God-tier Farm

Chapter 1179


Chapter 1179: Chapter 728 – if you want to do something, do it big_2

Translator: 549690339

Xia ruofei said,”Wuqiang, remember this. There are not many rules in my house. Let’s eat together!”

Wu Qiang’s eyes flashed with a touch of emotion as he nodded heavily and said,”I know, boss!”

After they sat down, Xia ruofei asked Wu Qiang to help him pour the wine.

Then, he raised his glass and said with a smile,””Everyone has worked hard during this period of time! Especially President Feng and Duff. They’ve been working hard for more than ten days for this endorsement commercial. Let me give a toast to everyone!”

As everyone present was a company employee and only Duff was a foreigner, Xia ruofei spoke in Chinese. However, Feng Jing was sitting beside Duff and had been translating in English for her in a low voice.

Daphne also smiled charmingly. She raised her glass and said in English,””Come, cheers!”



Liu Qian and the rest were all young people. Xia ruofei had never put on airs, so everyone was not too reserved and raised their glasses.

After the first glass of wine, Xia ruofei smiled and said,””Everyone, try my cooking! Today is to reward everyone, eat to your heart’s content! I’ll make more if it’s not enough!”

The aroma of the food had already made everyone drool. After Xia ruofei spoke, everyone raised their chopsticks in unison … As well as knives and forks. After all, Duff was not used to Chinese chopsticks, so Xia ruofei had specially prepared Western utensils for her.


“It’s so delicious!”

“Chairman, your cooking is amazing!”

Everyone praised Xia ruofei as they ate. Even Duff gave Xia ruofei a thumbs – up.

The people in charge of cooking all had this feeling. They didn’t have much appetite for the food they made, but if the people who ate praised it, they would be happier than eating it themselves.

Xia ruofei was like that. He grinned and said,”Eat more if you like it, just treat it like you’re at home.”

While they were gorging themselves, Liu Qian, under the urging of Feng Jing, led the employees to toast Xia ruofei. Xia ruofei was fearless and naturally did not reject anyone.

After the meal, Xia ruofei was fine. On the other hand, Liu Qian and the other girls were all red from drinking. They sat in their seats in a daze, looking very cute.

Xia ruofei saw that everyone was almost done drinking, so he smiled and said,””Let’s call it a day! Don’t leave tonight, everyone. My place is big anyway, so you can stay here!”

Under the influence of the alcohol, Liu Qian shouted happily,”Good, good! Long live the chairman!”

Xia ruofei smiled and asked Wu Qiang to arrange accommodation for everyone.

He had bought a lot of bedsheets last time, and they could be put to good use today.

In the middle courtyard, beside the stone table under the grape trellis.

Xia ruofei re – brewed a pot of tea and even took two purple sand cups. Since Feng Jing had not returned to her room, she followed Xia ruofei back to the central courtyard to report to Xia ruofei about the preparations for the press conference.

That night, Feng Rao was busy toasting to Liu Qian and the others. She didn’t drink much, so she was quite sober. However, her face was red, and she looked cute under the street lamp in the courtyard.

“Chairman, we’re having a product launch tomorrow. Will it affect our work …?” Feng Jing asked worriedly.

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”it’s fine!” Wasn’t the press conference at twoo’ clock in the afternoon tomorrow? You’ve already prepared for the early stage, so it’s fine! Besides, aren’t you guys going to sleep when you get back to the hotel?”

Feng Rao shook her head helplessly and said,”What you said makes sense! Who asked you to be the chairman?”

Actually, based on Feng Jing’s personality, she would have definitely called for a meeting to discuss the details of the press conference tomorrow.

Even though they had rehearsed all the segments multiple times, as long as the press conference wasn’t held, Feng Jing wouldn’t be completely at ease and would have to repeat the process with her team.

However, Feng Jing was also very happy to see Xia ruofei today. She was the one who urged the employees to give Xia ruofei a toast. In the end, Xia ruofei acted as if nothing had happened, while Liu Qian and the other young ladies had all drunk too much.

