6 Times a Day

Chapter 366 First Time Sex With Heather [DD Sponsored]

Drunk Dargon ?? Bonus Chapter


Alan was really furious at Heather for her dangerous innuendo and the disrespect that she’d shown for his mother. He slammed the door to his room behind him and glared at her. “I suppose you think you’re pretty funny.”

She sat on the edge of his bed and began undressing. “Yep. I do. Your mother is a total hoot. You said she was a serious prude, so I decided to have some fun with her. Now get over here and let’s do some more quenching and thrusting and plowing, to reiterate some of our themes.”

He was so mad that he wanted to punch Heather, and he’d never before wanted to punch a female in his life. Smoke practically poured from his ears as he clenched his fists. “Heather, I love my mother, and you made her look like a total fool. That was not a hoot! Not only that, but you toyed really recklessly with me and my reputation here at home. It was as if you were trying to get her to figure out what we were doing!”

“So what if I was? What’s she going to do? Ground you?” She added quite sarcastically, “Oooh noooo!”

By now, she was undressed. She kicked her legs up in the air and said, “To be honest, I didn’t really care if she found out or not. She knows you’re a big boy. But if you’re so mad at me, what are you going to do about it? Why don’t you teach me a lesson with a really nasty fuck? Let it all out!” She lay back on the bed, ready for a solid nailing.

He yelled, “Maybe I will!” and yanked his shorts off. He was still hard and in fact had stayed frustratingly erect ever since the aborted titfuck. He stepped towards her, but then the thought struck him: No! That’s exactly what she wants! I have to stay in the driver’s seat, like Aunt Suzy says. Right now, she’s the one driving things. That has to stop.

He stopped just out of her reach and said, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I’ll bet you got me mad on purpose, so I would fuck you more aggressively. Sorry, you fuckwad, but I’m not going to play your game! Get dressed and get out!”

She sat up, shocked. “You’re not serious. You would turn down this body?” She swept a hand down her side, as if showing herself off like a new model car.

“Heather, get over your body, already! Even my mother is twice the looker you are, and I could name a lot of other women who blow you away. You don’t impress me. You disgust me! I’m a generous, peaceful guy, but you make my skin crawl! Get out of here before I do something drastic!”

She was flabbergasted. She’d used tricks like that on other men and they’d always worked: their lust always overwhelmed their anger and led to some really passionate fucking. But he just stood there, unmoved, and in fact seemed so angry that it looked like he was about to pop a vein. She didn’t know what to do.

But then he said, “Wait a minute. There is one sex act I know you hate: cocksucking! Get down on your knees, bitch, because I’m going to fuck your face!”

Her first instinct was to flip him the bird and storm out. But there was some kind of new unidentifiable something about him, maybe self assurance, that prevented her from doing so. To her own surprise, she found herself sliding over the edge of the bed and down to the floor. She was awed by his unexpected anger and passion.

But even as he was fuming, he retained some self-control. He walked over to the stereo and put the Elastica album on again, much louder this time, to make sure that any sexual noises they might make would be drowned out.

Plus, he knew that putting on the music would leave Heather in a demeaning position, kneeling naked in the middle of his room. He glanced at her from the stereo and pointed out, “I see you took your heels off. Looks like you’re a slow learner.”

Heather hastily crawled over to where she’d kicked off her heels and put them back on. Then she crawled back to the middle of the room and resumed kneeling there. She didn’t understand why she didn’t just flip him off, but she realized that she was pushing her luck and she’d have to work to get back on his good side.

Then he walked forward to where she sat on her knees. He grabbed her head with both hands and kept going forward until his erection pushed far into her mouth. He said in a low, menacing growl, “This is what happens to insolent bitches. Choke on my rod, you shameless slut! I own you! You got that?”

He started slamming his meat hard into her mouth, thrusting so deep that she started to gag, forcing him to pull back some. He didn’t care if he went too deep; in fact, he was rather glad that she gagged.

Even so, she managed to stay with it, even nodding to his comments. She thought, I was right! He IS different, so different! He knows exactly what I need! Others guys are always so scared around me, but he shows no fear. He doesn’t even care if he’s giving me an incentive to stop! Why do I find that so exciting?

He raved, “That’s right, I own you! You’re MINE! Your pussy belongs to ME! You think you have free will? NO! If I say you’ll fuck no one but me, then you’ll do it! I want to hear you agree to that!”

He paused in his thrusting long enough for her to breathe and give a short answer. She gave him a terrified look and spoke while merely licking up and down his cockhead. She answered tentatively, “Um, my pussy is yours?”

