God-tier Farm

Chapter 785

Chapter 785: The return of the loyal soul (2)

Professor Liang Qiming was sent to the military hospital for treatment.

An entire Battalion of soldiers was used to escort professor Liang Qiming. When professor Liang arrived at the hospital, the entire floor was under control. Not even a fly could get in.

Professor Liang’s injuries were all superficial and he had suffered some shock, so he was not in a good state of mind. After being bandaged in the southeast Military Region General Hospital, he was hospitalized for two days.

During professor Liang’s stay in the hospital, Guo Zhan and Xia ruofei came to visit him once in his Ward and talked behind closed doors for more than an hour.

Xia ruofei was the person that professor Liang wanted to meet. At that critical moment, Xia ruofei shot and killed the ferocious Japanese from the Hao nation. He could be said to be Liang Qiming’s Savior.

Guo Zhan, on the other hand, was doing business.

After coming out of professor Liang Qiming’s ward, Guo Zhan brought Xia ruofei and the members of the lone wolf assault team to the library of Sanshan University.

Liang Qiming had hidden a USB drive that recorded the core data of the experiment here.

A day or two before Guo Zhan’s arrival, professor Liang Qiming had already sensed the danger. He decisively copied the core experimental data into the USB drive and then physically destroyed the hard drive of the laboratory computer.

He had placed the USB at the bottom of a bookshelf in the University Library and taped it tightly under the bottom partition.

The library of Sanshan University had a vast collection of books. The library had several floors and countless identical bookshelves. Even if the Japanese knew that the items were here, they would not be able to find them in a short time without the specific location provided by Liang Qiming.

Guo Zhan and the others had successfully retrieved the precious USB drive. The data inside could very well play a vital role in the overall improvement of China’s weapons and equipment.

After asking for professor Liang Qiming’s opinion, two days later, Guo Zhan led a small team to escort professor Liang and the experimental data to Beijing.


Professor Liang would be properly taken care of there, and his experiments would continue in the military’s Secret Institute.

Xia ruofei did not participate in this mission, but his temporary recall was not over.

Xia ruofei had only rested in the farm for two days.

Two days later, Guo Zhan, who had finished handing over his mission, returned to Sanshan city with the entire team.

After Xia ruofei received the notice, he left the farm again and went to the Sanshan General Hospital of the southeast Military Region to meet up with Guo Zhan and the others.

Xia ruofei still had to complete the last task of escorting old Luo back to the Army.


In a secret camp in a mountain area in Sunan province, the atmosphere was heavy.

The training ground, which was usually bustling with activity, was extremely quiet today. The soldiers who had been crawling and rolling in the mud all day long had changed into straight regular clothes, with a white flower on their chest and black gauze hanging on their sleeves. They were neatly lined up on the training ground.

All of them looked sad, but they still stood upright.

The soldiers were lined up in rows and columns, and each of them was like a straight pine tree.

At the back of the formation, a black banner with white words on it was hung. The loyal spirits of the special Warriors have returned, and the heroic spirit of the hot – blooded men will last forever.

At the very front of the group, there were two people who were particularly eye – catching.

They were the wife and daughter of the class monitor, old Luo.

The wife of the class monitor, old Luo, was about 35 or 36 years old. She was wearing a black shirt and black pants, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

His daughter was only six or seven years old. She hadn’t reached the age of being fully sensible yet. Old Luo, the squad leader, had been busy preparing for war and training in the Army. He had delayed his marriage many times. After marriage, they had more separation than reunion, so they had children very late.

Four female officers who were temporarily transferred from other troops stood on both sides of the family members of old Luo, but old Luo’s wife didn’t need their help. She stood quietly, straight like the soldiers, and looked at the southern sky.

There was no sadness on the child’s face. Perhaps she still didn’t know what her father’s sacrifice meant, nor did she know the true meaning of death. Perhaps in her eyes, this was just taking her father home.

However, the daughter of the class monitor, old Luo, was not like her peers who would run around naughtily. She also stood quietly beside her mother and stood at attention like her uncle from the People’s Liberation Army.

This child, who had the blood of the most outstanding soldier flowing in his veins, was born with the temperament of a soldier.

After a long time.

The roar of an engine came from afar, and a small black dot appeared in the southern sky.

