Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1689  Returning

Chapter 1689  Returning

“Blane!! Hang on!!”

The blonde female magus’s desperate plea resonated through the din of the speeding vehicle’s engine. The fading screams of the formidable Phantom Drider still echoed eerily in the backdrop, serving as a chilling testament to the perilous encounter they had narrowly escaped.

For a Magus, possessing an Immortal body granted them the uncanny ability to recover from gruesome injuries. Their bodies could reknit flesh, mend bones, and patch up punctured organs – an extraordinary feat that was, unfortunately, not an immediate one. Especially when the afflicted was unconscious, the process of regeneration could stretch into long, agonizing hours.

Laid out on the hard metallic floor of the vehicle, Blane was a horrifying sight. His insides grotesquely spilled out in an indecent display of the brutality they had just fled from.

Reacting swiftly amidst the panicked chaos, Emery leaped into action. His hands started to glow, suffused with the ethereal light of nature as he channeled a potent healing spell. A warm, soothing light began to envelop the severely injured Blane.

It was a tense wait, the seconds stretching into long, agonizing minutes before signs of recovery became evident. The dark-skinned Magus, battered but undeterred, eventually regained consciousness, his voice weak but filled with unmistakable vitality.

“You losing your calm, Cass.. doesn’t suit you..” His words, though uttered with noticeable difficulty, carried an undertone of reassurance.

The two Magus, apparently were a couple. The sight of the usually stoic and unflappable woman breaking down in fear was a stark reminder of a certain woman he had left behind in his home world. Their desperate situation, their narrow escape, and Cass’s visible fear further solidified Emery’s resolve. He needed to escape this alien planet, whatever the cost.

With Blane’s condition stable, the journey resumed. It was an additional two hours of grueling travel back to the safety of the citadel. The thunderous roars of the engine, the jarring vibrations of the metallic frame, and the seemingly endless expanse of desolate landscapes outside were the only constant companions for the weary magus.

As they began closing in on their destination, Captain Steele’s demeanor shifted. An air of tension filled the compartment. The Captain began to explain.

Exiting the citadel was always the easier part of their missions; it was the return that posed the real challenge. The brutal Orc would typically lay in wait for their return.

Two hundred miles away from the citadel, the group could already discern the ominous hordes of Orcs waiting for their return. π’ͺ𝑣𝒍xt.𝒸𝑂𝗆

A dazzling firework shot into the starless night sky from the citadel, the vibrant explosion serving as a beacon, guiding them toward the safer path they were to follow.

“South gate!!” The captain’s shout pierced the growing tension, his orders delivered with unmistakable urgency. With deft agility, he climbed up to the vehicle turret, his silhouette framed against the dim light filtering from outside.

The juggernaut’s vehicle swiftly swerved in response to the captain’s orders, changing its course and taking a wide, circuitous path that skirted the citadel’s outskirts. It was a relentless drive through an ocean of adversaries; there was no clear path, no safe havens. As far as their eyes could reach, the landscape was teeming with the grey-skinned Uruks, their numbers staggering, their war cries deafening.

Yet, the vehicle charged forward undeterred, ransacking anything and anyone that dared cross its path, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The constant staccato of bullets firing from the turrets created a cacophony of chaos that further fueled their adrenaline.

150 miles,

130 miles,

110 miles,

The distance rapidly closed, their speed unchecked. The sight of the foreboding lava seas became visible. They knew, once they crossed the bridge spanning its fiery expanse, they would reach the relative safety of the citadel.

However, Amid the sea of gray-skinned Uruks, a single figure stood tall and intimidating. It was a dark elf, his hulking frame cutting an imposing figure against the backdrop of the tumultuous horde. The heavy metal rods he held in his hands were as fearsome as his presence, radiating a chilling aura of menace.

Captain Steele’s voice echoed through the cacophony outside, his tone fraught with an urgency that sent chills down their spines. “Fuck! That’s the Khan!! Get Ready!!” He bellowed, recognition and dread contorting his rugged features.

Every soul in the vehicle turned their attention to the imposing figure blocking their path, their hearts pounding in their chests. The name ‘Khan’ struck fear into their hearts – the chief of the dark elves. The fight they had hoped to avoid was now an inescapable reality.

Emboldened by adrenaline and desperation, the Captain roared his orders once again, “Full speed ahead!! Die you die!!” He aimed the vehicle’s formidable turret squarely at the menacing figure ahead, his fingers ready on the trigger.

But the dark elf chieftain, the Khan, stood his ground, an unyielding pillar amongst the throng of his kin. In a show of power, he raised one of his massive metal rods, channeling his brute strength into a throw that defied all odds.

The rod hurtled through the air like a streak of lightning, its speed matched only by its lethal intention. With the vehicle barreling forward at high velocity, evading the incoming projectile was near impossible.

An earth-shattering crash reverberated through the interior of the vehicle. The occupants were thrown off their balance, their screams drowned in the horrendous sound of the impact. A gory sight met their eyes as the rod smashed through the front window, impaling the driver and a magus seated directly behind it.

The blow was so powerful it sent the juggernaut veering off its course. It skidded, toppled, and began to roll uncontrollably, the world inside turning into a maelstrom of chaos. All the occupants were violently jostled, their bodies tossed around as if they were mere dolls in the face of the horrific onslaught.

Even amidst the calamitous wreckage, Emery’s sharp instincts and quick reflexes prevailed. He was one of the magus who had the presence of mind to cast a defensive spell just before the vehicle took the catastrophic hit, shielding him from the brunt of the impact.

The ground vibrated beneath him, reverberating with the thunderous charge of the incoming orc horde. Their battle cries filled the air, a dreadful chorus that only promised an imminent onslaught. Realizing the direness of their situation, Emery didn’t waste a moment. He crawled his way out of the toppled vehicle, his every sense on high alert.

Once out, he quickly regained his footing, his eyes scanning the chaos unfolding around him. It was a surreal sight, the clash of fear and determination on the faces of his fellow magus, the grim determination of the orc horde, and the aftermath of their devastating crash.

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