mitchell is already aware of mana core status. When the wisp reaches the Mana core area, he quickly casts one of his ace spells.

Next Second a dark green color film completely envelops Captain Tyler’s heart.

This green color film is a level 4 protection spell. It’s a powerful spell stronger than a heart protection spell.

Unlike the heart protection pill’s thin layer, this level 4 spell is very dense.

It will last for one week, unlike the heart protection pill.

Seeing the effect of the spell, Mr. Mitchell sighed in relief. Then he orders his staff to immediately transfer him to the emergency room.

It’s just an emergency spell to protect his mana core. The next step is very important, it is to remove poison from his system. Which is going to be very troublesome?

Soon the medical staff brought Captain Tyler towards the emergency clinic room.

Mr. Mitchell then turned towards Captain Tyler’s team members and said, “I heard he was poisoned by Leon Willy.”

Vice Captain Alan solemnly nodded to his words. His heart constricts by thinking about the situation. He heard from Leon Willy’s reports that his mucus poison has no antidote so far.

It’s an extreme mystery to every Healing Wizard in our world.

Mr. Mitchell smiled wryly after confirming Mr. Alan’s words. Next second he said in his heart “Forbidden research!”

A quick glint flashes in his eyes as he thinks about something.

Next second, He follows his medical staff towards the clinic room.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Beside, Vice Captain Alan, others quickly follow behind.

Clinic room,

Inside large transparent glass room,

Captain Tyler is being placed on the treatment bed by the medical staff. Beside them Mr. Mitchell is checking various healing potions in the container. b𝚍no𝚟l.

Jimmy Herman and Ms. Pam was waiting outside the clinic room patiently. Mr. Alan and Ms. Lottie went to submit the reports to the higher ups.

It will be a matter of time before they come to see Captain Tyler’s situation.

Outside the clinic room,

Seeing Mr. Mitchell glanced at various positions in his hands. Ms. Pam turned towards Jimmy and asked with worry, “What do you think? Will Wizard Mitchell can cure Captain Tyler.”

She bit her lips in helplessness. If something happens to Captain Tyler then their team will collapse and then everyone’s life is going to change forever.

She doesn’t want that to happen.

Jimmy Herman sighed listening to her.

In his heart he knows there is a very slim opportunity for Captain Tyler to completely get cured.

Who doesn’t know about Leon Willy?

He only hopes that the healing wizard won’t treat Captain Tyler as a guinea pig. There are possibility some might use this chance to test Leon Willy’s poison.

A slight glint flicker in his eyes as he noticed Mr. Mitchell. Yet upon noticing Ms. Pan he reveals a small smile and said, “Don’t worry, he will be fine.””

Ms. Pam Levine gently nodded and her gaze set on Captain Tyler.

Right now, the medical assistant removed Captain Tyler’s clothes. His sensitive parts were covered with a small towel.

Mr. Mitchell gestures to his assistant to move aside a little. Because, Mr. Mitchell decided to check his spell. He only read some reports about the corrosive effect of the poison magic.

This is the first time he is going to check level 4 Wizard’s poison. Mr. Mitchell’s magic is a mutated vine tree. It has plant attributes healing power.

These healing magic properties of his vine are very effective against some of the deadly poisons of the world. But he doesn’t know how his own magic is going to work against this poison..

Mr. Mitchell released the magic particles into Captain Tyler’s body with some doubt. The tiny little dark green particles quickly entered into the bloodstream.

At the same time, Mr.Mitchell used his mental method to perceive what was happening inside Captain Tyler’s body.

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