Chapter 842 Meeting the Fierce Lioness (2)

Chapter 842 Meeting the Fierce Lioness (2)

“Let me get this straight,” The Fierce Lioness said.

“You want us to help you find this man, but you also said he works with the Blackguards. If this is true, doesn’t this mean the Band of Giants will become a target?”

“I didn’t think you were the type to be scared by those guys.” freё

To that, Rebecca gave him a mad look at Erik. To provoke her mother was the worst thing he could do.

Though, contrary to Rebecca’s expectation, her mother laughed.

“I can’t understand if you are brave or just a fool by asking me this.”

“A fool, you say…” Erik paused, the air charged with tension. “Even if I was, this should let you understand something…”

The Fierce Lioness looked at him, her grin spreading across her face, a gleam of amusement in her eyes.

“Are you implying you are not scared of me?” The Fierce Lioness’ grin widened.

“I’m not,” Erik said, his voice resonating with confidence.

Quickly launching herself across the room towards Erik, the Fierce Lioness left Rebecca’s head spinning.

Rebecca blinked, and before she could process what was happening, her mother stood in front of Erik, her fist halted in mid-air by Erik’s hand.

He had caught her punch, a feat that seemed impossible given the Fierce Lioness’s renowned speed and strength.

Rebecca gaped, her mind struggling to catch up with the rapid turn of events.

Both Erik and the Fierce Lioness, however, had huge grins on their faces.

The Fierce Lioness retreated to her seat as if nothing extraordinary had occurred.

The once tense atmosphere now buzzed with a distinct energy.

“What will you give me in return for my help?” she asked, leaning forward, her interest piqued.

“I can give you the schematics to produce the brain crystal rifles,” Erik said, but he knew the woman wouldn’t accept.

The Fierce Lioness scoffed. “I can buy plenty of those with how well we earn.” Her reply was dismissive, but the grin that followed was anything but.

With a grin from ear to ear, she leaned in and unexpectedly said, “Marry Rebecca.”

The room fell silent. Both Erik and Rebecca were stunned, the latter’s face turning a deep shade of red.

“MOM!” Rebecca said, her voice a mix of shock and embarrassment.

Erik cleared his throat, addressing the bizarre proposition.

“While Rebecca is undoubtedly a beautiful woman, for now, there can only be friendship between us.”

He turned to Rebecca, his eyes softening. “I apologize,” he said, his apology directed as much at the situation as at Rebecca herself.

Rebecca’s emotions were a whirlwind. On one hand, she felt a flutter of happiness at her mother’s suggestion.

She had liked Erik for a long time now. On the other, disappointment clouded her heart at Erik’s polite refusal.

Erik shifted the conversation to make it less awkward.

“Instead, I propose an alliance with my guild, the Nexthorn Vanguard,” he said.

“As long as it stays professional and doesn’t cross into personal territory, I will grant you one ‘ticket’ – a favor that you can ask me to do whatever you want.”

The Fierce Lioness leaned back in her chair, her expression contemplative.

“I wouldn’t gain much from that,” she said, her voice steady.

“Your guild is currently being hunted across Etrium, and if the Blackguards learn of our alliance, the situation could spiral out of control.”

Erik nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words.

“That is true,” he said. “Still, by doing this, you could tie me to you and your guild.”

He paused, a hint of a challenge in his gaze. “Wasn’t that the reason why you just proposed marriage?”

With that, the Fierce Lioness’s grin returned wider than before. She was amused by Erik’s astuteness.

“Very well,” she said after a moment.

“I accept your conditions.” Her tone shifted, showing she had more on her mind. “However, I’d like to use that ticket right now.”

Erik’s face remained impassive but his eyes narrowed in anticipation of her request.

“A wyvern has been seen roaming the nation,” the Fierce Lioness said. “Given your ability to block my attack, you’d be extremely useful in dealing with it.”

Erik’s response was a momentary silence, his expression turning awkward.

The Fierce Lioness, misinterpreting his hesitation, pressed him.

“Are you unwilling? If that’s the case, you can simply leave and we can forget about all of this.”

“It’s not that.” After a brief pause, where the room seemed to hold its breath, he said, “I can’t help you with that because the black wyvern everyone saw flying through Etrium’s skies is, in fact, not wyvern. And… it is mine.”

The Fierce Lioness’s eyes narrowed. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Erik paused, this time not to gather his thoughts, but to communicate telepathically with June.

Then, as if on cue, the black wyvern emerged from the garden, visible through the window.

Its massive form cast a shadow over the room, a proof of Erik’s claim.

Rebecca’s mouth fell open in shock at what she was seeing, her mind racing to comprehend what the hell was happening.

Meanwhile, the Fierce Lioness’s initial surprise morphed into a full-blown laugh, her amusement echoing through the room.

The sight of the wyvern, coupled with Erik’s unexpected strength, transformed the tense atmosphere into one of incredulity and humor.

The Fierce Lioness, once she regained her composure, looked at Erik with a newfound respect.

“Well, that’s certainly a surprise,” she said. Her chuckle was cute, but at the same time, horrific.

“It seems there’s more to you than meets the eye, Erik Romano.”

“You can bet on it.”

Then the Fierce Lioness asked something. “How did you do that?”

Erik’s reply took her by surprise, but he didn’t explain. Instead, he made another question. “You know that already, right?”

His statement hinted at her having the answer to her own question, a thought that momentarily confused yet captivated her.

Erik had read her mind, and he knew the Fierce Lioness was aware of something that the public didn’t. She knew Erik had multiple powers.

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