God-tier Farm

Chapter 920

Chapter 920: Winery West closes down_1

Translator: 549690339

Liang Qichao was wearing a thin blue Coat, which was quite eye – catching in the crowd. However, Xia ruofei had not looked in his direction just now.

It had only been a few months since they last met, and Liang Qichao had put on a lot of weight again. He was already a little chubby, but now he looked even more bloated.

Xia ruofei smiled and waved at him. Then, he walked over to him with Lin Qiao.

Liang Qichao was standing behind the yellow line. As soon as Xia ruofei crossed the line, Liang Qichao immediately came up and gave Xia ruofei a big hug. He laughed and said,””RUO Fei! Welcome to Australia!”

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said,””Can you not be so enthusiastic? I can’t help but suspect your sexual orientation …”

“I just wanted to curry favor with the boss as soon as possible,” said Liang Qichao with a chuckle. I didn’t expect you to be so ungrateful …”

After saying that, Liang Qichao put on a heartbroken expression.

Seeing Liang Qichao’s antics, Lin Qiao, who was beside Xia ruofei, couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Lin Qiao was very young and beautiful, and her smile had a different kind of charm. Liang Qichao was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses and said,”Ruofei, this beautiful lady must be sister Lin Qiao! She’s indeed a natural beauty!”

Lin Qiao’s invitation to Australia was prepared by Liang Qichao, so he naturally knew about Lin Qiao. However, one couldn’t tell anything from her ID photo. Today was the first time he saw her in person, so he couldn’t help but be amazed.

He couldn’t help but suspect the real relationship between Xia ruofei and Lin Qiao.

After all, Xia ruofei had a “criminal record” of Yingluo meeting Monica in Australia. Although Xia ruofei did not admit it, Liang Qichao knew that there was definitely a story between the two.

This time, Xia ruofei brought such a beautiful and youthful ‘sister’ overseas for a trip. Was their relationship as simple as godblood? Liang Qichao was very suspicious.

Xia ruofei naturally didn’t know what Liang Qichao was thinking. He smiled and introduced,””Qiao’ er, this is Liang Qichao, the person in charge of Paradise Farm in Australia. You can call him brother Liang like I do.”

As for Liang Qichao, Xia ruofei did not need to introduce Lin Qiao to him.

Lin Qiao immediately smiled and called out,”Hi, brother Liang, we’re here to trouble you!”

Liang Qichao’s bones were about to go soft, and he hurriedly said,””No trouble, no trouble! For a beauty like you to visit our farm, it’s simply … An honor!”

“Alright, alright! Don’t use idioms!” Xia ruofei laughed and scolded,”you Rascal, you’re comparing Paradise Farm to Peng Peng. Can’t you consider my feelings as the boss?”

Liang Qichao chuckled and scratched his head, saying,”Boss Xia, I’m not very cultured, you know …”

“Don’t be funny anymore! “Be careful, the people of Yunan and Xichuan will beat your chest with their little fists …” Xia ruofei laughed.”Don’t just stand here, let’s go!”

Liang Qichao immediately took the two suitcases from Xia ruofei and said,””I’ll do it, I’ll do it. How can I let the boss drag the luggage himself?”

Lin Qiao couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw Liang Qichao’s playful expression.

The three of them chatted and laughed as they walked out of the airport. The Mercedes – Benz that Liang Qichao drove was parked by the roadside. Liang Qichao quickly put their luggage into the trunk.

Xia ruofei smiled and said to Lin Qiao,””Qiao’ er, you sit in the co-pilot’s seat! We can enjoy the scenery along the way. ”

Lin Qiao held Xia ruofei’s arm and said,””No, I want to sit with brother ruofei!”

Lin Qiao’s body pressed against Xia ruofei’s without any hesitation. He instantly felt a youthful aura and a faint fragrance. What was worse was that his arm had already touched a round and soft touch.

Xia ruofei’s body stiffened. He took a step out and opened the back door. He smiled and said,””Alright, alright, you can sit anywhere you like! Get in the car!”

Liang Qichao closed the trunk and happened to see what had just happened. His eyes couldn’t help but have a tacit smile.

Lin Qiao let go of Xia ruofei’s arm and got into the car.

After everyone got into the car, Liang Qichao started the car and left Sydney’s Kingford Smith International Airport.

“Ruofei, Lin Qiao, shall we take a walk around Sydney or go back to the farm?” Liang Qichao asked as he drove.

“Let’s go back to the farm!”Xia ruofei said. There were still more than 160 kilometers to go! Anyway, we have more time this time, so we’ll definitely come to Sydney for a tour!”

“Understood! Then we’ll just go home!” Liang Qichao whistled, turned the steering wheel, and drove the car back to Paradise Farm.

The car quickly left Sydney and drove on the highway.