He shoved his cock back into her mouth and let out a hearty laugh. He loved the startled look on her face as she struggled to deal with a mouth crammed full of cock. “Sweet! Our head cheerleader is my personal cum dump!”

The words were coming slower and with more difficulty for him as he was getting more excited, so he stopped talking and just focused on thrusting his hips into her face. He felt nearly mad with power. He was using and abusing her, and he loved it. What’s more, as he looked down and saw one of her hands flying all over her pussy while she sucked him enthusiastically, he realized that she clearly loved it too. The fact that she agreed out loud to what he was saying only gave him a bigger rush of power.

His heart was beating wildly. Ha! So sweet! She got my goat earlier, but I’ve definitely turned the tables on her now. Heh! And she’s giving me a great blowjob. The girl who until recently wouldn’t even say hello to me is sucking my cock with all the passion Mom does! Life is fucking SWEEEET!

Heather couldn’t speak anymore because she had all of his cockhead and then some crammed in her mouth. She bobbed on it with an intense passion while staring submissively up into his eyes. She was so eager to please that she even managed to lick his sliding cock inside her mouth, something she’d never tried with anyone before.

It was all too much for him to take. As he felt his climax approaching, he suddenly stopped and pulled out. He staggered away and sat down. Shit! Fuck! What’s wrong with me! It’s like an evil spirit has overtaken me! I have to regain control! I’m practically choking her to death, and she loves it! It’s wrong! Very wrong!

Heather had no idea why he’d stopped or what was going on in his head, but she was too far gone to care. She masturbated herself frantically until she got off several times in quick succession. Only then did she stop and really look at him, seeing that he was calmer now, looking at her from where he sat a short distance away.

He said, “There’s just no way to win with you, is there? You said you don’t enjoy blowjobs, and I believe you, but you were clearly getting way excited by the way I was treating you. That was supposed to be a punishment. Fuuucck.” He sighed heavily.

She was still too confused by him and too breathless to respond, so she just panted while lying crumpled in a naked ball by the side of his bed. She knew that his talk about owning her pussy was a nonstarter, since she wasn’t about to give up all her other lovers, most especially her best friend Simone. Still, in the heat of the moment it had struck her as a great bargain. That disturbed her a lot.

He said, “This is how it’s going to work. You will never, EVER come back to my house. Period. I WILL fuck you now, because I’ve got to get rid of this huge load building up in me. I’m sorry if you get any pleasure from it; I guess that can’t be helped. Obviously you like the way I fuck you, but I’m doing this for ME and I don’t give a shit about you or your orgasms. If you EVER cross me or annoy me again, I will NEVER fuck you again. Period. Is that clear?”

Her lust was rising in response to his harsh words. “Yes. I’m sorry. I really am. I’m sorry for everything, and especially for treating your mother that way. I’ll never do it again. I promise.”

“You say that now, but I don’t think you’re capable of really being sorry, you selfish bitch. Oops, there I go again with the insults. I’m not going to give your twisted mind the satisfaction of any more. I would spank the crap out of you right now except that my mother would probably hear us. Consider yourself lucky.”

Heather panted hard. She’d never been spanked before, not even as a child, but having him spank her sounded tremendously exciting.

He said with quiet menace, “Get on the bed. I’m going to fuck you now, quietly and slowly. Psychology or reverse psychology doesn’t seem to work on you too well, but anyway, I’m hoping that’s the way you like it least.”

So he lay on top of her and the two of them made love. What was strange was that it really was more appropriate to call it “making love” than “fucking,” because now Heather was all tenderness and gentle caresses.

Alan was surprised, and so was she, but both of them just went with it.

One interesting aspect was that Heather showed him deference and responsiveness in a way she’d never done before (not just with him, but with practically anybody). He clearly was in charge, and her goal was to pleasure him sexually. She surprised even herself, because she didn’t do it in some half-assed, reluctant way; she really wanted to make him happy.

Curiously, the more she worked to pleasure him, the more pleasure she had herself. Most of her life she’d simply fucked. She’d had bigger dicks in her, both longer ones and thicker ones. A few had been both longer and thicker. But she’d never felt so much satisfaction, and such a contented fullness, as when he filled her up. She tried to show her appreciation by fucking back with her churning hips.

Somehow, he was both tender and angry at the same time. It was a combination that worked like gangbusters. His flashes of anger kept her on her toes, but at the same time no boy had ever been truly tender and caring with her before, and she absolutely loved that.

