From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 665 BC

It couldn’t be, right?

Joon-ho couldn’t have foreseen the future, did he?

Or was he planning to use the name ‘June’ as a stage name since then?

Incorrect password. Only one more try before the note locks.

“Fuck!” June exclaimed, startling his members inside the car.

If it wasn’t June, then what the heck could it be?

Feeling frustrated, he haphazardly typed in ‘May,’ which was the month before June.

Who cares if the note doesn’t open? All the other notes seem to be unimportant!

June was prepared to give up when he suddenly saw a white screen with black scribbles staring back at him.

He paused for a moment, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Then, he realized that he actually figured it out.

The password was May all along!

He didn’t ponder upon the meaning of the password since his curiosity was at its peak.

What did BC mean, and why did Choi Joon-ho set up such a difficult password for it?


A beauty in the rain

Gave me something I didn’t know I needed

But it brought immense pain

That I had it seeded

Buried, underground

Where the sun doesn’t shine

Where life took love

Where flowers bloom

…where it was engulfed in flames

And in flames, it did engulf.

June saw something at the bottom—almost like an address.

However, before he could even read a single letter, the phone was engulfed in flames—literally.

A loud bang was heard inside the car just as Jay parked it. Saʀᴄh th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Then, the three of them looked at June and saw the exploded phone right on his lap.

Jay screamed like a little girl as he quickly swatted the phone from June’s lap and onto the car floor.

“It’s going to explode!” he dramatically exclaimed.

June sighed and ran his hand through his face. However, at that moment, he felt an adhesive material. He looked at his hand and saw the pimple patch, which had accumulated some pus, in his hand.

June clicked his tongue and quickly wrapped it in a napkin before placing it in the van’s trash bin.

Meanwhile, Jay and Jisung were still out of it!

“I told you not to use it anymore,” Akira said. “Throw it outside! Who knows? It might make the car explode into flames.”

“Oh, please, no,” Jay said. “This car costs more than my salary for about five more years.”

June shook his head. “No. Have someone fix it for me,” he said, tossing the exploded phone toward Jay’s way, making him squeal once more.

“Or, at least, have the memory card saved.”

“What for?” Jay groaned as he looked at the phone like it was a bomb.

“Just do as I say.”

With that, June got out of the car.

However, he once again underestimated his popularity as fans flocked toward him as soon as he got out.


“It’s June! It’s June!”

“Waaah! He’s so handsome.”

“Take his picture, quickly!”

The ‘fans’ started screaming his name and other incomprehensible things. Then, June suddenly felt dizzy with all the lights flashing in broad daylight. He felt other people touch his body, and he felt defenseless at that point.

Fortunately, the guards finally arrived, and they held onto June to support him and lead him inside.

Jay and the others quickly followed, also being mobbed by an array of people. However, June had it worse since he was the first one out of the car.

As soon as they made their way inside, Jisung patted his back.

“Are you alright?” he asked. “You should have waited for us.”

June sighed. “Yeah. I wasn’t thinking at that moment. I’m still not used to it. We used to be able to go out of the car without trouble back then.”

“I’ve already told you—things have changed now,” Jay sighed. “Don’t go out of the car on your own accord now, okay?”

June nodded before following Jay to the make-up room.

There, June had some time to think about what he had read on the former Joon-ho’s phone.

He quickly brought out his phone from his pocket and typed what he had remembered.

“Where the sun doesn’t shine. Where life took love. Where flowers bloom…where it was engulfed in flames,” he muttered.

The make-up artist, who was also a closeted EVE fan, froze as June said those words.

“A new song?” she muttered, a small smile playing on her lips.

Then, she proceeded to do his make-up with the brand that EVE was going to represent.

It was a special edition lip tint that involved the characters in Naked Bearz. The shades were inspired by the bearz and their personalities, while their packaging also showed the bearz themselves.

Since June was going to represent the polar bear, he would be wearing a muted pink, with hues of blue that represented the icebergs.

“Oh, you have a pimple here,” she said. “Somehow, you still look cute with it.”

June’s eyebrows raised in surprise. Then, he bowed in acknowledgment since he didn’t think a pimple could ever be called cute.

However, he didn’t really have much energy to ponder upon it since the note was still boggling his mind.

Beside him were Akira and Jisung, who were also getting their makeup done.

“Hey, guys,” June said, capturing their attention.


“Yeah, bro?”

He sighed and decided to ask them the question.

“What do you guys think B.C. means?”

Akira chuckled loudly. “Oh goodness. You don’t know that? You’re supposed to be smarter than me, aren’t you?”

“It’s the new channel in Britain,” he deadpanned.

June frowned in confusion.

Meanwhile, Jisung scoffed. “That’s BBC!”

“BBC?” Akira muttered. “Doesn’t that stand for something else? Big Black—”

“I know what it is!” Jisung exclaimed, cutting Akira off.

“Isn’t that what we are right now? We have so many things that we’re like bees zooming around.”

“That’s busy,” Akira exclaimed. “I think he’s talking about an acronym.”

“I am,” June said, trying to extend his patience as he continued to listen to their nonsense talk.

“Oh, then it’s British Columbia!” Jisung said.

“I don’t think it’s a place,” June said.

Akira chuckled, already feeling competitive. He wanted to be the first one to say it!

“I know it now. It’s Before Church. I heard B.C. a lot in the Vatican. Oh, and in history!”

June was about to rake his fingers through his hair in frustration, but the makeup artist stopped him ahead of time.

“That’s Before Christ. Goodness, why did I even bother asking you two?”

“Bird Cage!”

“Boot Camp?”

“Ooh, Book Club. My mom is a part of one.”

“What about Bonsai Cultivar?” Akira smirked.

“You know that, but you don’t even know Before Christ.”



June started tuning them out at one point, regretting even bringing up the topic.

However, with Jisung’s utterance, it finally made sense.

The briefcase!

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