God-tier Farm

Chapter 2025

2025 Dead end (2)

At this moment, his heart was filled with despair.

Who wanted to deal with the Gelman family This was no longer a fight for territory. The other party was clearly trying to uproot the entire Gelman family!

Although the people involved in the fight were from the Hong sect’s Turin branch, old Geerman did not think that the Hong sect was behind it.

It was obvious that they had provoked someone they should not have.

However, there was no point in studying these things now. Even if the Hong sect stopped now, the Gelman family’s strength would fall greatly. It was impossible for them to maintain their former glory under the joint attack of Southeast Asian gangs, nihilias Nigeria and the powerful Hong sect.

Furthermore, how could the Hong sect stop now

That night, the city was filled with the smell of blood. The territory controlled by the Hong sect had suddenly increased by a few percent. Not only that, but the small and medium – sized gangs were also like cats that smelled fish, coming out to loot the burning house.

Under such circumstances, the already chaotic Gelman family could not resist at all.

Obviously, the fate of the Gehrman family had been decided. They would be torn to pieces by the other forces in Duning city, led by the Hong sect.

Everyone kicks a man who is down. This was the law of the jungle that had never changed since ancient times.

Old Gehrman’s eyes were blood – Red like a trapped beast. The people serving him were also trembling with fear, afraid that they would anger old Gehrman and cause a fatal disaster.

Old Gelman kept mumbling to himself,Who are they Who are they

Tonight, he thought about it countless times. The Gelman family had many enemies, but none of them had anything to do with the Chinese. Although their expansion in Turin had some conflicts with the Chinese Hong sect, both sides had been very restrained and there had been no bloody conflicts.

Everything seemed to have changed since yesterday.

Toles had been killed by a Chinese man in his villa. Then, this Chinese man had rescued the woman from the Grasso family who Toles had taken a fancy to and left the villa with a swagger.

Wait a minute! A woman from the Toles family

An idea suddenly flashed through old Gelman’s mind. Could it be that … All of this was related to that woman

It was true that after the Chinese man saved the woman named Monica yesterday, the Hong sect had started to attack the Gelman family like crazy.

As for the mysterious killer who had killed nine core members of the Gehrman family as if he was cutting vegetables, although he looked slightly different from the Chinese man who had killed Toles last night, it was very likely that they were the same person from their figure and the way they did things!

Old Gelman couldn’t help but grit his teeth in hatred. Just because of a woman, the force he had worked so hard to build collapsed overnight

It was really ironic!

He was filled with unwillingness. After a while, he glared with blood – Red eyes and asked loudly,Paul! Is the patriarch of the Grao family still around

After Toles was killed the day before, the arrogant Gehrman family in Turin naturally vented their anger on the Grasso family. Since they did not manage to capture Monica’s brother, deyork, the young head of the Gehrman family, who had been killed by Xia ruofei, personally led his men and smashed the Grasso family into pieces. At the same time, they even brought the head of the Grasso family, Monica’s uncle, Carras Grasso, to the Gehrman Manor.

Even their patriarch had been imprisoned, but the Grasso family still did not dare to speak out. Instead, they sent people to search for Monica’s whereabouts, hoping that they could hand her over in exchange for the forgiveness of the Gelman family.

Sir, Paul the Butler quickly said,Caras Grasso is locked up in the manor’s cellar!

Old Gelman panted heavily and said with blood – Red eyes,Pull him up!

Yes! Paul hurriedly shot a look at the two guards beside him. At the same time, he was silently mourning for carraglas.

In a short while, the guards of the Gehrman family pushed and shoved a bruised and swollen karles up.

As soon as klass saw old Gelman, he quickly begged,Kind Mr. Gelman, please forgive our family! This is all Monica’s fault. I promise that I will hand Monica over personally and let you deal with her!

Old Gelman laughed hideously,just hand over Monica Do you know how much our family has lost

Mr. Gelman, said Calas hurriedly,your loss will be fully borne by the Grao family!

Old ghelman could not help but laugh wildly as he said,You will bear the responsibility Can your Grao family afford this Do you know In just one day, our Gelman family has lost almost all of our territory, and only this Manor is left! Also, almost all of our family’s core members are dead! You will bear the responsibility How are you going to bear the responsibility

Karlas was dumbfounded, his mouth unconsciously wide open, unable to speak for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, his heart was immediately filled with the greatest fear.

Although he couldn’t believe that the powerful Gelman family would be beaten so badly in one day, there was no doubt that old Gelman had blamed everything on the Grasso family and him.

Thinking of this, Calas’s body began to tremble uncontrollably, and his face turned pale, without a trace of blood.


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