Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 435 Wisteria Tree, Friend Or Foe

With caution thrown to the wind, and the four judges no longer pulling their punches, Feng Qiu was immediately swallowed in a barrage of attacks, more than she could effectively keep a handle on.

Even though she tried to keep them at bay, with how forceful and absent of care or caution their attacks were, a couple would penetrate her sturdy defenses, heavily injuring her.

However, despite the scale of injuries she got, the crystal seed opal on her forehead would release a subtle red glow and her wounds would instantly close up.

The fight which had been cautious and measured before, had now turned into an all-out bloody brawl, and the intensity and the damage grew by the second.

Dai Chen and the rest would have deep cuts appearing in different parts of their bodies during the fight but an instant later, with an orange drop falling on them, the wounds would instantly close up.

Feng Qiu who was constantly being swallowed by a barrage of attacks, took a quick glance at the person responsible for the sudden change in fighting style.

An intense murderous glint flashed in her eyes as her gaze briefly fell on the green-haired youth surrounded by green flames and green ocean that were constantly revolving around him, with a large pool of spiritual qi constantly being released and absorbed by him.

The techniques he released seemed to have a natural suppression to her blood-fiend arts, which enabled the four judges to act without caution despite her mixing blood poison, curses, beguiling, and mind corruption arts into her attacks. None of them seemed to have any effect on the four judges, and even if they did, they were quickly resolved by the measures of the green-haired youth.

She had half a mind to throw caution to the wind, and try and eliminate him first, but the price she would pay for that would likely be her life even with the opal’s support on her forehead.

Yang Qing whose entire focus was on supporting the four judges as best as he could, felt an intense glare on him which prompted him to take a brief pause as he put on the most polite irritating smile he could muster as he innocently waved towards Feng Qiu, hoping to rile her up.

It seemed to have worked as thin fibrous veins appeared in her eyes for a brief moment before her gaze turned indifferent.

Mo Liwei and Dai Chen had taken advantage of the brief relapse to launch a simultaneous attack on her wrist slashing it off, only for a thick red-blue liquid to be reproduced from her arm quickly reforming another hand.

“Hehehehe I may not be a match for Dai Chen and Qingge when it comes to exerting powerful attacks but healing and restraining fiendish arts is just right up my alley.

I’ll make sure you cough up all the blood you’ve swallowed over the years, you old bark..” Y .

Yang Qing instantly umped up his output as an intense green glow was released from his body along with a mystical light flashing from deep within his bones.

The ground below him that had been repetitively destroyed over and over till the crater from before was now a wasteland filled with sand, ice, corrosive blood, and cracks that seemed to extend as far as the eyes could see, started showing signs of resurgence below where Yang Qing was.

Small shoots appeared, that rapidly grew in large swaths of grassland. The grass produced, released a radiant glow that seemed to purify the area, especially of the metallic corrosive blood scent that lingered in the area.

From grass, trees slowly started appearing, which upon reaching a meter in height, started absorbing spiritual qi in the area and constantly released it in the area, promoting the growth of more grassland.

An air of vibrant life was immediately reproduced in an area that had been a desolate wasteland moments ago.

Nature’s envoy.

Yang Qing waved his hand and the universal pearl above him floated to his mouth. He bit a piece out of it as he formed seals accompanied by a strange incantation that sounded like the lullaby of nature.

A droplet made of the purest green color was produced from his mouth which he gently blew to the ground below him.

Within a few minutes, the area was filled with hundreds of trees, and the area covered by grasslands had tripled. A universal light rune immediately appeared from the grown grassland and trees.

A rapid pulse was produced as the trees and the grasslands seemed to be combining to form something. Within a few seconds, a gigantic humanoid shape made of green vines slowly took form.

“What’s he doing?” Feng Qiu wondered as she detected the large amount of spiritual qi Yang Qing kept pouring into the ground below while also healing and supporting the four judges.

But all she could do was wonder because the four judges increased the pace of their attacks keeping her at bay. Even if she wanted to interfere with Yang Qing, she didn’t have the opportunity to do it.

The large humanoid green figure took form as its facial features grew distinct. It resembled Yang Qing.

Yang Qing brought his hands together like he was compressing something. The humanoid figure below him that resembled him instantly shrunk in size to match his exact body size and shape down to even his hair.

The figure even adopted his posture as it sat down in a lotus position and seemed to be in deep meditation, mirroring Yang Qing who had closed his eyes.

Beads of sweat appeared on his face, while his skin seemed a tad bit paler like he was in a strain.

“I hope there’s a vein down there, otherwise it would put a huge strain on my soul to split my attention like this..”

His brows scrunched up a bit as he focused on his target, a spiritual vein beneath the wasteland of the sect.

He heard a weak voice saying there was a vein below as Dai Chen and the rest were fighting which prompted him to act swiftly despite the precariousness of the situation.

Even without looking, he knew the origin of that voice; it was the spirit of the Wisteria tree that was still hanging on, albeit slightly.

With its reminder, he was able to realize something he had overlooked earlier, which was understandable since it was his first sect demotion.

The Wisteria tree was special, more so for a tree like it that had gained sentience. Therefore it went without question that there had to be a special rich spiritual vein that could support its growth, and considering how the Wisteria tree was still able to maintain its life, despite the sacrificial rune Feng Qiu had used on it, that vein had to be of a high quality.

Yang Qing intended to use that spiritual vein to support an autonomous spell that would remain operational as long the spiritual vein continuously provided the necessary spiritual qi.

With the support of the spell and his own efforts, he could thoroughly suppress the fiendish effects of the arts Feng Qiu used while also boosting his own team’s abilities.

As things stood, things would remain at a stalemate for a long time. Feng Qiu seemed like she would continuously regenerate thanks to the opal on her forehead, which based on the vibes Yang Qing was getting from it, seemed to have been condensed from the lives of countless cultivators.

As per Yang Qing’s guess, this meant she would continuously siphon the lives of all the cultivators she and the sect had harvested over the years, which was in millions.

As for his end, while he could continuously heal his teammates, he wasn’t sure he would be able to outlast that opal, even with the support of the universal bead above, he didn’t want to gamble that he had more in reserve when compared to the opal.

The only way he saw out of this was if, by some sheer luck, his teammates were able to land a fatal hit before his qi ran out, which based on how things were going, the odds were slim, or he finds an alternative means to supplement their current needs, and provide additional cover for both him and his team. The spiritual vein mentioned by the Wisteria tree filled that requirement.

If he found it, he would set an autonomous spell targeted at healing his teammates, alleviating that burden on him, while he would focus on restoring their qi and working with the spell to restrain the nature of the fiendish arts Feng Qiu was using.

This was why Yang Qing decided to put a strain on his soul as he split attention with providing cover for his team, while also using the plant clone below him to search for the source of the vein below him.

Thanks to his cultivation art, he had a certain level of sensitivity to different forms of energy, more so spiritual veins that were a concentration of one, and add his Yin Yang jade bone physique, if that vein had yin nature to it, which Yang Qing was willing to bet his lunch it did, then if the spiritual vein did in fact exist, and it wasn’t some trap by the Wisteria tree, then with the natural advantages he had, the odds of finding it were high.

As for why he trusted the Wisteria tree, despite it being the center of a lot of dark deeds of the sect, based on his senses, Yang Qing, more or less guessed that the Wisteria tree had been tampered with and corrupted, which was why he felt two contrasting natures coming from it from the moment he laid his eyes on it.

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