God-tier Farm

Chapter 1222


Chapter 1222: Super harvest (2)

Translator: 549690339

In addition, there were 13 pieces of white truffle between 2kg and 2.5kg, and eight pieces of black truffle.

In other words, among the truffles he had harvested this time, there were 26 pieces that basically reached or exceeded the weight of the highest bid at the auction at the beginning of the year.

Even if the price of the black truffle was not as high as the White truffle, there were still 16 white truffles that had reached the highest bid at the beginning of the year, and most of them were much heavier than the White truffle.

Truffles that were less than two kilograms were uncountable, and the lightest one was around 800 grams. It could be said that all of them were qualified to be auctioned.

In the end, they had collected 171 pieces of white truffle, which was 243 kilograms in total. 119 pieces of black truffle, a total of 164 kilograms.

The two truffles added up to more than 800 pounds!

After the great joy, Xia ruofei quickly calmed down.

He realized that if so many truffles were put on the market all at once, even if there was a lack of truffles this year, it would definitely have a huge impact on the market price.

This was something Xia ruofei did not want to see.

Naturally, he wanted to maximize his profits.

According to the information disclosed by MA Xiong, the harvest of the traditional truffle – producing areas was generally not very good this year. The price of the first batch of truffles on the market might climb to a new high. He had to make good use of this favorable situation and not let his good hand be broken.

Xia ruofei pondered for a moment and immediately made a decision. Only a portion of the truffles could be released at the auction that was a collaboration with Hengfeng group. At most, it would not exceed one – third.

Anyway, the truffles ‘production season would last from November to March and April next year. Xia ruofei could sell them in small batches and hold three, four, or even five auctions.

This way, the impact on the price would be much smaller.

There was another important reason why Xia ruofei made this decision. Youyou had gotten a lot of top – grade truffles this time. If they were all put up for auction, it would be difficult to get a high price.

The rarer something was, the more expensive it would be. Any one of these top – grade truffles could become the main character of an auction. If all of them were sold at the same time, it would not highlight their preciousness.

Xia ruofei quickly divided the truffles. In the end, he picked out about 90 kilograms for the first auction. The remaining truffles were divided into three portions. He initially decided to sell all the truffles in four separate auctions. He wanted to take as long a time as possible to cover the entire truffle production season.

In every batch of truffles, there were at least two giant truffles that weighed more than 2.5 kilograms, with at least one black truffle and one white truffle each.

Xia ruofei did not put the 2.98 – kilogram piece of Super White truffle up for auction in this batch. Instead, he put it in the last batch of good stuff, which was definitely the finale.

In this batch, there was a 2.75 kg white truffle and a 2.66 kg black truffle, and some other truffles of other grades. In the end, it was about 55 kg of white truffle and 35 kg of black truffle.

Xia ruofei found a clean plastic tidying box and poured some rice into it. Then, he carefully placed the truffle pieces into the box, trying to leave some space and deliberately not filling it up. Finally, he poured in the rice and filled all the space, so that the truffle was buried in the rice.

Although the spirit map space had an absolute preservation effect, these truffles were going to be sent to the auction, so he simply used the traditional preservation method. He could just take them out from the space when the time came.

The truffles were sorted into 12 plastic boxes. Xia ruofei marked each box to distinguish which auction they would be sent to.

The first batch of truffles, about 90 kilograms, was filled with two and a half boxes. One box was filled with black truffles, and the other one and a half boxes were filled with white truffles.

After arranging all the plastic boxes neatly, Xia ruofei heaved a long sigh of relief. Although he was happy to see the boxes of truffles, he had to admit that it was a tedious task to carefully clean the truffles, classify, weigh, count, and then mix them reasonably.

Even though Xia ruofei was very energetic, he felt a sense of relief after he was done with everything.

From the start of cleaning the truffles to the separation of the ingredients, it took almost 20 hours. Fortunately, all of this was done in the Archean realm. When Xia ruofei left the realm and returned to the outside world, it was only eight in the evening. It had been less than an hour in the outside world.

Xia ruofei did not contact MA Xiong immediately.

After all, he had just contacted Xia ruofei that day. This top – grade truffle was not like cabbages. If he settled everything with this, it would instead cause unnecessary speculation.

So he decided to wait for two or three days.

However, Xia ruofei was not idle. He first talked to Feng Jing.

When Xia ruofei arrived at Feng Jing’s office, she was holding a stack of design drawings. She was using a red and blue pencil to mark and modify them. She was very focused.

“Are you busy?” Xia ruofei knocked on the door and said with a smile.

Feng Rao heard Xia ruofei’s voice and quickly looked up. She stood up and said,””The chairman is here! Come in and sit …”

After pouring Xia ruofei a glass of water, Feng Rao asked,””Chairman, what new instructions do you have?”

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”this is the internal design of the headquarters?” You’re out so quickly?”


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