God-tier Farm

Chapter 1663


Chapter 1663: Ten seconds of shock (2)

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but blush. He had gone in the wrong direction!

After the door opened, Xia ruofei could see the situation in the cockpit clearly.

On the left seat, there was an old pilot with white hair leaning against the seat. His head was hanging down, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. He had long been dead.

The pilot on the right should be Wilkins. He clearly did not expect the cockpit door to be broken open from the outside. He turned around to look with a dumbfounded expression.

However, Wilkinson quickly regained his composure. He did not panic but picked up a crossbow beside him. Xia ruofei had come into contact with this type of crossbow before when he was serving in the Special Forces. This type of crossbow fired steel balls. The strongest ones could even penetrate steel plates at close range.

Xia ruofei sensed a hint of danger, but the anxious Captain Brook was already in front of him. He could not rush over to grab the crossbow immediately. He was only half a beat too slow, and Wilkinson had already raised the crossbow.

However, his target was not Captain Brook or Xia ruofei who was behind him.

With a crazy smile on his face, Wilkinson aimed his crossbow at the windshield in front of him and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

Brook’s expression changed drastically as if he had just seen the scariest scene in the world. He shouted,”No! No! It was Wilkinson! Stop!”

However, it was too late. The steel balls shot out of Wilkinson’s crossbow and hit the windshield. The windshield, which was known for its strength and safety, immediately cracked.

Wilkinson’s actions were extremely crazy. In such a small space, the steel ball would definitely bounce off. No one knew who would be hit by the irregular reflection. He was sitting very close to it, so he should be in the most dangerous position.

The reason why Brook reacted so strongly was that he was even more afraid than when Wilkinson shot at him directly. This was because, as a senior captain, he had already figured out the purpose of Wilkinson’s crazy actions at the first possible moment.

Wilkinson wanted to break the windshield. At this time, the plane was more than 20000 feet in the air. The internal of the plane was pressurized and basically maintained at standard atmospheric pressure. The air outside the cabin was very thin, so the difference in pressure between the inside and outside was huge.

The plane was now like a balloon, but the walls of the balloon were very strong.

If the windshield was broken, it would be equivalent to the balloon being punctured, and the air inside the cabin would leak out at high speed through the hole. If a balloon were to encounter such a situation, it would naturally explode with a bang. If a plane encountered such an explosive loss of pressure, the hole would also be torn open. Then, the lack of oxygen at a high altitude and low temperature would be absolutely fatal to the people in the cabin.

The speed of the plane was about 700 to 800 kilometers per hour. If it was exposed to the outside of the cabin, it would be equivalent to a low temperature of negative tens of degrees Celsius. At 700 to 800 kilometers per hour, and there was no windshield. One could only imagine the situation …

Of course, under normal circumstances, the windshield was very safe.

The windshield had a total of three layers. The outermost layer was heat – Tempered Glass, and the middle and inner layers were chemically strengthened glass. Each layer of glass was glued together by a layer of polyethylene and polyethylene.

Under normal circumstances, the cockpit windshield could withstand five times the maximum internal and external pressure difference of the aircraft. Even if one layer of the structure, such as the inner or middle layer, was damaged, the cockpit windshield could still withstand two times the maximum pressure difference, which was very safe.

However, Wilkinson was obviously an expert in this field. The powerful crossbow in his hand was actually a continuous shot, and the windshield was right in front of him, so he did not hesitate to pull the trigger continuously. The high – speed, powerful steel ball hit the same spot continuously, and soon the inner and outer glass began to crack.

Such an extreme situation was definitely not considered when the aircraft was designed, so even the cockpit windshield, which could withstand the impact of birds or hailstones at high speed, was so fragile under the shooting of powerful crossbow guns.

The whole process was very complicated to describe. In fact, it only took two to three seconds. Even before Xia ruofei could fully react, Wilkinson had already fired at least six or seven steel balls.

Wilkinson’s determination was too firm.

In the despairing eyes of Captain Brook, there was a “bang” in the cockpit. It was as if a small bomb had exploded in the cockpit. Then, the entire right side of the windshield disappeared.

The crazy Wilkins also caused the air in the cabin to leak out at a high speed through the gap, sucking everything in the cabin that was not fixed in place.

The determined Wilkinson did not put on his seat belt at all, so he was immediately sucked out through the gap in the windshield by the airflow.

At this time, the plane’s cruise speed had reached about Mach 0.8, which was equivalent to 800 to 900 kilometers per hour. Therefore, after Wilkinson was sucked out of the cabin, he instantly disappeared.

Such a tragic death really made people tremble all over. Just how crazy was he to do such a thing to himself!

In fact, Brook and Xia ruofei, who were at the door of the cockpit, could not estimate Wilkinson’s strength at all. This was because the moment the windshield shattered, everything in the cabin that was not fixed in place, including the flight manuals and other things, flew all over the sky and were all sucked out through the hole.

Even the right side of the bridge was deformed by the high – speed airflow.

The entire cockpit was filled with the whistling of the air, and no other sound could be heard.

Without safety belts, Xia ruofei and Brook were also sucked towards the entrance of the cave. Xia ruofei circulated his essential Qi and quickly stabilized his body as if he was rooted to the ground.

But the forty – year – old captain Brook was in a very bad state. One of the steel balls had hit his left arm, and blood was gushing out. He couldn’t use any strength in his arm, and his bones were probably injured. The moment the glass shattered, he was sucked over involuntarily, and his right shoulder hit the back of the passenger seat heavily.

If not for Xia ruofei’s quick reaction to grab his leg, he would have followed in Wilkinson’s footsteps.

As for the flight attendants and air traffic police behind Xia ruofei, they were also blown away.

As the cockpit door had been destroyed, the entire cockpit was actually connected to the passenger cabin at the back. Therefore, the back cabin was also in a mess. As the air pressure plummeted, the oxygen masks in the passenger cabin drooped down in an instant. Coupled with the violent trembling of the plane, many passengers could not help but scream loudly.

After the high – pressure air in the cabin quickly leaked out, the internal and external pressure difference reached an equilibrium.

At this time, the air in the cabin was already very thin. The cold wind poured in from the hole, and the wind whistled in the entire cockpit. In addition to the tearing of the high – pressure airflow just now, it seemed that the aircraft’s autopilot system had been damaged. The plane shook violently without anyone controlling it.

After a brief moment of shock, Captain Brook quickly came back to his senses. He struggled to stand up and took a risk to step into the co – Pilot seat.

Fortunately, the pressure difference between the inside and outside had been balanced, and the terrifying suction force was no longer present. On the contrary, the cold air was pouring in from the hole, and he was not in danger of being sucked out.

The plane was still at an altitude of more than 20000 feet. The air was very thin and the oxygen content was extremely low. In this case, it would only take ten seconds to dozens of seconds for the person to fall into a coma due to the lack of oxygen in the brain. By then, the plane would really be beyond saving.

Therefore, Captain Brook’s first thought was to quickly lower the altitude so that the oxygen concentration in the cabin could barely maintain the human body’s needs.

The control stick of the Airbus was similar to a game stick, located on both sides of the window.

As soon as Brook sat down, he grabbed the control stick and pushed it forward, trying to lower the plane’s altitude.

However, the moment he exerted his strength, he couldn’t help but cry out in pain, and large beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead …

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