Chapter 843 An Agreement

Chapter 843 An Agreement

After the surprising turn of events, the Fierce Lioness said, “I’ll provide a room for you and your follower to rest,” showing with a nod that Rebecca would show them the way.

With that, she left the room, her laughter still echoing behind her.

Once the door closed, Rebecca turned to Erik, her expression a mixture of admiration and concern.

“You risked a lot today.”

“There were very low chances to know if my mother was going to react as she did.”

What Rebecca didn’t realize was that Erik had an advantage she was unaware of—his ability to read minds had made the encounter far less risky than it appeared.

However, Erik chose not to reveal this detail to her, as that could complicate things a lot, but was sure he was going to sooner or later.

For him, having the conversation with the Fierce Lioness had been easier than Rebecca could have imagined.

Rebecca sighed, the tension of the meeting leaving her shoulders. Just then, a butler escorted June to their room.

Rebecca’s gaze settled on him with a complex mix of emotions flickering across her face.

On one hand, she recognized June’s intelligence. Erik wouldn’t keep him if he wasn’t useful.

That, if she hadn’t misinterpreted her friend. However, because of how they parted back in Testrovsc’s Rest, she was keen on believing she was right.

Yet, on the other hand, June’s childishness presented an unpredictable variable.

The knowledge that within this seemingly innocuous man lay the capability to transform into a black wyvern sent a shiver down her spine.

The thought of him, in a moment of childlike, impulsive or angry behavior, choosing to transform and unleash chaos, was a frightening prospect.

Her eyes, reflecting this whirlwind of thoughts, watched him with a cautious curiosity, wondering which side of him would prevail in the moments to come.

Rebecca led them to a guest room that exuded luxury, with its plush furnishings and array of amenities. freewebnovel.cσ๓

The room was akin to a high-end hotel suite, complete with a bathroom that boasted a jacuzzi, two single beds, tables, and more.

The lavishness of the accommodations spoke volumes of the Band of Giants’ wealth and status within Etrium.

June, upon laying eyes on the jacuzzi, could barely contain his excitement.

Filled with a childlike sense of excitement, he eagerly removed his clothes and leapt into the water, which was already warm, joyfully splashing about.

“What the?”

Rebecca, taken aback by his sudden and unabashed behavior, felt a mix of shock and embarrassment.

“What is he doing?” She asked. It was clear she didn’t really like the situation.

“I’m sorry for his behavior.” His apologetic look hid a hint of amusement. “He could be childish at times.”

Rebecca, trying to regain her composure, waved off the apology. “Also, I want to thank you for what you did. I know it wasn’t simple to trust what I said.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “After all, we’re friends. Helping you is the least I could do.”


Rebecca turned to leave the room. “I will keep you informed about any plans my mother has. It’s likely we will start tomorrow. If you want to rest, this is your best chance,” She said.

“Thanks for the advice.”

As Rebecca prepared to leave the room, she cast one last glance at the odd duo before her.

Despite the unusual circumstances of their meeting, she was quite happy to have them there.

That was especially true for Erik. She still had some feelings for him, even if some time passed since the last time they saw each other.

“Rest well,” she said with a smile, then left the room, leaving Erik and June alone.

In the silence that followed, Erik pondered the day’s events, grateful for the alliance they had formed with the Band of Giants.

Meanwhile, June continued to enjoy the jacuzzi. <Is she gone? > he asked.

<Yes. You could stop being so stupid. >

However, it was June’s turn to ask questions. <Mind telling me why I had to first turn into a wyvern and then behave like an idiot? >

<It’s not like you usually don’t, > Erik said.

<True, but this doesn’t explain why you asked me to do that. The Fierce Lioness wanted to ask you to hunt the black wyvern in return for her help. We knew that. But you could have said yes, and they wouldn’t have found the wyvern. You would still have helped her, and she was going to have used the ticket. >

Erik paused for a second. He already checked the room to see if there were cameras or microphones, and of course, the room was full of it.

Erik jumped on the bed and turned to his side. He was going to talk to June telepathically, but wanted to make it look like he was going to sleep while June bathed.

<There were two reasons. The first was to let them understand they can’t mess with me. Even if they know I’m strong, the Fierce Lioness is very prideful. She thinks I’m beneath her, and due to that, it’s likely she would not listen to me when required. By making you turn into a wyvern, I let her think I can bring hell to this place. >

June thought about it. It made sense, but only up to a certain point.

<Didn’t she already know you have multiple powers? She shouldn’t have thought you were an easy target or a pushover. >

Erik’s expression was a mask of contemplation. <The Fierce Lioness likely got her information about me from the guild, which in turn got it from the Blackguards. > A frown crossed Erik’s face.

<They think I’m dangerous, but they’ve also figured out my mana isn’t as substantial as theirs. They must have assured her she could handle me. >

But June still wasn’t convinced.

<And the second reason? > the clone asked.

Erik smiled at that question. <The second reason is to let them think that accompanying me there is someone they must walk on eggshells around. >

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