God-tier Farm

Chapter 770

Chapter 770: Nowhere to hide (2)

About 20 minutes later, officer li also came to the reception room. As soon as he entered, he said,””Yes, the truck with the license plate just now was sent for repair yesterday, and it didn’t leave at all! Moreover, every car in their company is equipped with a GPS. We checked the car’s driving track yesterday, and it was indeed from the company to the repair factory, not to Sanshan University at all. ”

“Card set!” Xia ruofei and Guo Zhan said in unison.

At this time, director Xu of the logistics department also walked into the reception room and said,””Officer Li, I just checked the records of the second canteen. There were no ingredients in the warehouse yesterday afternoon. The car yesterday was only parked at the side of the second canteen, not to deliver food!”

In this way, the car that appeared in the surveillance was very suspicious. It could basically be confirmed that the group of people used this van with a fake license plate to kidnap professor Liang out of the campus without anyone knowing.

Guo Zhan stood up, shook hands with director Luo and director Xu, and said,””Thank you very much for your support!”

The two division chiefs also knew that the person in front of them had a powerful background, so they quickly said a few polite words.

Guo Zhan turned around and said to officer li,”Officer li, please coordinate with the higher – ups, we need to go to the command center of the city Public Security Bureau immediately and use the Skynet system to find the track of this cargo van!”

Officer li had been temporarily assigned to the gunfight scene, so he naturally knew how serious the incident was. It was no exaggeration to say that it had risen to the level of national security.

Therefore, he replied without hesitation,””No problem! Let’s go now, I’ll ask the Leader on the way!”


Half an hour later, the group arrived at the command center of the city Public Security Bureau.

Guo Zhan only brought Xia ruofei and Tian Feilong in, while the rest of the team members were on standby in the car.

The command center of the city Public Security Bureau was a large hall with an area of more than a thousand square meters. There was a huge LED screen on the front wall, which displayed the real – time surveillance images of all the hot spots in the city.


Officer li had already reported the situation on the way to the command center, so when Xia ruofei and the others arrived, Deputy Director Lu of the Public Security Bureau, who was in charge of criminal investigation, personally received them.

This was also because bureau chief Chen Bo did not know that Xia ruofei was part of the military. Otherwise, he would have personally come out to receive him.

Deputy bureau chief Lu shook hands with Guo Zhan and said,””Colonel Guo, we’ve already looked at the surveillance footage near the north gate of Sanshan University at FiveO’ clock yesterday. We’ve also found the cargo van.”

The designation of the lone wolf assault team was a top secret, so the military did not announce Guo Zhan’s position, only his rank of Colonel.

“Director Lu, can you analyze the car’s driving trajectory?” Guo Zhan immediately asked.

“Our technical staff is analyzing it. It shouldn’t be a big problem.” Deputy bureau chief Lu said,”this way, please!”

As the provincial capital of a developed province in eastern China, Sanshan city’s infrastructure construction was also at the forefront of the country. The construction of Sanshan’s Skynet project had started earlier, and its software and hardware facilities were obviously ahead of some underdeveloped provinces.

Now, the Skynet system of the Sanshan Public Security Bureau could use the license plate number recognition function to add time and other algorithms to the images sent back by the massive number of cameras in the city, automatically calculating the approximate driving trajectory of a certain car.

In addition, due to the increasing number of high – definition cameras, the Face Recognition function was also constantly being improved.

The Skynet system was also playing a greater role in solving cases for public security agencies.

Everyone came to the big screen, and Deputy bureau chief Lu gestured to the technical staff who were operating the computer.

A surveillance image immediately appeared in the center of the big screen. It was captured by a security camera at the north gate of Sanshan University.

He saw the white van slowly driving out of the north gate, and then turning right on sail road.

After the car disappeared from the surveillance range, the camera immediately switched to another camera, and the cargo van quickly appeared in the range of this camera.

On the right side of the big screen was a map with a red line on it starting from the north gate of Sanshan University, which was the driving trajectory of the white van.

Of course, this was only the most likely trajectory analyzed by the Skynet system. After all, the monitoring cameras could not cover the entire area. The car would always drive into the blind spot of the monitoring, and then it might take a while before it appeared in another monitoring range. The driving trajectory during this period of time in the blind spot could only be comprehensively analyzed and simulated by factors such as time difference, speed, and the next location.

The red line, which represented the van’s trajectory, went all the way north.

“Could it be that they’re really hiding in the mountains?” Tian Feilong frowned and asked.

Xia ruofei said calmly,”the possibility is low. After the incident, our response was still very fast. Plus, there was a lot of traffic in the city at that time. The direction of the exit should have been controlled by now. The possibility of them bringing professor Liang and breaking through the barrier is very low.”

“I agree with RUO Fei’s opinion,” Guo Zhan nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, the red line stopped near Xinyuan Road, which was located in the northern part of the urban – rural junction of Sanshan city.

“The target disappeared here,” the police officer in charge of the technical department said.”He never appeared in the range of any surveillance cameras in the city again.”

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