Soon, a camouflage – coated transport helicopter slowly appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

The helicopter didn’t land directly, but slowly flew around the camp. This was the last time that old Luo could see the barracks he had dedicated his life to.

Finally, the helicopter landed steadily on the training ground that old Luo had stepped on countless times.

After the engine was turned off, the military band at the scene played a soothing and low “missing me” song.

The cabin door slowly opened, and a few soldiers went forward to escort Jin Gang, who was lying on a stretcher, off the plane.

Then, Guo Zhan held the portrait of the squad leader, old Luo, in his hands and walked down from the tail of the plane with a solemn expression.

Xia ruofei and the other eight followed closely behind. They were carrying the coffin of old Luo with heavy steps.

There were no ceremonial soldiers arranged on the scene. The last journey of old Luo’s squad leader was to be seen off by these brothers who had gone through life and death with him on the battlefield.

Xia ruofei and the others did not change into their military uniforms. Instead, they were wearing the camouflage uniform that still carried the smoke from the battlefield a few days ago. They were also wearing all their uniforms.

This symbolized that squad leader old Luo still maintained the posture of a fighter.

There was still a short ceremony to be completed at the scene. Guo Zhan and Xia ruofei placed the coffin and portrait of old Luo and stood on both sides to guard the coffin. Two soldiers came forward to offer flower circles.

At this moment, Xia ruofei walked out of the line and hung an ordinary bullet bag on the flower Circle.

This bullet bag contained the Japanese’s hair.

The moment Xia ruofei knew that old Luo had sacrificed himself, he had vowed to use the enemy’s head as a sacrifice to the respectable old squad leader.

In the end, he also played a crucial role in that battle and killed four Japanese soldiers with his own hands, including the commander of the Wei nation agent operation, Junyan Inoue.

However, the discipline of the military did not allow him to really cut off the Japanese’s head. Hence, Xia ruofei had to cut off his hair and use the Japanese’s hair to represent his head as a tribute to old Luo.

The melodious and low – pitched wail gradually weakened.

Guo Zhan took a step forward, then turned back and shouted,””Assemble!”

Including Xia ruofei, all the members of the assault team who participated in the battle immediately lined up beside the coffin of the squad leader, old Luo. Even Jin Gang, who was on the stretcher, sat up straight.

“I’ll be taking attendance!” Guo Zhan’s eyes were red as he shouted,”Xia ruofei!”

“Here!” Xia ruofei straightened his back and shouted.



“Tian Feilong!”



All the members participating in the battle were called out. In the end, Guo Zhan used all his strength to shout,”Luo Zhicheng!”


This “here!” Was louder than all the previous shouts because this was shouted by Xia ruofei and all the other members in the battle.


All the soldiers of the lone wolf assault team shouted in unison again.


All the officers and soldiers who participated in today’s ceremony, from the general to the private, and the family members of old Luo’s squad leader, also shouted in unison.

Three “here!” Were shouted, each louder than the last, and finally resounded through the clouds.

The muscles on Guo Zhan’s face twitched. He gritted his teeth and gave the order again,”At ease! Attention!”

Guo Zhan turned around and ran seven steps forward. Then, he stood straight and saluted a Lieutenant General opposite him.

This Lieutenant General was Qin Hongwei, the Chief of Staff of the southeast Military Region. He had been entrusted by the head of the military Region to welcome the coffin of old Luo back home.

After Lieutenant General Qin Hongwei returned a military salute to Guo Zhan, Guo Zhan reported in a clear voice,””Comrade chief of staff, lone wolf commando unit 615 has returned from a mission. 15 people should be here, and 15 people are actually here. Lone wolf assault team captain Guo Zhan!”

Qin Hongwei swept his gaze across the troops and said,””At ease!”


Guo Zhan saluted, and Qin Hongwei saluted back.

Then Guo Zhan ran back to the front of the line and gave an order: “At ease!”

Then, he ran back to the front of the line and quickly assumed a relaxed posture.

Qin Hongwei walked to the microphone in front of the coffin and said,””Comrades! Today, we welcome martyr Luo Zhicheng’s coffin with a heavy heart. On behalf of the party leaders of the military Region and all the soldiers of the military Region, I would like to express my deep condolences to martyr Luo Zhicheng and express my sincere condolences to the family of the martyr and the injured comrades …”

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