God-tier Farm

Chapter 2836 - 2836 Utter despair (3)

2836 Utter despair (3)

Pablo’s actions had directly dragged the daily sports into the cesspool. Even if they managed to break free, they would inevitably be covered in mud.

Pablo quickly explained,”chief editor, Meyers is really a die – hard bar?a fan. I looked for him and hoped that he would cooperate with such an interview. He was very happy to accept it. He even said that even if I didn’t pay him, he would still accept it. As long as it can protect bar?a’s reputation, he is willing to do anything!”

Wells stared coldly at Pablo and asked,””So? Now that the scandal has been exposed, what use is your bullsh * t to the matter?”

Pablo’s mind flashed as if he had found a life – saving straw. He hurriedly said,”Editor – in – chief, we … We can say that Mayers lied to us! He’s a die – hard fan of Barcelona. In order to maintain the image of Barcelona, he took the initiative to accept the interview and fabricated false facts. We just didn’t find out that he was lying at the first moment, so we posted the interview video …”

Pablo’s words became more and more fluent, and he said with some excitement,”Mr. Wells, although we have made a mistake, it’s not a flaw in journalism ethics. At most, it’s a mistake in the news business. We didn’t fulfill our obligation to seriously verify the news material …”

Wells ‘expression was uncertain. He was actually very conflicted.

In the storm of public opinion over the past few days, the daily sports news had been supporting Pablo out of its own standpoint. To be honest, it wasn’t that Wells didn’t doubt the authenticity of Pablo’s posts, but he really didn’t think that Pablo would be so bold as to create fake news.

Now, The Sports Daily was in a difficult position. In a sense, Pablo and The Sports Daily were one. If they said that Pablo had paid someone to fabricate fake news and that the newspaper had failed to investigate, no one would believe it.

Therefore, if The Sports Daily wanted to protect itself, it would have to protect Pablo as well. Although Wells wanted to cut Pablo into a thousand pieces, he had to consider it from the perspective of the newspaper.

This way, Pablo’s suggestion really moved Wells.

Pablo had also come back to life. His heart was filled with hope because he knew very well that once it was proven that he had paid people to fake news, it would not only be a problem of losing his job in the daily sports news. With such a stain, his career would be over. It was equivalent to the bankruptcy of integrity. Which media would still dare to hire him?

Now, only by holding on tightly to The Sports Daily and letting Wells realize that Pablo and The Sports Daily were like ants on the same rope would there be a glimmer of hope.

With a gloomy face, Wells said after a long while,””Pablo, the newspaper company didn’t know! Even if we explain it according to what you said, you can’t escape responsibility! You’re the first person responsible for this! Are you still hoping to continue working in the newspaper?”

In fact, Wells had weighed the pros and cons. Rather than dealing with Pablo’s claims that he had no idea that Pablo had hired someone to create fake news, it was better to deal with Pablo’s claims that he had no idea that Meyers had lied. This would have a smaller impact on the news, so he had actually agreed to Pablo’s suggestion.

However, Wells truly hated Pablo to the core, and if he didn’t fire Pablo, how could he eliminate the hatred in his heart?

Pablo’s face turned pale as he said,”Mr. Wells, I’ve been working at the newspaper for so many years, and I’ve been working hard!” This time, I’m also doing this from the position of the newspaper. I was just muddleheaded when I made that news video. Now, with just one word from you, I’m going to lose my job. Isn’t that a little …”

“Hmph!” Wales snorted coldly.”Pablo, you made such a huge mistake. It’s already good enough that the news agency didn’t hold you responsible!” What else do you want?”

Then, Wells ‘voice turned cold as he said,””Think carefully, do you want to resign or let the newspaper fire you? If you take the initiative to resign, we won’t mention that you paid someone to produce fake news when we make a statement. That way, you’ll still have a chance to find a job in another media company. If it’s the newspaper office, we’d rather let the reputation of the newspaper suffer a greater loss than to expose the truth. At that time, you’ll really lose your job!”

The source of this content is no//vel//bi/n[.//]net’

Pablo’s heart trembled. He knew that the initiative was in Wells ‘hands.

If he did not accept it, once The Sports Daily turned against him, it would be a situation where he lost everything.

Wells stared into Pablo’s eyes and asked,””Pablo, we don’t have much time left. The Sports Daily is under tremendous pressure from public opinion every second. We can’t keep silent! You choose! “Either we follow what we said just now and push the blame to Mayers, and you resign because of a serious mistake in your work; Either we tell the truth and admit to the public that you’ve spent money to create fake news behind the news agency’s back, and you’ll still have to get out of the agency, and your career will come to an end! I advise you to go with the first plan, it’s for everyone’s good!”

Pablo struggled for a while before finally saying dejectedly,””Okay … I choose the first option …” He said.

He didn’t mention anything about compensation. Since he resigned of his own accord and caused such a big mess for the newspaper, it was already very kind of the newspaper to not pursue the responsibility. You must be dreaming! As long as the news agency didn’t disclose this matter during the background check when he applied for other media companies in the future, he would already be burning incense.

Of course, The Sports Daily would most likely not expose the matter at the time of the change in tone, because it was not in their interest.

Wales nodded and said,”very good!” I hope to see your resignation letter in ten minutes! Go!”


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