God-tier Farm

Chapter 2005

2005 Sticking to one’s heart (1)

At this time, the car had already driven out of the wealthy District. The guards at the gate had long hidden far away when they saw the crazy competition between the cars and the sparks from the shots from the cars behind.

Lower your body! Don’t show your head! Xia ruofei shouted.

Monica quickly shrank her body under the back of the seat, not even daring to breathe.

He swerved his car to avoid the bullets, but there were still bullets hitting the car from time to time. The rear windshield had long been shattered.

Through the rearview mirror, Xia ruofei could see that there were at least four cars following closely behind them. The distance between them was getting closer and closer. If this went on, those cars would catch up in no time.

The car sped along Bo River. Xia ruofei thought of a plan as he drove. If Monica was not around, he could escape easily. However, he had Monica with him and the car was not very powerful. It would take some effort to get rid of the pursuers.

Xia ruofei held the steering wheel with one hand and took out a pistol from his waist with the other. He had taken it out of Toles’s body during the chaos. He had checked it and it was full of bullets.

There was a bridge in front of them. After crossing the bridge, they would reach the other side of the Bo River and drive to the city center.

However, Xia ruofei did not choose to walk on the bridge. Before he dealt with the pursuers, he might cause innocent casualties if he entered the city center. The Mafia would not care about stray bullets.

Xia ruofei continued to drive along the side of the river. There was a turn in front of him, but he did not slow down. When he entered the turn, he used the handbrake to make a perfect drift to send the car into the turn. Then, he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

Even the Mafia behind them couldn’t reach such a level of driving skills. In order to not rush out of the road, they had to slow down, which opened up a small distance.

Xia ruofei took the opportunity to control the direction with one hand and the gun with the other. He rubbed it against his leg and the bullet was loaded. Loading bullets with one hand was a basic skill that every Special Forces soldier had to master. Xia ruofei had formed muscle memory and his movements were extremely smooth.

Sit tight! Xia ruofei shouted.

Then, he leaned out and fired a shot behind him without hesitation.

If it were an ordinary person, the hit rate of such a shot would definitely be low. After all, both vehicles were moving at high speed.

However, before Xia ruofei made his move, he had already roughly estimated the positions of the four cars behind him through the rearview mirror. After he leaned forward, he quickly observed the back. In that split second, he even had time to determine the trajectory of the car behind him.

As the shot was fired, the fastest car happened to drive over, and the trajectory of the car and the bullet perfectly intersected at a certain point.

The bullet hit the right front wheel of the car. The tire of the Ford pickup wasn’t bulletproof, so it burst immediately after being shot.

A flat tire would be fatal at such a high speed.

Moreover, the driver was not a professional racer. He subconsciously slammed on the brakes with a punctured front wheel.

One of the front wheels of the car had punctured, so it naturally lost its balance. The driver of the car instinctively adjusted the direction of the car.

This time, the car completely lost control. There happened to be a small stone on the road. After the left front wheel of the car ran over it, the whole car suddenly turned sideways and began to roll.

The cars behind couldn’t avoid it in time, and the car in the front crashed into it.

Xia ruofei hit the brakes, turned around, and fired another shot.

At that moment, the Ford pickup with a punctured tire rolled over, and the shot hit the fuel tank.

The Ford pickup exploded with a boom.

It was a Toyota off – Road vehicle that had hit it. It was also covered in wounds from the shock wave of the explosion. The driver tried to control the off – Road vehicle at the Edge of Time and space.

The Toyota off – Road vehicle swerved on the road like a drunkard, but in the end, it still failed and hit a tree on the side of the road.

Xia ruofei’s two bullets had taken out two cars at once. These two cars had completely blocked the road, and the other two cars behind could not pass.

The gangsters jumped out of their cars and fired at Xia ruofei’s car in exasperation. Unfortunately, they were too far away and posed no threat.

They watched helplessly as the broken Mercedes – Benz drove away and quickly disappeared at the corner of the road.

At that moment, the Toyota off – Road car that had crashed into the tree started to burn. The gangsters could not be bothered to chase after Xia ruofei. They frantically searched for fire extinguishers in the remaining two cars in an attempt to save their companions who were trapped.

As for the first Ford pickup, it was burnt to a skeleton in a short time, and none of the gangsters in the car could escape.

After Xia ruofei drove away from the scene, he slowed down.

Monica, who was still in shock, straightened her body and looked at the calm Xia ruofei. She said sincerely,Mr. Xia, your marksmanship is really good!

Xia ruofei smiled and turned to look at Monica.Monica, where are I taking you now Are you going home

Monica’s eyes revealed a trace of confusion as she smiled bitterly.Home I don’t have a home to go back to …

From Monica’s point of view, the Grao family was not her home. In the entire family, other than her younger brother, Rousey, none of her uncles and distant relatives were her family. Other than using her to exchange for benefits, those people did not care for her at all like a relative should.


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