God-tier Farm

Chapter 743

Chapter 743: Escort (2)

Now that Lei Hu had taken the initiative to come over, Xue Fei must have done something unusual. This meant that Xia ruofei’s intuition was accurate.

Lei Hu nodded and said,”brother Xia, the target is meeting three of his female friends today. One of them is his high school classmate, Hu Lili. She’s also in our previous information. According to our analysis, she should have an affair with Xue Fei.”

Xia ruofei immediately pulled open the drawer and took out the stack of documents. He took out one of the photos and handed it to Lei Hu, saying,””It’s her, right?”

Lei Hu took a look and immediately nodded,”Yes, I am!”

The photo was taken two days ago. In the photo, Xue Fei and Hu Lili were walking side by side. Xue Fei’s hand was around Hu Lili’s waist, and he was closer to her. His index finger was almost touching the lower edge of Hu Lili’s chest.

However, Hu Lili didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, she even had a charming smile on her face.

In the photo, Hu Lili was wearing smokey makeup and dressed very flirtatiously. It was hard to imagine that she was a student who had just finished her college entrance examination. Instead, she looked like a bar girl at a nightclub. She was full of the smell of dust.

Xia ruofei still remembered the brief information that Lei Hu and the others had found about Hu Lili. Hu Lili’s situation was similar to Lin Qiao ‘s. She had also transferred to No. 8 high school halfway through.

However, Hu Lili had transferred to the school in her second year of high school. Before that, she had studied in an ordinary middle school, and her results had been very average. She had basically been a delinquent girl. However, she had been transferred directly to the provincial top No. 8 high school and entered the liberal arts class.

Lei Hu and the others believed that Xue Fei was behind Hu Lili’s transfer. It was very likely that Hu Lili had first hooked up with Xue Fei and then transferred to eighth high.

All the signs showed that Hu Lili and Xue Fei had a close relationship.

Xia ruofei nodded and said,””You can continue!”

“Brother Xia, other than Hu Lili, the other two women are just idlers. They’re about the same age as Xue Fei and Hu Lili. They dropped out of high school before they could finish, and they’re hanging out on the streets all day,” Lei Hu said.


“Xue Fei met with the three women at BA Fang teahouse on the eastern sea Road in the morning. They talked for about an hour, then the four of them went to Hao Jue nightclub on yingfei road …”

Xia ruofei raised his eyebrows. Two key words in Lei Hu’s words caught his attention.

One of them was Ying Fei Lu. During lunch, the gathering location that Lin Qiao mentioned was also at Ying Fei Lu.

The other key word was the nightclub.

Xia ruofei asked,”Haojue nightclub?” Usually, nightclubs don’t open in the morning, right?”

Lei Hu nodded and said,”that’s right, brother Xia. That’s why we feel that their actions are a little unusual. They seemed to be plotting something at BA Fang teahouse. After that, they went to Hao Jue nightclub and only left about half an hour later. The two women went straight home, while Xue Fei and Hu Lili went to the Hot Spring Hotel to book a room. They didn’t come down for lunch, and our people are still watching them.”

Xia ruofei was silent for a while before he nodded and said,””I know, you’ve all worked hard! Leave the two women for now. Let our men keep an eye on Xue Fei and Hu Lili, and report to me if anything happens. ”

“Understood!” Lei Hu stood up and said,”brother Xia, I’ll go down first.”

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded.

After Lei Hu left, Xia ruofei sat quietly on the chair and flipped through the pages of information repeatedly. His brain was spinning rapidly.

Finally, he put all the documents back into the kraft paper bag, stood up, put the file bag back into the safe, and locked it. Then, he left the office.

When they got home, Xia ruofei was still calm and collected in front of Lin Qiao. Lin Qiao naturally had no idea that Xia ruofei had done so much for her safety.


Soon, it was the afternoon of the next day.

Xia ruofei came down at FiveO’ clock. Lin Qiao had already changed into casual clothes.

Hu ‘er’s mother reminded her,”Qiao’ er, don’t drink when you go out!” Girls need to know how to protect themselves outside. ”

Lin Qiao smiled and said,”mom, you’ve said it a hundred times today. I’ll remember it!” I promise I won’t touch a single drop of alcohol today, okay?”

