God-tier Farm

Chapter 1631


Chapter 1631: The nine revolutions universe formation (2)

The Jade statue was still the same, but its aura was completely different, especially the Tiger’s eyes, which were like deep lakes. If one looked at the eyes, one would have the illusion that all of one’s mind was being sucked into the Jade statue.

Xia ruofei used his spiritual power to check the array runes inside the Jade carving and finally smiled in satisfaction.

He carefully placed the Jade carving into the spirit map space, then raised his head slightly to look at the sky and muttered to himself,””Young master Liu, and Tang real estate … I hope the gift I prepared for you will satisfy you …”

The things that Xia ruofei asked Zhao Yongjun to prepare, as well as the Jade carving of the downhill Tiger that he had personally carved, were all preparations for the formation. He wanted to give Liu haofan and the Tang real estate company a huge “surprise”.

In fact, Xia ruofei was so confident when he was bidding that he was not even worried that the 400 million bid would fall into his hands. All his confidence came from that one look he took when he went to inspect the land the other day.

Everyone was talking about Liu haofan in the car, and Xia ruofei inadvertently glanced at Liu haofan in the distance.

It was because of this glance that Xia ruofei made a shocking discovery.

Many things in the world were like this. Xia ruofei had walked around the plot of land for a few rounds but did not find anything. However, after looking at it from a different angle, he immediately noticed the extraordinariness of the land.

At that time, Xia ruofei was surprised to find that this piece of land had actually formed a very rare natural array.

The reason why natural formations were rare was that the opportunity to form them was very rare. Not only was it related to the trend of the entire terrain, the direction of the mountains, the flow of the water, and many other factors, but it also needed to echo with the trend of the earth veins. All kinds of elements were indispensable.

It was no wonder that Xia ruofei did not even think of a natural formation. After all, the conditions for a natural formation were too harsh.

At that time, the angle from which he looked at Liu haofan happened to be higher, and the other angle was just right. Not only did he have a panoramic view of the entire plot of land, but he also happened to see the small lake at the edge of the plot of land under the sun.

At that moment, a natural formation, the nine spinning universe formation, appeared in Xia ruofei’s mind.

In the beginning, Xia ruofei could not believe it because the nine revolutions heaven and earth formation was considered rare even among natural formations. The conditions for its formation were extremely harsh.

After he got out of the car, he made another careful comparison and finally confirmed that the scope of this plot of land really formed the prototype of a natural nine turns universe formation.

At that time, Xia ruofei really felt like he had found a treasure.

Because this array was too rare, if they could get this land, the benefits would be obvious.

Of course, from that moment on, Xia ruofei had quickly formulated a whole set of strategies, including what to do if Liu haofan did not care about fighting to the death during the auction, or what to do if Liu haofan suddenly stopped in the middle of the bidding process.

If it was the second situation, Xia ruofei would welcome it with open arms. With the existence of the nine turns universe formation, the value of this piece of land would definitely be more than 320 million. That was why he had bid 400 million. If he could get this piece of land with this price, Xia ruofei would definitely be able to accept it.

In fact, this was the bottom line that Xia ruofei had set for himself. If Liu haofan continued to compete after reaching this price, he would give up decisively and execute the second plan.

All of this was within Xia ruofei’s calculations. All of his calculations were based on the rare characteristics of the nine revolutions heaven and earth formation.

To be more precise, the nine revolutions heaven and earth formation was still in its early stages. It had not been fully formed yet. If it was a perfect formation, Xia ruofei would not have any room to operate it.

In order for the nine revolutions heaven and earth formation to operate, some external force was needed to activate it, just like a catalyst in a chemical reaction.

The special characteristic of the nine revolutions heaven and earth formation was that different “catalysts” could produce different effects. One positive and one negative, one Yin and one yang, they were completely two extremes.

If Xia ruofei and the others got this piece of land, he would definitely change the formation in a good direction, which was to activate the ‘yang formation’.

The Yang formation of the nine turns universe formation had obvious benefits. Simply put, one might not be aware of it, but one’s body and mind would be very happy. Unconsciously, one would be infected by positive emotions, which would also have considerable benefits to one’s health.

Staying in the array would make people feel happy from the inside out. Under the long – term subtle influence, the physical condition would slowly be adjusted. Combined with the hot spring resources there, it could be said that it was the most suitable place to build a club.

It was no exaggeration to say that if one lived in this formation for a long time, their body would get better and better, their resistance would become stronger, and they might even become immune to all diseases.

Of course, the benefits of an array to cultivators were not limited to this. The effect of cultivating inside the array was much better than outside the array.

This was also the reason why Xia ruofei was determined to get this land.

On the other hand, if the “catalyst” was changed and the formation was activated under the “Yin formation,” it would produce a completely different effect. All kinds of negative emotions would come one after another, and the body’s health would deteriorate. It might even cause hallucinations, nightmares, and so on …

Xia ruofei had asked Zhao Yongjun and the others to prepare these things, including the Jade carving of the mountain tiger that he had personally carved, to activate the formation in the form of a ‘Yin formation’.

As long as this step was successful, the next step would naturally be very simple …

For the next two days, Zhao Yongjun and the others went out of town to collect materials. During this time, Xia ruofei called Song Wei over again. The two of them hid in the bedroom in the second courtyard and cultivated again.

Song Wei’s cultivation progress was very fast. After nearly 20 days of cultivation (within the time formation), she could already feel the bottleneck of Qi disciple Level 2.

Of course, it would still take some time for her to reach this bottleneck and break through it.

But this speed was already enough to shock Xia ruofei.

In order to prevent her Foundation from being unstable, Xia ruofei repeatedly told Song Wei not to be anxious. At the same time, he decided to reduce the frequency of his training. Hence, he did not let Song Wei come over the next day.

That evening, Xia ruofei received a call from Zhao Yongjun and the others when he was about to go for a walk in Houhai after dinner.

Hence, Xia ruofei gave up on going out and returned to the courtyard of the third entrance.

Soon, a Mercedes – Benz and a Grand Cherokee drove in from the side door of the backyard. Zhao Yongjun and his team got out of the car, looking travel – worn.

Zhao Yongjun laughed the moment he got out of the car,””RUO Fei, I’m glad I didn’t fail you! You’ve already collected everything you wanted, come and see if you meet your requirements!”

Xia ruofei smiled and said,”everyone has worked hard!” I’m very confident in brother Zhao’s work!”

“You’d better check it!” Zhao Yongjun laughed and said,”if the product doesn’t meet the standard and affects your big plan, then we’ll have committed a huge sin …”

After Zhao Yongjun finished speaking, he went to the back of the car and opened the back door.

Xia ruofei saw that the third row of seats in the business car had been flattened. The back half of the car was used to store things. Chinese scholar trees, mirrors, five Emperor coins, yellow joss papers, and other things filled up the wide space.

Xia ruofei finally understood why Wei Jun and Hou Liang had driven another SUV here today, but the car was too full.

“I’m worried that we don’t have enough,” Zhao Yongjun said with a smile,”so I prepared double the amount you asked for!”

“Brother Zhao, you’re so attentive …” Xia ruofei said as he started to check the supplies.

Very quickly, Xia ruofei smiled and said,”okay!” There’s no problem at all!”

Song Rui was very excited. He rubbed his hands and said,””Then our mission is complete! It’s time for you to perform! RUO Fei, when are we taking action? I think it’s better to hurry! If not, we’ll go tomorrow?”

Xia ruofei smiled and said,”why tomorrow?” I think tonight is a good time. The moon is dark and the wind is strong, it’s a good time to do things …”

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