Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 436 Precursor

Beneath the plant vine clone of Yang Qing, a slender vine was rapidly burrowing through the sand and rock, slithering and crisscrossing everywhere as it sunk in deeper and deeper into the ground. On its tip, it was surrounded by aurora lights that would occasionally drift a certain way which the vine would follow.

Meanwhile, the four judges had adjusted their fighting to suit the present circumstance. Even though Yang Qing’s boost was still there, they slightly altered their fighting to accommodate him by lessening the burden of what he had to do especially when it came to dealing with their injuries.

The breadth with which they attacked didn’t reduce, because if they let up, they had no doubt that Feng Qiu would capitalize on it and attack Yang Qing. However, even if they didn’t decrease their intensity, they did slightly position themselves and also had targeted attacks.

Wei Ying seemed to have taken a more central role in the attack as she used the turtle dragon to restrain Feng Qiu’s movements along with her attacks, while Dai Chen and Zhang Qinggee increased the power of their attacks which they used as a way to contain Feng Qiu and not give her room for anything else, while Mo Liwei hanged back a bit even though he still continued with his flurry of spear attacks, with where he was positioned, it seemed to have the direct line to Yang Qing. In case of anything, with his speed, he would be able to reach Yang Qing in a heartbeat.

Despite the five of them having fought together for the first time, the smoothness of their coordination made it seem like they had been fighting together for years. This was why despite Feng Qiu knowing what they were up to, she was helpless to do anything about it. She found it hard to find an opening to exploit in the shortest amount of time not unless she decided to use much more drastic means, which she was hesitant to use especially when she saw the fin floating above them constantly releasing a dark starlight.

But just because she wasn’t willing to use taboo arts didn’t mean she was willing to let things proceed as they were.

She swiftly evaded Dai Chen’s slashing sword attack and used that brief gap to make a small cutting on her palm and flung the blood that was dripping out like it was a hidden weapon attack.

Oscillating blood urchin rain

Hundreds of blood-colored needles that were as thin as a single hair were reproduced from the blood from her palm which she rapidly flung towards the undefended Dai Chen and Zhang Qinggee who had been charging in.

Dai Chen used his swords to defend against the needles that were speedily coming toward him, while Zhang Qingee used the force generated from her fists to deflect the incoming needless.

Despite the duo doing their best to defend themselves, a few needles still managed to penetrate their defenses. Dai Chen had two needles in him; one on his left shoulder and another on his right forearm, while Zhang Qinggee, had one needle on her left thigh.

The skin around the areas where they had been stabbed started drying into white clay as it slowly spread.

Tsk! .𝒄𝒐𝒎

Feng Qiu clicked her tongue when she saw how slow-acting the needles were. When she was at the third stage of the palace realm she used the same technique to turn a first-stage palace realm cultivator, into a white dried clay figurine, yet now as sixth stage palace realm cultivator, she couldn’t replicate the same feet against opponents of a similar cultivation base.

Unwilling to give up, she immediately created more needles to number a thousand, despite the drain producing those needles was on her since they required a bit of her essence to produce.

“This should give me the opening I need,” she thought as her cold gaze centered on Yang Qing.

However, her pupils instantly flickered as she detected tremendous undulations of energy suddenly coming from the clone below which suddenly raised its head as it faced her, and then brought its hands together to form a seal that resulted in its body ballooning. It then immediately opened its mouth and blew a green cloudy dust wave in her direction.

The wave had a gentle cool sensation to it, and smelt of spring. The blood needles on Dai Chen and Zhang Qingee started melting when they came in contact with the green particles as their petrified skins regained their normal skin.

Feng Qiu instantly reacted as she launched the blood needless she had formed towards them, with the bulk of it being specially targeted towards Yang Qing.

However, the green cloud dust, clung tightly onto the needles, draining a bit of their energy, while Mo Liwei and Wei Ying stepped in with a joint attack to stop the attack.

The turtle giant grew in size and immediately launched itself sideways putting itself between the needles and the rest while Mo Liwei like a white blinding streak crisscrossed the whole battle field targeting every single needle he flew across.

In less than a minute all the needless had been eliminated as a counter-attack was launched on Feng Qiu.

The blue koi fish around them suddenly doubled in size as it increased its output, while the cleansing melody of the lark increased in fervor, in addition, there was now a raven floating above them constantly spewing out green flames that had a white coating on them.

Feng Qiu’s look turned grim, as a multitude of attacks befell her. She was continually barraged by a torrent of attacks with injuries growing by the second.

To respond to the sudden change, her technique switched completely to blood fiend arts. Her opal turned crimson red, with her hair turning red. It looked like it had been refined from blood, while a pungent air of blood surrounded her. It wasn’t only her hair that changed as her crimson sword looked like it had been soaked in blood especially when it constantly dripped blood, that was filled with vengeful screams.

The blood needles that she was using in a reserved manner were now being relentlessly produced with the swing of her blade from the blood that was dripping on it.

Blood needles, crimson saber attacks, black miasma, river waves of blood corruption, all sorts of attacks were continuously released by Feng Qiu with no reservations as the opal on her forehead continually let out a crimson glow that grew in intensity almost as a precursor that it was about to birth something.

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