God-tier Farm

Chapter 2147 - 2147 Return of the spear (1)

2147 Return of the spear (1)

After Xia ruofei had consumed the dark red fruit, he felt that the true Qi in his body had become richer and his recovery speed had increased. However, it was still a drop in the bucket.

After all, he was different from elder Puyol. Elder Puyol was just an ordinary person at that time, so the effects of the dark red spiritual fruit were naturally much better. On the other hand, Xia ruofei was a cultivator at refined Qi Level 6, so the strength of his body was something that elder Puyol could not compare to.

The stronger one’s body was, the faster one’s recovery would not be. On the contrary, it would be more difficult. After all, the amount of energy required to recover to the state of Puyol and Xia ruofei was completely different.

Xia ruofei felt a deep threat of death.

This was the second time he had such a feeling in his 20 years of life.

The first time was when he was serving in the lone wolf assault team. Once, he was separated from his team when they were trying to break out of the siege. He was surrounded and almost ran out of ammunition and supplies. The enemy’s numbers were more than his.

That time, he managed to escape from the enemy’s pursuit despite being covered in wounds.

This time, the situation was countless times worse than that time.

Xia ruofei had almost activated all of his potential. His speed was even faster than his usual fastest speed.

The giant python was also at odds with Xia ruofei and was chasing after him.

As he was flying forward, Xia ruofei suddenly felt a sense of danger. He jumped up almost subconsciously, grabbed a branch in front of him, and swung forward.

Almost at the same time, the giant Python’s tail swung over with a whistling sound.

Xia ruofei dodged the powerful attack by a hair’s breadth.

The snake’s tail broke a few trees and then hit a rock heavily, breaking the rock into pieces.

Xia ruofei saw this from the corner of his eyes and couldn’t help but feel his heart jump.

The giant Python’s furious attack was clearly much more powerful than the one in the formation.

If Xia ruofei did not have an almost instinctive sense of danger and subconsciously chose to jump to avoid it, this attack would have been enough to break his bones and kill him on the spot.

The giant python had stopped to launch this fatal attack, but its speed had been affected. The distance between Xia ruofei and the Python had increased.

However, Xia ruofei also knew that this was not the way to go. He would run out of energy sooner or later. As for the giant python, it seemed to have more energy than him.

Xia ruofei judged that this giant python was at least in the Golden core stage. Otherwise, it could not have such terrifying strength.

I can’t keep running like this. I have to think of a way as soon as possible …

As Xia ruofei fled, his brain was spinning rapidly to think of a solution.

At this moment, Xia ruofei suddenly saw a cliff in front of him. The cliff was not very high, only about ten meters. He could even see a bonfire at the bottom.

Xia ruofei suddenly realized that he had escaped to the survivor camp in a panic.

If the survivors with green faces were to encounter this giant python, it would definitely be a one – sided massacre. There was no chance of survival.

However, Xia ruofei could not change his direction anymore. The cliff was slightly protruding, and his escape route had been completely blocked by the Python.

In a split second, Xia ruofei could only shout in English,””Puyol! Hurry up and escape with everyone! The Python had run out! Hurry up! Run into the sea!”

The survivors could only escape into the sea to save their lives. After all, there was only a small forest between the survivor camp and the sea, and after passing through the forest, they would reach the beach.

The night on the island was very quiet. Xia ruofei had used his true energy to shout, so the people in the camp heard him very quickly.

Pjoll’s legs almost went soft when he heard that. His survival instinct made him jump out of bed at once, and he shouted for everyone to escape. He could not care about the three women anymore. He picked up his child and ran wildly in the direction of the beach.

While Xia ruofei was warning the survivors, he didn’t dare to stop. If he slowed down even a little, the giant python would catch up.

He did not hesitate in front of the cliff and jumped down.

When they encountered this cliff, Xia ruofei’s first thought was to warn the survivors. At the same time, he had a flash of inspiration and found a way to escape.

When he flipped over the cliff, Xia ruofei had already summoned the spirit painting scroll from his body and held it in his hand.

His body was falling rapidly under the influence of gravity. Although it was dark, Xia ruofei’s eyesight still noticed a crack in the mountain wall.

He used one hand to grab the mountain wall to slow down the speed of his fall. At the same time, his right hand accurately stuffed the spirit map scroll into the gap.

Then, with a thought, Xia ruofei disappeared from the outside world and hid in the spirit map space.

The survivors below were all running for their lives, and no one noticed what was happening on the mountain wall above them. Even if someone looked over, they might not be able to see clearly what was happening on the mountain wall at night.

After Xia ruofei entered the medium, he placed his hands on his waist and panted heavily.


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