From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 666 Don't Forget

”I think I got the answer,” June said, finally halting their conversation.

Jisung stuck out his tongue at Akira in victory, while Akira held himself back from pulling Jisung’s hair.

As the two of them engaged in a silent fight, June also stayed silent.

BC meant briefcase.

June was sure of it even though there wasn’t a genuine confirmation from Choi Joon-ho.

Well, he was dead now.

So, unless June was to die, then he had no choice but to believe that the poem was related to the briefcase. Moreover, there weren’t any plausible reasons.

The poem must provide clues as to where the briefcase was.

Where the sun doesn’t shine

Where life took love

Where flowers bloom

…where it was engulfed in flames

June thought hard about what the statements could mean, but he couldn’t think of anything right off the top of his head.

A place where the sun doesn’t shine? That would be London.

Where life took love? Definitely Paris.

Where flowers bloom? Anywhere in the world!

Where it was engulfed in flames? Their kitchen.

All of the clues were seemingly unrelated to each other, which made June have a harder time deciphering what it could really mean.

Before he could think too hard about it, though, they were called by one of the staff members to go to the shooting space. Saʀᴄh th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

June was still a bit absent-minded as he walked to the set, so he failed to see who was going to be their photographer.

“Oh, darling!”

Before June could react, he felt a kiss on his cheek, making his eyes go wide in surprise.

“Pablo?” June exclaimed.

“Surprise. Surprise! I’m back again. Did you miss me?” he asked, fluttering his eyelashes like he had magnesium deficiency.

June sighed. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“You’re the one who makes me sleep at night,” Pablo said. “Now that I’ve seen your face, I’d be having a damn good sleep tonight again.”

June shook his head in amusement. “Is Jenny with you?” June asked, looking around.

“Yes, she’s getting coffee for everyone,” Pablo said. “So, let’s not talk about that woman and get to work! Chop, chop. I want the best for the boys today!”

June couldn’t help but smile as Pablo directed everything in their shoot. Somehow, he was grateful that it was him once again.

They had worked with plenty of brands in the past months, and they’ve always been treated well when Pablo was the photographer.

“Yes, my darlings. That’s great. Pose for me again!”

He clicked his camera, working his magic as the three members of EVE modeled the special limited edition lip tint.

“Good, good. Now, why don’t Akira and Jisung put their lips close to each other?”

“WHAT?!” the two of them exclaimed.

“I’ll be willing to do it if it was June,” Jisung smiled.

“Me too,” Akira chimed, but June quickly stood and shook his head.

“I’m kidding!” Pablo exclaimed. However, deep inside, he also wanted to see it.

“Just put your heads closer to each other. Make it look like you guys are the real bearz,” he instructed.

The members nodded and followed his instructions well.

Because of this, they were able to finish the shoot faster than usual, so the members had no choice but to wait for Jay to come and pick them up after the shoot.

Akira and Jisung were playing games in the corner of the room when Pablo entered through the door with a mountain of snacks in his hands.

“I brought this for you, my darlings!”

“Aww, Ji! You absolute idiot! I don’t have any mana. Why would you set up that play?” Akira asked.

“Don’t blame me for your lack of skills. You should have bought the mana boots sooner,” Jisung deadpanned.

“You’re saying that, but you have zero kills,” Akira said.

“I’m a tank, idiot!” Jisung said, his good-boy personality going down the drain. “And tell that to your five deaths.”

The two of them continued trash-talking each other, almost as if they were competing in two separate teams.

“Oh,” Pablo said as he listened to their conversation. “Well, they’re quite chummy.”

June chuckled in amusement. “You can place those here,” he said, clearing the table.

“These idiots will clear these snacks in a while, but right now, they’re caught up in their own world. Let me thank you on their behalf,” June said.

“It’s alright,” Pablo said. “I came here especially for you.”

June raised his eyebrows in surprise. “What for?”

“Don’t act like I don’t always look for you,” Pablo chuckled. “You already know that you’re my favorite idol of all time—even when you were still a trainee.”

“Yeah,” June smiled, looking down at his lap. “You were one of the many people who helped me in the past.”

“As much as I find you annoying, I realize that your presence was actually a great help,” June said. “I probably wouldn’t have been able to debut if it weren’t for you.”

Pablo chuckled once more. “You’re giving me way too much credit. You would have been able to debut even if it weren’t for me.”

June thought back on those times before shaking his head. Now that Fu was gone and some of his skills were missing, there was a void in his heart—one that couldn’t be filled even though his sister was already in his midst.

“I don’t know,” June shrugged. “Probably not.”

Pablo sighed as he observed June’s face. He had known him for an entire year, yet somehow, this was the only time he had seen June make such an expression.

He almost looked…defeated.

Pablo pursed his lips and brought something out from behind his back—one he kept all throughout their conversation.

June frowned as Pablo placed the red packet on his lap.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Oh, shush,” Pablo said. “I know that you love that stuff.”

June felt his heart skip a beat when he finally recognized the packaging.

BenBen Gummies?

How long has it been?

“It’s…been a while,” he muttered. “I think I forgot about the taste of it now.”

Pablo nodded, understanding June’s sentiment.

“Yeah,” Pablo said. “Sometimes, we forget the taste of something—especially when we haven’t consumed it in a while.”

“Maybe it just slipped our minds, or maybe we got caught in the whirl of life, and we just happen to not have any time to even think about it.”

“However, it’s still there,” Pablo smiled, looking into June’s eyes.

“The origin.”

June’s eyebrows immediately furrowed.


“What? Origin? Did you just say—origin?”

“Yeah,” Pablo confirmed. “Your origin.”

June couldn’t believe his eyes and ears.


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