God-tier Farm

Chapter 2020

2020 A sharp turn for the worse (1)

Although being regarded as a burden by Xia ruofei again and again made lui hai feel embarrassed, he was clear that he could not help Xia ruofei with his current strength. He might even drag Xia ruofei down. After all, Xia ruofei’s advantage in speed could not be fully utilized with him on his side.

Yes, MA ‘am! Lui hai said immediately.

Xia ruofei opened the car door and got out. In a flash, he quickly hid in the bushes by the side of the road.

Lui hai didn’t dare to delay. He quickly drove forward and hid the car in a small road. Then he got off the car and climbed up a tree. From here, he could still see the road that he had to pass to Moore Manor.

In the drizzling rain, the road in the wealthy District was very quiet.

But lui hai was clear that under the calm surface, there was a strong killing intent. For the core members of the Gelman family who might return to the manor, this might be a road of no return …

Time passed by, and the intersection was still calm. Lui hai was wet from the drizzle and felt uncomfortable, but he still sat on the branch, staring at the front.

After about 30 to 40 minutes, a car’s headlights finally flashed in the distance. It was obvious that the car was heading towards the Gelman Manor.

Lui hai suddenly became spirited, sitting up straight and staring at the front with his eyes wide open under the dim light of the street lamp.

The car got closer and soon reached the intersection.

Lui Hai’s heart was beating faster. He didn’t even dare to blink his eyes, for fear of missing the moment when Xia ruofei launched the strange attack.

However, the car passed the intersection slowly and nothing happened. Lui hai was confused. Was Mr. Xia not ready Or was it because the opportunity wasn’t too good that he didn’t make a move

Lui hai didn’t know that Xia ruofei had already seen the man in the car with his super eyesight. Although he was a member of the Geerman family, he wasn’t on his must – kill list.

Although Xia ruofei had dealt with the Gelman family in a brutal way, he did not want to kill too many people. Since he was not on the must – kill list, he would just let it go.

Of course, this was also to avoid alerting the enemy.

The car’s appearance in the middle of the night also proved that Xia ruofei’s judgment was correct. There should be more core members of the Gelman family coming to take refuge. If they attacked now, the people behind would definitely receive a warning, and the ambush would be ineffective.

Hence, Xia ruofei just let the car pass.

Xia ruofei had always been very patient with his prey. He hid in the grass by the road without moving and did not show any impatience.

Another ten minutes passed.

Finally, there were car lights in the distance. Xia ruofei, who had been resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them and looked in the direction of the car.

This time, three cars drove in.

The car was getting closer and closer. Although there was a blinding light shining on his face, Xia ruofei could still see everyone in the car clearly with his strong eyesight and the faint light from the dashboard.

The people in the car were all Men in Black with cold expressions. There were no members of the Gelman family.

However, Xia ruofei was not disappointed because the security was so high. The people who were being escorted must be very important. It was impossible for all three cars to be filled with these thugs. It was so late at night to pull three cars of people to the manor, and they were all in a big Benz. It could not be these bodyguards.

Therefore, there must be an important figure among them, and it was very likely that he was in the second car!

As it was blocked, Xia ruofei could not see who was in the second car.

He quietly hid in the grass and let the first car go.

He could already see the people in the second car.

When his gaze fell on the back seat of the car, his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw two people sitting in the back seat. They were actually core members of the Gehrman family on the must – kill list.

One was target number five and the other was target number four.

As the distance was very close, the car was about to drive away from Xia ruofei. He did not hesitate. After confirming that the target was in the car, he immediately turned his hand and took out a steel rod from the spirit map space.

Then, Xia ruofei suddenly threw the javelin in a javelin – like movement.

The steel rod spun, making a sharp sound as it cut through the air, and almost instantly flew to the side of the car.

It was as if the steel rod had eyes, directly passing through the gap in the wheel and firmly locking the wheel.

The car suddenly made a teeth – numbing sound of metal friction, and it was stopped by the steel stake.

At the same time Xia ruofei threw the steel rod, his entire body rose into the air and pounced directly at the black Mercedes – Benz.

He heavily punched the back window of the car. The window made a muffled sound and cracked.

