God-tier Farm

Chapter 2177 - 2177 The master and disciple meet (1)

2177 The master and disciple meet (1)

At this moment, the electric door of the Elfa van slowly opened.

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but be stunned. With the help of the light in the car, he saw Tang Yitian sitting on a seat with a smile on his face. Jennifer was beside Tang Yitian. A small head peeked out from the space between the two seats. Who else could it be but Tang Haoran?

Xia ruofei was dumbfounded. After a while, he said,” “Big brother Tang, why did you come in person? And Jennifer and Haoran, why are you guys here?”

Although Porter was in Australia, just like Sydney, the distance between the two places was more than 4000 kilometers. It would take at least 40 hours to drive and nearly five hours to fly.

Xia ruofei thought that it was already troublesome enough to ask Tang Yitian to help with the identification documents and use the plane. He didn’t expect that his family would actually come all the way from Sydney. It was really a long journey!

Tang Yitian wasn’t used to Xia ruofei’s changed appearance. He stared at him for a while, but Xia ruofei’s voice didn’t change. They also knew Xia ruofei’s magical means, so they knew that the person in front of them was definitely not a fake.

Tang Yitian laughed,”Haoran really wants to see you!” You’re in a hurry to return to China, so we had to rush over!”

“Xia, let’s get in the car first!” Jennifer said happily.

“Yes, yes, yes, we’ll talk in the car!” Tang Yitian also said quickly.

Jennifer took the initiative to sit with Tang Haoran in the back row and gave up her seat to Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei went around the front of the car and got in from the other side.

He first turned to look at Tang Haoran and said with a smile,””Haoran, why didn’t you say hello to your master? This child is already shy after not seeing her for a few months!”

Tang Haoran was very used to Xia ruofei’s changed appearance. Even if Xia ruofei did not look the same as before, the sense of intimacy and familiarity would not change.

If he was walking on the street and no one told him that this person was Xia ruofei, he might not be able to recognize him. But after knowing it, that feeling immediately matched.

Tang Haoran laughed in embarrassment and said,””Master!”

Xia ruofei reached out and ruffled his hair. He laughed and said,””This kid! Without master by your side, will you be lazy in your cultivation?”

“Master, I’m very serious every day!” Tang Haoran said,”I’m about to reach refined Qi Level 4!”

Xia ruofei looked at Tang Haoran in surprise and said,””Oh, really? Then I’ll test you later!”

“Ruofei, I have a holiday villa in Persia, so let’s stay there for the night!” Tang Yitian said with a smile. Even if you’re in a hurry to go back, you shouldn’t have to rush back overnight, right?”

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded.”That’s not necessary. Since we’re here, we’ll follow big brother Tang’s arrangements!”

If Tang Yitian’s family hadn’t come, Xia ruofei would’ve flown back to China overnight. However, they came from thousands of miles away. It would be too unreasonable if he left after meeting them in a hurry.

After Xia ruofei got in the car, the driver started the car and drove forward. Obviously, Tang Yitian had already ordered them to go back to the holiday villa after picking up Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei and Tang Yitian’s family chatted in the car. After about 40 minutes, they arrived at a seaside resort.

The villa was not very big. It was a small three – story building.

However, even though a Sparrow was small, it still had all the essentials. The villa’s courtyard faced the sea, and the soft beach was not far from the door. There was a small garden in the backyard.

After the chauffeur dropped Xia ruofei and Tang Yitian’s family off, he drove away. There were no staff or bodyguards here. With Xia ruofei around, there was no need to worry about safety. Tang Yitian also knew that the fewer people knew about Xia ruofei’s visit to Australia, the better. Even the driver was an Australian who didn’t understand Chinese, and he was Tang Yitian’s trusted subordinate.

Tang Yitian arranged for Xia ruofei to stay in a large guest room on the second floor.

Xia ruofei returned to his room, put down his bag, and restored his original appearance. Then, he went downstairs.

He didn’t change his appearance in front of Tang Yitian and the others. Although he was a God – like figure in Tang Yitian’s family’s eyes, Xia ruofei still wanted to keep a low profile as much as possible. This method of directly controlling his muscles and bones to change his appearance was indeed a bit terrifying.

As soon as Xia ruofei went downstairs, Tang Yitian said with a smile,””RUO Fei! It’s much more comfortable this way …”

Xia ruofei laughed.”Looks are just a facade … Brother Tang, you really don’t have to come all the way here. I often come to Australia. I’ll naturally visit you when the time comes!”

“No way!” Tang Yitian said. I know you’re in Australia, so I have to meet you! Besides, you’re Haoran’s master! If the little guy knows that you’ve come to Australia but I didn’t bring him to meet you, wouldn’t he blame me?”

Tang Haoran nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice and said,””Master, your method of changing your appearance is so interesting! Can you teach me?”

“Why do you suddenly want to learn this?” Xia ruofei asked with a smile.

“I want to become like Jabson …” Said Tang Haoran.


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