“Also! Don’t stay up so late tonight. It’s time to go home. It’s quite chaotic outside now. ” Hu Zi’s mother was still worried and continued to nag.

“Alright, alright, alright, I know!” Lin Qiao said,”I’m just having a gathering with my classmates. When it’s almost time, I’ll go back to the forestry Bureau dormitory. You don’t have to worry so much.”

Xia ruofei walked down the stairs and said with a smile,””Godmother, Qiao’ er is already an adult. She knows what she’s doing, so you don’t have to worry so much. Besides, she’s about to go to college, so she’ll have to manage herself in the future. ”

“That’s right, that’s right!” Lin Qiao smiled and said,”my brother ruofei knows me best!”

“It’s almost time. Qiao’ er, let’s go!”Xia ruofei said with a smile.

After Xia ruofei and Lin Qiao bade farewell to Hu Zi’s mother, they left the farm in the Knight XV SUV and headed towards the city.

On the way, Lin Qiao was in a good mood. She hummed to the music from the car’s stereo and talked to Xia ruofei about the things that happened in the third year of high school.

It was obvious that Lin Qiao was looking forward to this class reunion. Although she had only studied at No. 8 high school for one year, this was the most unforgettable third semester of high school. Moreover, she had performed better than usual in the college entrance examination, so she was naturally in a good mood.

Xia ruofei’s expression was also relaxed. He smiled and chatted with Lin Qiao. He didn’t show the gloominess brought by Xue Fei on his face at all.

Soon, the car entered the city. It was the weekend and it was rush hour. There were more and more cars on the road. Xia ruofei drove the Knight XV through the traffic, thinking about what would happen that night.

Due to the traffic jam, they didn’t arrive at the live fish under the bridge on yingfei road until 5:50 pm. From a distance, Lin Qiao could already see the students standing in groups of three or five and chatting at the entrance of the shop. So, as soon as the car stopped, she couldn’t wait to open the door.

“Brother ruofei, you should go back directly! You don’t need to worry about me!” Lin Qiao said,”I will go back to the forestry Bureau dormitory by myself.”

Xia ruofei stopped Lin Qiao, who was about to get off the car. He took out a small glass bottle and handed it to Lin Qiao. “Qiao’ er, aren’t you guys going to sing tonight? This is the medicine I made for you. If you feel drunk or uncomfortable, remember to drink it immediately. ”

Lin Qiao was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile,””Brother ruofei, I promised my mom that I wouldn’t drink.”

Xia ruofei reached out and handed it over again.””It’s better to be prepared!”

“Alright! Thank you, brother ruofei!” Lin Qiao smiled sweetly at Xia ruofei.

She took the glass bottle and put it in her bag. Then, she jumped out of the car, closed the door, and waved at Xia ruofei. She then walked quickly to her classmates.

Xia ruofei watched as Lin Qiao met up with her classmates. Then, he started the car and left the live fish under the bridge.

Of course, Xia ruofei would not return to the farm directly. He found a parking lot nearby and parked his car, then returned to yingfei road.

However, Xia ruofei did not go to the pavilion to catch fish. Instead, he went straight to Haojue nightclub.

He took out his Bluetooth headset and put it on. He dialed a number and said,”Lei Hu, I’m going to the nightclub now. You guys keep an eye on the restaurant. We can’t let anything happen to Qiao’ er.”

“Understood!” Lei Hu’s steady voice came from the headset,”don’t worry, brother Xia! We have a high vantage point here, so we can clearly see the private room where Lin Qiao and the others are having a party. The other two brothers are in the restaurant, so they can respond at any time if anything happens!”

“That’s good. ” Xia ruofei said,”everyone, be more alert. If the situation is normal, don’t expose yourself so as not to affect Qiao’ er’s gathering with her classmates.”


Xia ruofei pressed on his earphones and hung up the phone. Then, he put on a pair of Super Black sunglasses and walked into the Haojue nightclub through the main entrance.

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