God-tier Farm

Chapter 1683


Chapter 1683: A strange experiment (1)

Xia ruofei didn’t agree with director Li’s bureaucratic logic, but he didn’t deny that director li had good intentions, so he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Alex introduced Xia ruofei to the members of the investigation team and then left the meeting room.

As one of the parties involved, Australian Airlines had to avoid the matter.

Therefore, although they also participated in the investigation of the incident, they were more involved in the cooperation work. The real leaders were the three countries ‘aviation security departments.

The members of the investigation team were all of high status. The most famous one was naturally the National Transportation Safety Committee of the United States this Committee was established in the 1960s and participated in the investigation of many famous Air Accidents. They were very experienced and would sometimes be invited to help with the investigation of air special incidents in third parties countries.

Australia and China had also sent experts in the field of Aviation Safety, and the leaders of the teams were not low level.

Of course, the trouble that chief physician li was worried about did not happen.

The investigation team only asked Xia ruofei about the whole incident in detail as usual. They were all professionals and they asked more specific questions than the police. They did not miss out on any details.

In fact, everyone knew the conclusion of the matter. The investigation team had started working as soon as they arrived in Saipan last night. They had been busy all night.

The first task of the investigation team was to extract the cabin sound and flight data records of the flight involved, which were also commonly known as the data recorded in the black box.

Then, they spent the entire night going through all the data according to the timeline.

Although there were still many details that had not been analyzed yet, there were basically no more questions about the nature of the incident.

During the time when Wilkinson locked the cockpit from the inside, the recorded data showed that the autopilot knob was man – made to change the course and altitude of the aircraft. They also heard Captain Johannson’s last words …

Since Wilkinson had used a highly toxic drug, Captain Johannson only had time to say half a sentence.””Wilkinson, I’m feeling a little uncomfortable. You’ll be in charge of the next …”

After that, the cabin voice recorder did not record Captain Johannson’s voice anymore.

This experienced captain, who was about to retire in three months, was still thinking about his duties as a Captain in the last moments of his life.

Then, Xia ruofei and the crew broke into the door, and Wilkinson broke the windshield on purpose. All these sounds were faithfully recorded by the black box.

After the cabin lost pressure, the recorded sound could not be heard clearly due to the loud noise. However, the flight data could still be simulated by the computer to simulate the flight state of the plane at that time.

Therefore, there was basically no doubt in the big picture. The investigation team only asked the parties involved to get more first – hand information and form evidence with the black box record.

The only suspicious thing was not the fact that Xia ruofei, a layman, could successfully pilot the plane and force it to land. The fact was that there was a senior pilot in the cockpit who was guiding them. With a little bit of luck, there was still a possibility that they could succeed. The suspicious thing was that Xia ruofei and the cabin crew could break the cockpit door.

According to the Airbus company’s design standards, if such a situation occurred, it was basically a dead end. In a limited time, coupled with the fact that it was impossible to find suitable tools in the air, it was impossible to break open the cockpit door.

In fact, this was designed for Aviation Safety. If there was a way to open the cockpit door outside the cockpit, there was a risk of being used by the hijackers.

Xia ruofei did not have a better explanation for everyone’s doubts. He could only shrug his shoulders and say,””I’m not too sure, maybe I’m stronger!”

Xia ruofei’s explanation was not approved by the experts from the United States Transportation Safety Committee, who spoke by standards. It was simply unscientific.

However, the truth was right there, and they had no room for doubt.

Thus, this group of people walked into a dead end …

The internal debate within the investigation team was not small. A considerable number of people even believed that the Airbus company had cut corners in the manufacturing of the plane, resulting in the quality of the cockpit door not up to standard.

This scared the representatives of the Airbus representatives present. As an aircraft manufacturer, they also sent representatives from the Airbus. However, their status was similar to that of Qinba and they could only cooperate with the investigation.

Of course, there were many people who disagreed. According to the audio and investigation records, before Xia ruofei broke the door, the air traffic police had smashed it with an explosion – proof axe for a long time, but the door did not budge at all.

Everyone’s argument was getting louder and louder, and the meeting room was turning into a wet market …

In the end, it was the Chinese officials ‘philosophy of officialdom that came into play.

Director li expressed his opinion through the interpreter.”Everyone, please calm down. Regarding the quality of the cockpit door, the plane has been sealed for investigation. After the follow – up professional investigation, the results will naturally come to light.

Also, after yesterday’s incident, Mr. Xia must be physically and mentally exhausted. If you don’t have any other questions, can you let him go back to rest?”

Yes, chief physician li used a profound delaying tactic, and at the same time, he also helped his fellow townsman.

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