Xia ruofei was stunned. The thickness of the car window was beyond his expectations. It seemed that this was a specially made bulletproof car.

Two cars of bodyguards escorted them, and they even used bulletproof cars. It could be seen how terrified the Gelman family was after an hour of darkness. Everyone was like a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow.

Through the car window, Xia ruofei could clearly see that the two people in the car were extremely frightened and were speaking loudly in Italian.

He was only stunned for a moment before he immediately punched the same spot. Then, without any pause, he punched again.

In two short seconds, Xia ruofei had thrown five punches.

Although the bulletproof glass was thick and strong, Xia ruofei’s five punches, which were infused with genuine Qi, were enough to break gold and stone.

Finally, the bulletproof glass was completely broken, and the glass shards fell down.

The two people in the back seats showed a look of despair.

Xia ruofei did not hesitate. He reached out and picked up the two pieces of glass. Then, he raised his hand and the glass shards shot out like lightning. They accurately hit the area between the eyebrows of the two people and were deeply embedded.

The fear on their faces froze the moment the glass shards hit them in between their brows. The huge impact of true energy had turned their brains into mush. Naturally, they couldn’t be more dead.

After he got it, Xia ruofei didn’t say a word. He threw two photos with the number on them into the car and ran into the grass. Then, under the cover of the night, he ran at his top speed in the opposite direction of lui Hai’s car.

From the moment Xia ruofei threw the metal rod to the moment he succeeded and ran away from the scene, the entire process took at most ten seconds. By the time the bodyguards in the two cars reacted and chased after him, Xia ruofei’s figure had already disappeared.

Lui hai saw Xia ruofei’s successful attack from a distance, so he jumped down from the tree, went back to the car and started it.

Sure enough, Xia ruofei opened the door and sat in the car. He told them that he ran in the opposite direction to mislead the bodyguards. After he hid in the dark, he quickly ran to meet up with lui hai.

Targets No. 4 and No. 5 have been eliminated! Xia ruofei said,leave this place immediately!

Yes! Lui hai was prepared, so he started the car and drove forward.

This small road could leave the wealthy District in another direction, and through the Constantine bridge downstream of the Bo River, he could return to the city.

Mr. Xia, where are we going next lui hai asked while driving.

Xia ruofei said without hesitation,we can only block the road and ambush them once. They will definitely be more vigilant later on. Let’s go back to the city directly. This way, if zhengfeng needs help, I can get there faster!

Understood! Lui hai answered calmly.

Xia ruofei continued,other than old Gelman, there are three more targets that we haven’t dealt with! Contact the brothers who are waiting and see if there’s any news! If possible, kill them all in one go. If it’s not easy, then let them go back to the manor! When the time comes, I’ll wipe him out in one go!

Alright! Please wait a moment!

After saying that, lui hai immediately contacted him with his phone,Mr. Xia, as you expected, the important targets have left their original locations. The security is very strict. Our people said that the remaining three targets are likely to join forces and try their best to rush back to the manor.

Xia ruofei nodded and said,then let them go!



In Gehrman Manor, old Gehrman received a report that two of his family’s core members had been attacked and killed at the intersection at the foot of the mountain. He was so angry that his body trembled, and a pile of ceramic fragments immediately appeared on the floor that he had just cleaned up.

Immediately inform the others to change into the bodyguard’s clothes and blend in with the team of bodyguards. All the vehicles move together and retreat to the manor as soon as possible! Old Gelman ordered.

After taking over the manor of the Moore family, old Gehrman abandoned the original security system and spent a lot of money to set up a brand new security system. He also arranged for hundreds of very skilled fighters to be stationed in the manor.

Therefore, he was still very confident in the safety of the manor, which was why he repeatedly asked his family members to return to the manor.

Yes! His subordinates immediately split up and contacted the remaining core members of the Gelman family.

At this time, another subordinate ran in, panting,Mr. Gelman! This is bad … One of our restaurants, two convenience stores, and two construction sites in the city have been attacked by the Huaxia Hong sect! Their attacks are very sharp, and our people are like dragons without a leader. The current situation is very unfavorable to us!

What When old Gelman heard this news, he was so anxious that he fainted …


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