God-tier Farm

Chapter 1438


Chapter 1438: Dong Yun_1

Translator: 549690339

Feng Jing looked at the straightforward woman in front of her and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

The person in front of her was Dong Yun, who had been recommended to her by the headhunting company. She was also very optimistic about her chances and had strongly recommended her to Xia ruofei as the Chief Executive Officer.

Inside Feng Jing’s bag was a stack of Dong Yun’s information.

When she was in her second year of high school, she was accepted by Capital University in advance because she won the National Mathematical Olympiad gold medal. However, she chose an offer from Princeton after her college entrance examination and went abroad to study.

After graduating from her bachelor’s degree, she, who should have become a mathematician or physicist, didn’t follow the path of development that everyone thought was a matter of course. She chose to study a Master of Business Administration at Harvard.

Even with such a huge change in subject, she still graduated from Harvard with excellent results and successfully got an MBA. She had been working in the United States since then.

It could be seen that this was a very independent and strong woman, and it was basically difficult for outsiders to change her mind.

If the headhunting company didn’t mention that Dong Yun was interested in returning to China to work, Feng Jing wouldn’t even have tried to hire her.

However, it wasn’t easy for him to ask her out to meet him, but Dong Yun immediately cut off the conversation.

Feng Rao knew that she would most likely return empty – handed today, but she still had to do what she needed to do.

“Miss Dong, I heard that you’re interested in returning to China to work. Actually, you might as well take some time to understand our paradise Corporation …” She said with a smile.

The corner of Dong Yun’s mouth slightly curled up as she said,”Director Feng, although I have no intention of joining your company, I have read through the information that the headhunting company gave me regarding your company.”

After saying that, Dong Yun said unhurriedly,”Tao Yuan company was founded two years ago. In just two years, it has developed from a company that supplied high – end vegetables to a hybrid company that is involved in the pharmaceutical industry, the cosmetics industry, high – end food ingredients, and high – end medicinal herbs. The company’s market value has also soared from millions to at least one billion. Among them, products such as Jade skin cream and heart – nourishing soup are extremely competitive in the market. The future development prospects are promising.”

Feng Rao could not help but reveal a bitter smile.

Fine! Dong Yun had already said what she wanted to say. It seemed like she had indeed done her homework. The most attractive part of paradise Corporation was here, but Dong Yun was still not interested in paradise corporation’s invitation. Then, she really had no other choice.

“CEO Feng, I’m not trying to show off my memory. I just want to tell you that I’m not the kind of person who thinks that your company is small or unworthy of the so – called elite who has returned from abroad. I’ve seriously considered your invitation, and the final result …” Dong Yun said indifferently.

After saying that, Dong Yun shrugged her shoulders and said,”I can only say that I’m very sorry …”

Feng Rao was a little sad, but she forced a smile and asked,””Miss Dong, I respect your personal choice, but can you tell me why you rejected our company’s invitation? What aspect of the Paradise Corporation makes you feel that it’s not the best choice for you?”

Dong Yun gave Feng Jing a meaningful look and said,”President Feng, I know about your resume. In a sense, our resumes are somewhat similar …”

“So?” Feng Jing asked with a smile.

“I’m sure you can see that too, President Feng!” Dong Yun smiled slightly and said,”your company’s core competitiveness lies in its technology. Although Taoyuan pharmaceutical factory can barely be considered a labor – intensive industry, the core of its essence is still the formula of the Jade skin cream and the heart – nourishing soup. These are the foundations of your company.”

“I don’t quite understand …” Feng Jing said.”Does this have anything to do with your choice, miss Dong?”

The corners of Dong Yun’s mouth curled up into a beautiful smile as she looked into Feng Jing’s eyes and said,”CEO Feng actually understands! You and I are both professional managers. In such a technology – intensive enterprise, no matter if you are the president or the Chief Administrative Officer, with all due respect …”

Dong Yun shrugged her shoulders out of habit and said, “I’m afraid it won’t be too challenging. In other words, I work not only for money, but also for a sense of achievement! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have chosen to return to China. ”

Feng Rao was speechless. She couldn’t refute Dong Yun’s words.

In fact, she had noticed this problem long ago. When she first joined the Paradise company, it was not too obvious. As Xia ruofei miraculously took out more and more precious medicinal herbs and rare formulas, she felt that it was indeed less challenging to be the CEO of the Paradise company.

The company’s performance might become more and more brilliant, but it had little to do with her.

If she had just joined the company not long ago, she might have made the same choice as Dong Yun. However, she was now staying at paradise Corporation not only for money, but also for the sense of accomplishment that her career brought …

“Miss Dong,” Feng Jing retorted weakly,”I can’t deny that what you’re saying is true … But the position, authority, and salary that our company can offer you, I don’t think many big companies can …”

“President Feng, let’s not talk about the treatment first.” Dong Yun smiled and said,”to be honest, many big companies are also in contact with me, including internet companies of the size of BAT. Of course, they definitely can’t give me a position like CAO, but I’d rather work hard with a small team and enjoy the sense of accomplishment than work as an idle CAO at peach blossom company …”


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