God-tier Farm

Chapter 2022

2022 Counterattack (1)

Xia ruofei was sure that there was a sniper on the roof of the building with only a reinforced concrete frame.

This was also the most threatening sniping point among the few. It was the highest point of the entire construction site, and the area it could control was quite large.

Xia ruofei took a deep breath and stomped hard on the ground. His entire body was as agile as a cheetah. Then, he did a beautiful side roll and hid behind a pile of cement bricks.

Then, Xia ruofei leaped in another direction. His figure was partly visible and partly hidden in the construction site, and his route was erratic.

On the rooftop, the best sniper of the Gelman family, Edmund, was chewing gum while searching for the whereabouts of his target through his scope.

Through the scope, Edmund could see Xia ruofei’s figure flashing like a ghost. However, the time he was exposed to the muzzle was very short each time. Edmund did not have time to adjust his firing before he realized that the target had used the terrain to hide in his blind spot.

Hell … Edmund muttered.

He pressed the communication device and said,Guys! Raise your spirits and open your eyes! That guy is a little hard to deal with …

Edmund, he has appeared in my shooting range a few times, but the damn Chinese are too fast. I didn’t have time to react!

I’ve seen him a few times too, but I couldn’t find a chance to shoot!

There’s no pattern to his movement! We don’t know where he will appear next, so it’s hard to predict in advance!

Edmund frowned and said,anyway, everyone, stay alert. The area he is in is completely within our Crossfire blockade. He can only hide here and there. If he wants to leave this place, he has to go through that open area! That will be our chance! Everyone, don’t shoot!



While the snipers of the Gelman family were communicating on the comms channel, Xia ruofei had unknowingly moved two to three hundred meters forward. Of course, this was the straight – line distance between him and the building. In fact, his movement trajectory was erratic. In just one to two minutes, he had moved more than a kilometer.


Another two minutes passed.

Dammit! Just a little bit more!

Montillo! You should’ve fired a shot just now!

You try! That guy is faster than a rabbit, how could I react in time

How can he always find our blind spots Does he have special powers

Those damn Chinese are too cunning!

The snipers ‘communication channel was filled with curses.


What’s the point of him running around It’s impossible to get out of this area!

Wait! At this moment, the sniper named Montillo suddenly shouted,guys! Why do I feel like this Chinese kid is slowly approaching Edmund’s position

Hey! It was Montillo! Did your brain burn out The other sniper sneered.We’re all covering fire! If that kid really did that, he’d be riddled with holes before he could even get into the building!

Edmund also smiled and said,I was hoping he would come! This guy is too troublesome. He’s the toughest target I’ve ever encountered, no one else!

While they were talking, Xia ruofei had unknowingly advanced more than a hundred meters in the direction of the building.

He was now less than 50 meters away from the building’s entrance, but there was no cover in this area. It was completely open, and this area was completely exposed to the shooting range of all the snipers except for Edmund.

Xia ruofei leaned against an excavator and caught his breath. Then, he quickly ran through the route that he had just set in his mind. After taking a deep breath, he rushed out with all his might.

Edmund was the closest to Xia ruofei. When Xia ruofei rushed out, he aimed and fired at once. The whole movement was done in one go.

However, Xia ruofei’s speed was too fast and he changed directions constantly. Edmund’s bullets all missed.

As they were already very close to the building, Xia ruofei quickly ran out of Edmund’s shooting range.

Dogshit! Edmund cursed,guys, shoot immediately! Kill him! Kill him!

Without Edmund’s command, the other snipers also aimed at Xia ruofei and fired.

However, Xia ruofei had already calculated the fastest and safest route. Of course, this safety was relative. Even the best Special Forces soldier would find it difficult to pass through such a large open area safely under the surveillance of three or four snipers. Xia ruofei relied on his extreme speed and his sharp sense of danger. Every time there was a hair’s breadth to go, his body would change direction in a strange way, avoiding the sniper bullet.

For Xia ruofei, a distance of 50 meters was just a sprint.

More than a dozen sniper bullets hit the ground. In just two seconds, Xia ruofei’s body flashed and he rushed into the building.

The sniper’s comms channel was suddenly in a state of panic.

Edmund! Quickly retreat! Quickly retreat! We can’t stop him! Montillo shouted madly.We couldn’t stop him! He has already rushed into the building!

Retreat immediately! Edmund, he’s coming for you!

Quickly run!

Hearing that, Edmund got up and rushed to the other side of the roof without a word.


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