God-tier Farm

Chapter 1573


Chapter 1573: Tacit understanding (2)

Translator: 549690339

“I understand …” Song Wei sounded nervous but she was still determined.

Xia ruofei controlled his own genuine Qi to coil around it. After using the “Scripture of the primordium origin”, he did not encounter any difficulty in the fusion of the two genuine Qi.

Then, he guided this wisp of fused true Qi to circulate in his body’s meridians according to the cultivation technique’s route.

In order to let Song Wei have a better experience, Xia ruofei deliberately controlled the speed and slowed it down.

Gradually, the genuine Qi circulated in Xia ruofei’s body and came to his right palm.

“Pay attention, you’ll be taking over from now on.” Xia ruofei said,”don’t be nervous, just like when you were cultivating by yourself.”

“Understood!” Song Wei said.

Xia ruofei controlled his genuine Qi to flow out of his palm and into Song Wei’s meridians through her palm.

The moment it entered Song Wei’s body, she immediately took control of the Qi.

For the next half a week, Song Wei would be in charge and Xia ruofei would be reduced to a spectator.

Of course, he was not just a bystander. During this process, Xia ruofei could clearly feel the circulation path of his own genuine Qi. At the same time, through such mutual control and tacit cooperation, their souls would gradually be synchronized.

This was also the most magical part of the “absolute beginning Heart Sutra.”

Song Wei was a little nervous, but she was still able to control her true energy. She accurately guided her true energy along the path of the technique, gradually approaching her dantian.

Although Xia ruofei did not show it on his face, he was actually sweating.

Luckily, Song Wei did not disappoint him. The strand of true Qi entered her dantian smoothly.

The spirit crystal emitted wisps of spirit Qi, which were absorbed by his dantian. Then, they were transformed into true Qi to supplement the wisp of true Qi that had been consumed.

Not only was Song Wei’s true Qi replenished, but Xia ruofei’s true Qi was also strengthened. It was the same in Xia ruofei’s dantian. Both of their true Qi maintained a balance.

In the “absolute beginning Heart Sutra”, this balance was almost everywhere.

After the true energy was “replenished”, Song Wei continued to guide the true energy to the next route and finally returned it to her right palm.

A full cycle had been completed!

During this process, the wisp of genuine Qi was replenished and strengthened a little.

In fact, the main damage was in Song Wei’s body. Her meridians were relatively narrow. Every time the true energy passed through, her meridians would naturally absorb the true energy to strengthen and expand themselves.

The difference between Xia ruofei’s meridians and Song Wei’s was like the difference between a River and a stream. Hence, the amount of genuine Qi in Xia ruofei’s body did not suffer any loss.

“Let’s continue …” Xia ruofei said calmly.

“En!” Song Wei nodded her head and transferred her genuine Qi into Xia ruofei’s body, handing over the command.

One Qi circulation, two Qi circulation, three Qi circulation …

The coordination between the two of them became more and more tacit. The true energy shuttled back and forth in their bodies, and the two of them constantly exchanged control. In this process, the souls of the two seemed to become closer and more synchronized.

After 18 spiritual circulations, Xia ruofei took over the control of the genuine Qi again and said,””It’s almost time, let’s rest for a while!”

After he finished speaking, he deftly disassembled the strand of true Qi and guided his own true Qi back to his dantian. Song Wei also retracted her true Qi back into her body.

“Ruofei, aren’t you cultivating well?” Song Wei was still unsatisfied. Why did you stop?”

“As I said, haste makes waste.” Xia ruofei said,”a balance between work and rest, a balance between tension and relaxation, can lay a solid foundation for cultivation. It’s not wise to blindly pursue progress.”

“I know …” Song Wei said,”it was just that the feeling just now was wonderful! And …”

She checked her dantian and continued,””The efficiency of this kind of cultivation is so high! It’s at least ten times faster than me cultivating alone! In just a short while, my true Qi has more than doubled!”

Xia ruofei laughed.”This is how this technique works. If you practice it alone, it’s not even as good as some ordinary techniques. However, if you practice it together, this technique is definitely a high – Quality one!”

The two of them sat down and rested for a while. Xia ruofei also answered some questions about cultivation for Song Wei.

Although Xia ruofei had been exploring on his own and did not have a teacher to guide him, he had inherited a lot of information from the human – shaped jade talisman. Moreover, he had cultivated for a longer time than Song Wei. Hence, he was definitely an expert in front of Song Wei.

In the morning, Xia ruofei and Song Wei had cultivated for more than ten hours in the time formation.

Xia ruofei’s own gains were almost unnoticeable, but Song Wei’s progress was quite gratifying. She soon reached the bottleneck of Qi disciple Level 1. After breaking through this bottleneck, she could smoothly reach Qi disciple Level 2.

Although it was not difficult to advance in the early stages of cultivation, it was difficult for ordinary people to break through from Qi disciple Level 1 without a month’s time, even if they were talented.

Therefore, Song Wei’s speed was a little scary.

In addition, the “Scripture of the primordial heart” required both spiritual power and true Qi to be cultivated at the same time. In the process of circulating the technique, Song Wei’s spiritual power had also improved unknowingly.

Although she was still far from Xia ruofei’s level, and she could not use her mental strength well for the time being, a stronger mental strength meant a stronger soul. When the soul was strong, it could naturally resist the influence of the peach blossom miasma.

Therefore, the results of the morning’s cultivation were gratifying.

Because of the formation, there was still a lot of time left. Song Wei wanted to continue cultivating, but she felt like she had reached a barrier.

However, Xia ruofei stopped her decisively. To Song Wei, it was time to build her Foundation. It might feel good to break through the bottleneck, but if her Foundation was not strong enough, it would shake the mountains. Xia ruofei did not want Song Wei to break through so quickly.

According to Xia ruofei and Xia Qing’s estimation, if Song Wei’s cultivation could reach the peak of Qi cultivation stage level 3, it would be best if she could break through to Qi cultivation stage level 4. Then, she would have completed the first level of the “tai Chu Wen Xin Jing”.

At that time, their souls would be almost perfectly synchronized, and Song Wei’s spiritual power would be at least at the late stage of spirit stage. Then, he could try to destroy the miasma in Song Wei’s sea of consciousness.

After Xia ruofei explained to Song Wei, she happily accepted his suggestion.

Hence, Xia ruofei kept the array flags and the two of them strolled around outside the hotel for a while. Although it was only half a morning, they had actually been cooped up in the room for a few days.

Although Ruizhou was a small city, this border city was quite unique. The two of them wandered aimlessly near the hotel. Song Wei even bought some ethnic crafts with great interest, ready to bring them back as a gift.

At around 11:30, Yu mingdong called Xia ruofei. He wanted to ask Xia ruofei out for dinner, but he couldn’t find her in the room.

Hence, Xia ruofei and Song Wei took a taxi back to the hotel.

Yu mingdong had already handed over the Jade that he had cut out yesterday to the people sent by his family to escort them back. He and Shi Lei continued down, ready to participate in the last batch of jade trade at the public auction.

Everyone asked for a private room in the hotel they were staying in. After lunch, they did not rest and drove directly to the public bid site on Emerald Street.

Song Wei was also very interested in the stone gambling that they were talking about at the dinner table. Besides, Xia ruofei had also said that she should go out and relax now instead of being so tense and focused on cultivation. So, she followed Xia ruofei to the scene excitedly.


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