Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1690  Crash

Chapter 1690  Crash

The situation was precarious, to say the least. The ground beneath them shook with the terrifying vibrations of thousands of Uruk stomping their way towards them. The beastly cries of the oncoming horde reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of doom that echoed around the scattered remnants of the magi. π’ͺ𝑣𝒍xt.𝒸𝑂𝗆

The human magus were in stark contrast to their adversaries. Many of them were still struggling to regain their bearings from the sudden crash, their bodies bruised and their spirits winded. Some were trapped inside the upended vehicle, their cries muffled by the heavy, metallic groans of the twisted wreckage seeking an escape route.

Amongst the debris and chaos, Emery’s eyes found a familiar face. Silo, a fellow magus, was struggling to his feet, his body drenched in blood. His once proud, confident visage now held only terror and desperation. His gaze found Emery’s, and for a moment, their eyes locked. Silo’s voice, usually so commanding and decisive, was barely a whimper now. “I am Silo,” he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear and pain. His words were a desperate plea, “Save me and my Faction will…”

Before Silo could finish his sentence, his plea was abruptly and brutally cut short. From Silo’s own shadow, a figure emerged swiftly. So fast was the movement that the eye barely registered it before the gruesome outcome was revealed – Silo’s head was brutally severed from his body, rolling away in a morbid dance of death. The figure, as it emerged fully, was unmistakable – it was the scarred dark elf, his chilling presence causing the air to drop several degrees.

“You all are not getting away now!” His words, laced with a promise of death. The elf’s gaze was fixated on Emery, a terrifying glint of determination glimmering in his eyes. A predator assessing his prey, the dark elf’s gaze was the last thing Emery saw before he disappeared into the shadows once again, leaving behind an air of deadly anticipation.

Emery was confident with his spirit sense ability, it gave an additional layer of perception that allowed him to detect the presence and movements of others. However, the dark elf’s movements eluded his spirit sense easily, like trying to grasp smoke with bare hands. This could only mean one thing: the dark elf must possess a high proficiency in the law of darkness, or its advanced form, the law of shadow.

Moreover, the lethal combination of this proficiency with a terrifying poisonous attack made the dark elf a fearsome adversary in the current chaos. The magus, scattered and confused, seemed like lambs waiting for the slaughter in the face of such a figure. It was a chilling realization, a stark reminder of the predator they were facing.

However, The dark elf’s final gaze towards Emery was etched deep into his memory. It wasn’t hard to deduce that he was the intended target. But Emery wasn’t one to falter in the face of danger. On the contrary, he rose to the challenge.

Without wasting another second, Emery invoked his newly learnt spell, one that he had acquired during his time with the Vanyar wood elves:

[Sylvan Armor – Tier 5]

Drawing upon the power of plants and earth to form a protective shield around him. At his command, the spell wove a strong barrier of entwining vines and roots that danced and weaved around him, providing a formidable shield against physical and magical attacks.

It was a unique defensive spell, its potency arguably surpassing his previous [Jade Armor]. However, without access to darkness energy of Khaos, this spell certainly going to be his live saving solution.

As he anticipated, the dark elf materialized from the shadows right beside him. But he was a tad too late. By the time he had made his move, Emery’s Sylvan Armor was already in place, glowing with the verdant power of nature. The dark elf’s pitch-black dagger plunged into the armor, piercing halfway through the thick foliage before it was stopped.

Seizing the opportunity, Emery reached out, grabbing the dark elf’s arm with an iron grip. With a swift motion, he forced the elf to release his dagger. And then, he let his fist fly, delivering a punch that rocked the dark elf backwards.


The force of Emery’s punch sent the dark elf stumbling back a few meters. It wasn’t enough to significantly hurt him physically, but the surprise and the minor humiliation were a blow to his pride. Dusting himself off, the dark elf spat a bitter response, his voice laced with venom, “Tell me your name, human, so I can carve it on your tombstone!” As he spoke, another strange dagger formed in his hand, materializing from the surrounding shadows.

Emery, however, wasn’t intimidated. Instead, he calmly began his own transformation, invoking [Twilight Transformation]. His body started to shift and morph covering his skin with silver fur and boosting up his battle power.

Sharp and deadly [Blade claws] came out of his fist, an embodiment of his readiness for the fight. With an icy calm in his voice, he retorted, “You don’t need to know, you will die here today.” His statement wasn’t a mere threat; it was a promise.

Unfortunately, Their imminent clash was stalled by the arrival of the Uruk horde, now closing in rapidly on their location. Three dark elves rose above the sea of orcs, their tall figures looming ominously. Among them was the Khan himself, his chilling aura leading the charge.

In the midst of this intensifying chaos, a defiant roar pierced the air. The space knight captain had climbed onto the overturned vehicle, ripping the turret from its mount and holding it in his arms. He opened fire, his battle cry ringing out above the chaos,

“Do not Falter!! Fight!! Fight!!”

His tenacious display bolstered the spirits of the human magus. Blane, despite being only half-recovered, rose to his feet and joined forces with Cass, the blonde female magus. Along with two surviving magus who had barely escaped death, they launched a counterattack.

Atlas, the half-machine Magus, was about to join the fight when the captain’s command echoed in his ears, “You! Take the bags to the citadel! Get some help!” Though eager to join the fray, Atlas knew his duty. He quickly gathered the bags, shot a glance at the raging battlefield, and then soared into the sky towards the citadel.

Emery, meanwhile, set his own objective as the battlefield was fully set. He locked eyes with the scarred dark elf, their shared animosity a tangible force between them. His objective was clear and singular – he had to kill this dangerous dark elf.

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