God-tier Farm

Chapter 1786


Chapter 1786: A freak combination of factors (1)

The moment they entered the island, Xia ruofei felt the pressure disappear.

His remaining spiritual power was already dim and lightless, flickering as if it could disappear at any moment.

Outside the transparent light film, the pink threads formed by the peach blossom miasma were attacking and eroding Song Wei’s spiritual power crazily. At the same time, many of the peach blossom miasma threads were attacking the transparent light film that protected the island.

In the outside world, Xia ruofei could feel the pain on Song Wei’s face. He quickly said,””Song Wei, stabilize your mind and continue to circulate the” absolute beginning Heart Sutra “!”

Song Wei did not say anything but the speed at which they circulated their Qi increased. It was obvious that she had heard Xia ruofei’s words.

Now, the only way to sustain Song Wei’s spiritual power was to keep cultivating the “Scripture of the primordium origin”. At the same time, Xia ruofei could also recover to a certain extent.

While he was cultivating the “absolute beginning Scripture”, Xia ruofei’s spiritual power quickly scanned the island in the center of his consciousness.

The small island was also filled with chaotic air currents, but the difference was that there were no pink threads formed by the peach blossom miasma.

The entire Island was like a piece of Black Rock. At the edge of the island, there was a black stone tablet that was also connected to the island.

On the stone tablet, there were two fine golden patterns.

It was Xia ruofei’s first time entering the sea of consciousness. Before his spiritual cultivation broke through to the spiritual void realm, he could not enter his own sea of consciousness. This time, he could only enter the sea of consciousness by relying on the magical “absolute beginning Heart Sutra” and Song Wei’s complete lack of defense against him.

However, when Xia ruofei looked at the black stone tablet, he had an epiphany. He knew that the two golden lines should represent Song Wei’s spiritual power cultivation. There were two lines at the middle stage of Spirit Movement, which meant that there would be one golden line at each level.

Xia ruofei’s spiritual power continued to explore the center of the island.

Xia ruofei’s golden spiritual energy trembled. Even his body in the outside world trembled. He almost lost control of his genuine Qi while he was practicing the Taichu Heart Sutra.

Xia ruofei could feel that there was a small person sitting cross – legged in the center of the island. This small person looked exactly like Song Wei. If he was not wrong, it should be Song Wei’s spiritual body.

However, that was not the main point. The main point was that this little person was completely naked!

Even though she did not have a physical body, she was a miniature version of Song Wei. It was just that she was scaled down, and everything was exactly the same as Song Wei.

Song Wei’s body was already very attractive. Xia ruofei’s nose almost bled when he scanned her with his spiritual power.

Song Wei’s spiritual body seemed to have sensed something. She opened her eyes and looked at the Golden Ray of spiritual energy.

Then, Xia ruofei felt that Song Wei’s state of mind seemed to have lost control. The “absolute beginning Heart Sutra” required close cooperation between two people to be cultivated. Song Wei’s state of mind shook, causing her true Qi, which was already on the verge of losing control, to become even more violent.

Xia ruofei quickly concealed his spirit and Qi and said in a deep voice,””Song Wei, don’t let your thoughts run wild. Guard your mind and focus on circulating your Qi cultivation!”

Song Wei’s face was flushed red. She had already realized the awkward situation she was in. Xia ruofei’s timely reminder had woken her up. She could not care less about her embarrassment and forced herself to get rid of all distracting thoughts. She stabilized her true energy, which was on the verge of going berserk.

In fact, the current situation was already very critical. In the sea of consciousness, except for the island protected by the transparent light film, which was temporarily safe, the peach blossom miasma was madly attacking Song Wei’s spiritual power in the vast ocean of Qi.

Even though Song Wei was not completely defeated yet, her spiritual power was being depleted by the second.

Of course, the peach blossom miasma also suffered great losses. Even though Song Wei’s spiritual power was not as strong as Xia ruofei ‘s, this was her sea of consciousness after all. The source of her spiritual power was here. It could be said that she had the “home ground advantage”.

The current attack of the peach blossom miasma was a typical case of damaging the enemy by 1000 while damaging the user by 800. Without Xia ruofei’s sudden intervention, the miasma would not have attacked so crazily.

If he were to be distracted at this moment, he would be courting death.

Fortunately, both of them were determined and they managed to calm themselves down. They continued to practice the “absolute beginning Scripture”. Song Wei’s spiritual power was slowly replenished during this process. Although it was a drop in the bucket compared to the consumption, it was better than nothing. Xia ruofei’s spiritual power was also slowly recovering.

As long as Song Wei’s spiritual energy could hold on, there was still hope for this battle.

However, the small island in his sea of consciousness had changed again.

