God-tier Farm

Chapter 2397 - 2397 The item in the bag (1)

2397 The item in the bag (1)

The government forces and anti – Government armed forces fought frequently in this area, and the war situation was in a seesaw battle. The area was also attacked by the war many times.

As a result, this small town was almost riddled with holes and had almost become a ruin. The residents of the town had all fled, and the town was dead silent in the early morning. Occasionally, the sound of gunfire from afar broke the silence.

Xia ruofei drove the car into the town and found an abandoned building far from the main road.

The building was five stories tall. The outer wall was almost gone, and the other side had half collapsed. Xia ruofei drove the car into the interior of the building, then jumped out and found some construction waste to cover the outer wall.

In fact, he had put all the important things in the car into the spirit map space. However, in this war – torn country, a transportation vehicle was still very important, so Xia ruofei had to put on some proper disguise.

He wasn’t going to stay here for long, so he didn’t bother to put the car into the origin space. After all, it was a few tons heavy, and it would take a lot of mental power to put it in the space.

After Xia ruofei hid the car, he began to climb up the building. He moved nimbly through the pile of bricks. The stairs of the building had collapsed in many places. Xia ruofei climbed up like an agile monkey and reached the top of the building in no time.

This was the tallest building in the small town that had not collapsed yet. Xia ruofei had chosen this place to set up the radio antenna.

Xia ruofei went to the rooftop and used his spiritual power to check. He did not find anyone suspicious.

In fact, the residents of this small town had either run away or died. As long as there was no army activity in the vicinity, this was basically a Dead City. No one would appear at all.

After Xia ruofei was sure that it was safe, he immediately took out the entire radio set from his space.

A pile of army green boxes appeared on the rooftop.

Xia ruofei opened the boxes quickly and started to assemble the equipment.

In fact, the main body of the radio was already assembled. He only needed to connect the lead – acid battery to a few other Small Parts. After ten minutes, Xia ruofei had finished assembling the radio.

Then, he began to install the antenna.

The antenna was in a long canvas bag. After Xia ruofei took out the item, he unfolded the antenna and pulled out the retractable rod bit by bit to fix the antenna to the rooftop.

Finally, Xia ruofei connected the antenna to the radio station. The assembly was complete.

Xia ruofei had been trained in broadcasting when he was in the Army, but he was not as skilled as a professional radio operator. Moreover, he had not been in contact with it for a few years, so he was a little rusty.

After he turned on the power, he first practiced and familiarized himself with the power button.

To be honest, this kind of radio station had been eliminated in the Army of many countries, not because of its poor security performance, but because of the more advanced digital encryption communication means.

In fact, it was the exact opposite. When this kind of frequency – hopping radio was used with a high – Level codebook, the possibility of it being cracked was extremely low.

This was probably the reason why Manzila chose to use this old radio station as an Emergency communication channel with the modr mercenary group.

After Xia ruofei familiarized himself with it for a while, he was ready to start the official broadcast.

He had already translated the content to be sent through the codebook, and had also generated today’s “anti – counterfeit serial code.”

Xia ruofei held onto a piece of paper filled with numbers and pressed a button. A light beeping sound started to ring out on the rooftop.

The content of the message was very short. He quickly reported the exact location of your unit. Satan. There was not much content in total.

Xia ruofei would pause for half a minute after each message and then send it again. He repeated it three times before he ended the message.

Then, Xia ruofei sat down on the rooftop. He put on his headphones and waited for a reply while keeping an eye on his surroundings with his spiritual power.

After about ten minutes, the indicator light on the radio started to flash. Xia ruofei sat up straight and started to take notes.

The radio wave from the modr mercenary group was sent three times. After Xia ruofei recorded it the first time, he double – checked it from the beginning to the end on the second time. After confirming that there were no mistakes, he did not listen to it a third time.

He took out the laptop from the space, opened the codebook document, and began to translate the electricity against the codebook.

In a short while, the contents of the message were presented to Xia ruofei.

“Currently, the troops are camping in the forest eight kilometers South of the town of lucadu in the POTA region. They will move east tomorrow morning and cooperate with the main force to attack the area controlled by the government forces.”

It was signed off as “Boulder.”

Xia ruofei smiled.


With a clear location, it was easy to handle. The Telegram also said that the troops were resting today and would attack the East the next morning.

Xia ruofei had been in the Army for more than five years. He knew that when there was an important mission the next day, the first day of training would be reduced so that the soldiers could rest and conserve their energy. At night, there would definitely be no more emergency assembly.

Xia ruofei did not know if these mercenary groups would have an emergency gathering at night, but the way they led their troops was similar. Even if there was no emergency gathering, under normal circumstances, some accidents would happen. It was to train the soldiers ‘ability to respond to emergencies.


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