Hence, Feng Jing couldn’t blame anyone for what happened today.

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”I’m very confident in you. Don’t give yourself so much pressure. You need to be relaxed.” You should relax when you need to!”

“I know!” Feng Rao said with a sweet smile.

“Chairman, I’ll report to you the general situation of the preparation!” She said to Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded.

Hence, Feng Rao organized her thoughts and said,””We’ve hired a professional team to take charge of the venue’s layout and planning, but … Chairman, do we really need such a large venue?”

“Just tell me, have you booked the venue?” Xia ruofei asked with a smile.

“I’ve already ordered it as you’ve instructed,” “But …” Feng Jing said.

Feng Jing’s original plan was to rent a hotel’s conference hall. However, when she called Xia ruofei to ask for permission, Xia ruofei told her to book the capital city University of Technology’s Stadium ten days in advance.

This was a comprehensive Stadium with a total area of more than 30000 square meters and more than 15000 seats during the competition. Putting aside the high rent for the time being, for a small company like paradise Corporation, which was not well – known in Beijing, to hold such a large comprehensive Stadium for its first new product launch, how embarrassing would it be if only a few dozen or a hundred people participated in the empty Stadium?

Feng Jing had also raised her concerns, but Xia ruofei told her not to worry about it and to set the venue.

Furthermore, Xia ruofei had asked Feng Jing to start setting it up a week in advance so that it would be high – end and classy. He did not need to be afraid of spending money.

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”it’s done!” Have you arranged the venue as I said?”

“Yes,” Feng Jing said with a bitter smile.”We’ve found the most professional team as you instructed. This team has been in charge of the venue layout and scheduling of several famous technology companies ‘new product launch conferences. They’re more experienced in big occasions like this.”

Feng Rao took a sip of tea from her purple sand cup and continued,”The venue’s decorations have been completed. I went to check it yesterday and rehearsed the flow, so there shouldn’t be any problems. We’ve specially designed posters and logos, and the PowerPoint presentation of the press conference was made by a professional company. It’s definitely high – end! According to your request, the Super large stage has been built. It uses the largest back – Projection screen, which is comparable to the max screen in the cinema …”

Feng Jing smiled bitterly and said,””When I was rehearsing yesterday, it felt so empty on stage. If there are only a few people at the press conference tomorrow, it would be a joke …”

Xia ruofei raised his head and laughed,””Don’t worry! Have you sent out the invitations I asked you to?”

“Yes.” Feng Jing nodded.”They’ve been sent out three days ago, but … Chairman, will the central media companies like red Star and Huaxia really send people over?”

According to Xia ruofei’s request, hundreds of media invitations were sent out. However, Feng Jing was not confident at all. There were many central media companies in the capital. Wouldn’t small companies like this receive dozens or even hundreds of invitations a day? When they were free, they would send one or two newcomers to earn some transportation fees. If they were not free, it was normal for them to throw the invitation into the trash can.

“You just need to send out the invitation,” Xia ruofei said.”Don’t worry about the rest!”

“Alright then!” Feng Jing knew that Xia ruofei had a lot of power, so she didn’t dwell on this matter. She shrugged and said,”we’ve also posted the ordinary audience’s request on our official website, Weibo, and WeChat, but … Not many people responded …”

This was what Feng Jing was most worried about.

The Paradise Corporation was quite famous in the southeast province. If the press conference was held in Sanshan, it would not be difficult to gather one or two thousand viewers.

But the press conference was held in Beijing!

No matter how much fans in the southeast province like your brand, there are probably only a few who can travel thousands of miles to Beijing to attend the press conference.

Moreover, even if one or two thousand spectators were to be gathered and scattered into the stadium, they wouldn’t even be able to fill a square.

According to Feng Jing’s team’s statistics, there were less than 1000 people who had signed up for the show, and many of them had come for the gifts provided by paradise Corporation.

At this point, Feng Rao couldn’t help but look worried.

They had booked such a huge venue and decorated it according to the standards of a big name’s press conference. If it was empty, they would be slapping themselves in the face …


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