Just as Xia ruofei’s spiritual energy sensed the existence of Song Wei’s spirit body, he suddenly felt a suction force. His spiritual energy uncontrollably floated towards the direction of Song Wei’s spirit body.

Xia ruofei was shocked. This was completely unexpected. Xia ruofei had made a lot of preparations, but he had never thought that something like this would happen.

What made Xia ruofei even more dumbfounded was that as his spiritual power floated towards Song Wei, its form was also slowly changing.

Originally, this mental energy was just a Golden ray of light, but now it slowly began to change shape.

Head, torso, hands, feet …

In a short while, this spiritual force actually took the shape of a human.

The whole process was quite strange, and as the transformation continued, the human body became clearer and clearer. Even eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and other things began to appear.

Xia ruofei was shocked to find that the human figure that he had transformed into looked exactly like himself!

When the human figure was getting closer and closer to Song Wei’s spiritual body, Xia ruofei’s last hope disappeared. Yingluo was indeed looking at him. It was scaled down to his eyebrows, nose, eyes, mouth, and body lines. Every detail was exactly the same as him.

What was going on? Xia ruofei was a little confused.

He had never heard of mental power being able to condense into a human form. Even after reading so many cultivation classics, he had never heard of such a strange phenomenon.

This spiritual power was very close to the state of a spiritual body. Even the frequency of the spiritual body was consistent with Xia ruofei’s spiritual body.

What made Xia ruofei want to break down was that the spiritual body formed by his spiritual power was the same as Song Wei’s spiritual body. It was also naked.

He had never thought that he would meet Song Wei ‘naked’ under such special circumstances.

What shocked Xia ruofei even more was that after his spiritual power had formed a human form, it still floated towards Song Wei’s spiritual body uncontrollably.

At this moment, Song Wei’s spirit body opened her eyes. When she saw the miniature version of Xia ruofei who was completely naked, she looked embarrassed and embarrassed.

All of Xia ruofei’s efforts were in vain. This miniature version of him floated towards Song Wei’s spiritual body.

Although it wasn’t a physical body, it was indeed awkward to meet under such circumstances.

When the miniature Xia ruofei floated in front of Song Wei’s spiritual body, he sat down cross – legged and extended his palm to Song Wei.

Song Wei’s spirit body was in the same position as her physical body in the outside world. She was sitting cross – legged with her palms stretched out.

Xia ruofei’s spiritual body was in the same position as the outside world. Soon, the palms of the two spiritual bodies touched.

The moment the spirit body touched him, Xia ruofei felt an explosion in his head, as if something had exploded.

This kind of direct contact on the soul level was far more wonderful than the love between a man and a woman. Xia ruofei felt a kind of thrill that made him tremble.

Song Wei’s face was also red and her body was trembling. It was obvious that she had the same feeling as Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei had not noticed it before. In fact, when the chaotic airflow was approaching the island, his spiritual power had been unconsciously eroded by the peach blossom miasma. The golden light had a faint pink color.

The moment their spiritual bodies touched, Xia ruofei’s spiritual body was covered in a strange pink halo. It spread out quickly and wrapped around both their spiritual bodies.

This was the first time the two of them had experienced such intimate contact on the soul level. They were already a little delirious. This peach blossom miasma taking advantage of the weakness was like pouring a spoonful of hot oil on a fire, instantly igniting the most instinctive desires of the two …

Without any struggle, the two spirits were driven by their instincts and entangled together.

In the outside world, Xia ruofei and Song Wei’s faces were blushing and their breathing became heavier.

However, the strange thing was that although the two of them had lost their minds, the “absolute beginning Scripture” heart cultivation method was still running smoothly. The speed of the operation was even faster than when the two of them were fully focused and cooperating.

What was even more amazing was that in Song Wei’s sea of consciousness, Song Wei’s spiritual body and Xia ruofei’s spiritual body were intertwined and doing the most primitive movement. However, they also started to cultivate the “absolute beginning Scripture”.

The only difference was that the meridians of the two people outside were circulating true Qi, while in the sea, the meridians of the two Spirit bodies were circulating mental energy.

Moreover, the efficiency of the spirit body cultivating the “absolute beginning Heart Sutra” seemed to be higher. The two people’s mental power merged together and circulated over and over again at an extremely high speed. Their spirit bodies were also undergoing subtle changes.

It was as if it was God’s will. Perhaps this was the most correct way to cultivate the “absolute beginning Heart Sutra”. However, it was never mentioned in the information that Xia ruofei had.

Perhaps this was the first time the two of them had tried this kind of cultivation, but the effect was surprisingly good.

After a short while, the black stone tablet in Song Wei’s sea of consciousness started to shine with a golden light. There were three golden lines on the stone tablet.

In other words, in just a few short minutes, Song Wei’s spiritual power had broken through a small realm and reached the late stage of the spiritual movement stage!

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