The Hunter Valley was a tourist spot near Sydney, so there were many private cars traveling from Sydney to the Hunter Valley, and the speed was not very fast.

Of course, in all fairness, Australia’s scenery was still very beautiful.

White clouds floated past the blue sky, and the view along the way was very wide. All he could see was a green pasture that stretched as far as the eye could see. If he was lucky, he could even see kangaroos jumping leisurely and stupid koalas.

The exotic scenery along the way was too much for Lin Qiao’s eyes to take in. She was very excited to chat with Xia ruofei along the way. For her, this was her first time traveling abroad and everything was so fresh.

It was about a three – hour drive from Sydney to the Hunter Valley. Lin Qiao, who had just been on the plane for more than nine hours, did not feel tired at all. She was very excited and chattered all the way.

At around oneo’ clock in the afternoon, Liang Qichao’s Mercedes – Benz returned to the vicinity of Paradise Farm.

When they passed by the West Winery, Xia ruofei turned around to take a look.

The last time he came to Australia, this West Winery had also left Xia ruofei with very good memories.

Not only did he learn a lot about wine, but he also tasted Australian – style food and bought a batch of Semillon wine.

The most important thing was that he had a chance encounter with Monica, who had come to travel, and the two of them had a night of short – lived marriage by chance.

Seeing the West Winery, Xia ruofei couldn’t help but think of Monica’s charming body and fiery passion that night. His heart couldn’t help but flutter.

After returning to the country, Xia ruofei and Monica still kept in touch intermittently. However, the two of them had a tacit understanding not to get involved in any relationship issues.

Xia ruofei only knew that Monica had been busy with her family business in Italy recently. He did not know much about the current situation.

Just then, the car drove past the entrance of West Winery. To Xia ruofei’s surprise, the door of the entire winery was tightly shut. It was no longer as busy as usual with tourists.

“Brother Liang, why isn’t West Winery open today?” Xia ruofei couldn’t help but ask.

Liang Qichao also turned to look at the winery’s door with some pity, then said,”Old West’s business in Melbourne has some problems and may be facing bankruptcy. How can he still be in the mood to run a winery? He’s going around raising funds in the hopes of surviving the crisis. I heard that he might be selling his winery to cash in. ”

Xia ruofei was surprised,”no way?” It’s only been a few months, and such a thing has happened. It’s really a man’s fortune and misfortune …”

“Brother ruofei, are you close to the owner of this winery?” Lin Qiao asked.

Before Xia ruofei could say anything, Liang Qichao said with a smile,””Of course! The last time RUO Fei came to Australia, he had a very good memory at the West Winery. Right, ruofei?”

Liang Qichao winked at Xia ruofei through the rearview mirror after he finished speaking.

Of course, Xia ruofei knew what this guy was trying to say, but he still pretended not to answer Liang Qichao’s question. He said,””Mr. And Mrs. West treated me warmly last time. By the way, the Semillon wine you drank later was bought from West Winery.”

“That wine is super good!” Lin Qiao said with some regret,”I wanted to come to Australia and taste it! I didn’t expect the winery to be closed …”

“Actually, it’s fine if you want to drink. Mr. And Mrs. West have been at the winery these two days. I heard that a few groups of customers are interested in the winery and are planning to buy it!” Liang Qichao said.

“Forget it! How would they be in the mood to receive us at this time?” Xia ruofei said.

“That’s true …” Liang Qichao shrugged.

Paradise Farm was just a short distance away from West Winery.

When the car drove through the gate of Paradise Farm, Lin Qiao couldn’t help but look out the window with her eyes wide open.

As soon as he entered the farm, he saw that the two sides of the smooth asphalt road were grasslands as far as the eye could see.

Although it was winter in Australia, the average temperature here was still around 10 degrees Celsius. It would be a little cold sooner or later, and the grasslands were green all year round.

The green grass swayed in the breeze, and the sky was blue and the clouds were white.

Looking into the distance, all he could see was an endless stretch of green. He couldn’t see the end at all. The 6000 – hectare area was too wide, and the terrain had ups and downs.

“Brother ruofei, your farm is so big!” Lin Qiao couldn’t help but exclaim,”and the scenery is so beautiful!”

Xia ruofei chuckled.”Our Paradise Farm is definitely not considered big in Australia. However, the land is fertile and the water is abundant. It is indeed a very good farm.”

As the car drove on, Xia ruofei kept introducing the facilities of the farm to Lin Qiao, including the track, training ground, swimming pool for horses, and the grazing grazes cattle in the distance.

All of this was so new to Lin Qiao. She took out her phone and kept taking pictures while saying with a smile,””It’s so beautiful … Any one of these photos can be used as a wallpaper …”

After the car drove past a small hill, Xia ruofei saw rows of white greenhouse greenhouses on the green grass not far away …

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