God-tier Farm

Chapter 2696 - 2696 Formation of the disk array_2

2696 Formation of the disk array_2

Xia ruofei placed the Jade futon on the ground and sat down cross – legged.

Xia ruofei had asked Li Yifu to prepare these Jade plates in advance. There were three in total. These Jade plates were also the most expensive items on the list.

To inscribe the core array disc, one Jade disc was enough. The reason why he had prepared three was to prevent any mistakes that might destroy the Jade disc. He would have no place to look for it at the moment.

Xia ruofei placed the three Jade plates aside and took a large bucket of water from the spiritual pond. Whenever he felt that his spiritual power could not continue, he had to drink the water to speed up the recovery of his spiritual power.

The preparation work was done. Xia ruofei reached out for a Jade plate and placed it on his lap.

Xia ruofei took a deep breath. Then, without much hesitation, he stretched out his finger and drew a line on the surface of the Jade plate. A mysterious arc was drawn on the inside of the Jade plate …

As time passed, Xia ruofei’s drawing speed was very stable. It was neither fast nor slow. One by one, the formation patterns appeared inside the formation disk. Each arc seemed to be full of spirituality.

After more than five hours, when the carving of the array disc was more than two – thirds done, there was a slight cracking sound. Xia ruofei’s movements suddenly stopped, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face. He thought that there was a problem with the carving this time.

Xia ruofei stopped immediately. The ethereal array disc had a crack and could no longer be used. In other words, the five hours of non – stop effort had been in vain.

The source of this content is no/vel//bi/n[./]net’

However, Xia ruofei was not discouraged. In fact, he already knew what the problem was when he made that stroke.

It wasn’t that there was a mistake in his technique or that he didn’t control his strength properly. It was just that when he was carving this array pattern, an array pattern more than a hundred steps ago had clashed with it. The aura had been thrown into chaos and the energy carried by the array pattern had also started to run amok, finally causing the array disc to crack.

In other words … The design of the core formation plate might have to be changed.

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but frown. Every array pattern in the core array disc was determined by him after repeated deliberation. If there were any problems in the design, it would be a big change.

However, Xia ruofei did not panic. He rested for a while to calm himself down.

Then, he began to analyze the design of the core array disc and took out a piece of paper to deduce.

Gradually, Xia ruofei’s brows relaxed. He realized that the design did not need to make any major adjustments or change the other materials to solve the problem of the aura conflict.

Of course, whether it was effective or not still needed to be tested in practice. Otherwise, no matter how perfect the theoretical deduction was, there might still be problems in actual use. Just like the array pattern just now, it would never be discovered without really testing it.

What Xia ruofei had changed was the order of drawing the array patterns. Since the two array patterns were in conflict, he might as well change their relationship.

Of course, this wasn’t as simple as just switching the order of the two array patterns. The array board was interlinked, and after adjusting one place, there might be many array patterns that were related to it that needed to be adjusted in order.

Xia ruofei quickly did calculations on the draft paper. After about an hour, he confirmed the plan for adjusting the array pattern order.

The next step was to verify it.

Xia ruofei looked at the remaining two Jade plates and took a deep breath. He picked up one of the Jade plates and started to carve.

Was the last – minute adjustment rigorous? Would changing the order cause a greater clash of auras? Everything was unknown and could only wait for the test.

Besides, Xia ruofei had only brought three Jade plates with him this time. One of them had cracked, and there were two left. If there was another problem with this one, the only Jade plate had to succeed. Otherwise, the entire plan would be greatly affected.

Hence, Xia ruofei was under a lot of pressure.

However, once he entered the state of drawing the formation, Xia ruofei would not have any distracting thoughts. He would only put his heart and soul into drawing the formation.

Time passed by, and another five hours had passed.

Xia ruofei finally arrived at the location where the aura had clashed. His speed did not change at all and his hand was surprisingly steady. Without any hesitation, he drew it.

This was the first array pattern that he had changed the order of, and it was perfectly engraved on the array board.

Even though the formation had yet to take shape, this formation pattern fell down very steadily without any change in its aura.

This made Xia ruofei relax a little. He continued to work hard and carved it step by step.

Finally, he finished inscribing all the array patterns that he had adjusted. If it was the same situation as the last Jade plate, the Jade plate might not be able to withstand the constant conflict of the Qi field and eventually crack.

This time, he was about two – thirds through the process, but everything was still very stable. There were no accidents.

Xia ruofei was slightly happy. It seemed that his modification was a success.

He didn’t have the time to celebrate, and very quickly, he threw himself into the carving of the next array pattern.

The difficulty of the remaining one – third was increasing, so Xia ruofei had to be more careful.

After another four hours, Xia ruofei finally finished the last stroke.

Then, he almost collapsed on the bed. Although the carving process seemed calm, there were actually all kinds of hidden stimuli in it. There were two or three times when he almost collapsed. Fortunately, with his own experience and understanding of the Taixu xuanqing formation, he finally completed it smoothly!

Xia ruofei quickly used his spiritual power to check and found that there were no mistakes in the lines of the array in the core array disc. Even the strength and depth of each line were similar. It could be said that his control of power had reached the peak in the process of carving.

At this moment, Xia ruofei was sure that he had successfully completed the inscribing of the core array disc!

However, Xia ruofei did not plan to rest.

First, he sat on the Jade futon to rest for a while, allowing his mental and physical strength to recover. The two array discs in front of him had already taken him fifteen to sixteen hours. Even if he was a cultivator, maintaining such a long period of high concentration was very tiring.

When he felt that he had almost recovered, Xia ruofei immediately picked up the third and last Jade plate.

Using his finger as a knife, he carved the first formation pattern on the last Jade plate without hesitation.

It was followed by the second, the third …

A total of 2659 array patterns were densely distributed within the Jade plate.

This carving process took more than nine hours. When Xia ruofei carved the last array pattern, he finally revealed a satisfied smile. The third array disc was also successfully carved!

Two successful formation disks, one for the main and one for the backup, would be foolproof.

Xia ruofei used his spiritual power to check and found that the second time, the quality of the array disc was higher. Perhaps it was because he had the experience of the first success, but his proficiency level had increased. Many of the array patterns seemed to fit the great Dao more.

Of course, the first array disc was also qualified and had no problem using it for the Taixu xuanqing formation.

Moreover, when Xia ruofei’s cultivation level increased and he had more resources, he could change the core disk array, including the materials used to set up the array on Peach Blossom Island. He might even change the design of the core disk array.

After all, with different cultivation levels, one’s understanding of formations would also be different.

At that time, the power of the formation would naturally become even greater and stronger.

But now that he was using this core array disc to activate the Taixu xuanqing formation, he should be able to deal with the current crisis.

Xia ruofei smiled in satisfaction and left the space.

As for the core formation plate, he naturally left it in the spatial Rift. There was no place safer than this place.

Xia ruofei washed up and went back to his room to rest.

He had to conserve his energy to better deal with the meeting with Wang Boshan and that martial uncle Zheng tomorrow.


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