She also loved his stamina. Some of that was pure luck. For instance, he’d been getting close to a climax when he realized that he wasn’t wearing a condom. He thought about all the sex partners Heather undoubtedly had, so forced himself to stop and belatedly go get one. Just the act of stopping was an incredible feat of willpower, because they’d been thrusting with perfect rhythm.

She moaned needfully while he fumbled around in his desk drawers looking for the condom.

By the time he got back, she felt like her entire body was on fire. She practically assaulted him, she was so eager to get his dick back inside her. They ended up making out with his boner fully sheathed in her pussy.

He just thanked his lucky stars that he’d been able to have a brief strategic break. Even their kissing helped him recover some, since his dick stayed relatively still despite her occasional pussy clenching.

But even at a relaxed pace, they were headed to a climax sooner rather than later. They ended up with a greater mutual orgasm than any they’d shared before, because all the passion and emotion that had been building up was still there, but this time it came out in a different way. 𝚘𝚟𝚕.t

Although the fuck remained a slow one, it was so intense and all-consuming that afterwards neither of them could stay awake.

Alan found himself drifting in and out of sleep with Heather lying next to him. At one point he opened his eyes and looked over at her sleeping beside him. Dang! Whatever else Heather is, she’s beautiful. She’s like the perfect blonde California cheerleader stereotype. And she’s into me. She promised earlier to obey my every sexual command. I’m gonna hold her to that, and fuck her silly! Between her, Kim, and Sis, I’ll be able to get my fucking jollies, so I won’t be so frustrated by the “blowjobs only” policy here at home.

I’m kind of pissed at myself though. Aunt Suzy told me that if there’s one thing I have to do with Heather, it’s always wear a condom. And I was in her without one for most of the time. Duh! All I have to do is remember that one thing, and instead I got too horny to do even that.

Eventually, the two of them came fully awake, but even then they stayed in a close embrace. She would have done something fun to his penis to get him going again, but it was obviously flaccid and likely to stay that way for a while. So she gently fondled his balls instead.

He was surprised by the way she hugged him, because he felt real tenderness coming from a girl he thought was completely incapable of such a thing.

In fact, he was very nearly correct: tenderness was a fairly foreign concept to her, but he brought out strange emotions in her. Normally she scoffed at romance, but she was starting to develop actual romantic feelings for him.

However, Alan was right that his amateurish attempts at reverse psychology just seemed to backfire. His trying to be a selfish fuck hadn’t alienated her at all; in fact, she’d never enjoyed herself more. She was finding him to be many times more pleasurable than being with any other guy, because the more angry and demanding he got, the hornier she got. In addition, the more reluctant and hard-to-get he was, the more she wanted him.

As she lay next to him, happily cradling his balls, she was already thinking about how soon she could be with him again. Alan… what is it with him? He’s not like other guys, that’s for sure. He “gets” me. I mean, sure, it’s frustrating that he can be so demanding, and even cruel and demeaning with his insults, but I’m a really strong, powerful girl, so I need a strong, powerful guy to keep up with me.

When I finally tame him, it will be that much sweeter. In fact, I wonder if there’s some kind of way I could make him my real boyfriend?

Naaah… That would never work. Me? The queen of the school, with nerd boy? Give me a break! Although… why the hell not? If I hold absolute power at school, and I do, then I should be able to do what I want! If anyone laughs, I’ll make them pay. So what if some people don’t understand. I’m Heather fucking Morgan, and I do what I want! And what I want is to feel that big dick pounding into me on a daily basis, at least.

She cradled and hefted his balls, and even caressed his flaccid dick.

The question is, would he go for it? I’d probably have to resort to some kind of trick or scheme, because he obviously doesn’t feel the same way about me that I feel about him. Hell, he just told me a while back, “I don’t give a shit about you or your orgasms.” Obviously he loves fucking my perfect body; he couldn’t resist me even when he was all pissed off. Hee! But that’s not enough. I’m gonna have to put some thought into how to hook him.

After Heather dressed, she said, “That was nice. I gotta admit that the things you said turned me on. But you do know that was all just talk, right? I mean, the idea that you, or anyone else, could own my pussy? Ha! Nobody owns the mighty Heather Morgan. Don’t make me laugh!”

He didn’t reply to that, but his lack of any retort was a tacit agreement. He knew it was just a wild fantasy anyway, since she was such a force of nature.

She left for home a short time later. He was so exhausted that he asked her to let herself out, so she went downstairs by herself, where she ran into Susan again.

The kindly mother asked, “So did you get a lot done?”

Heather chuckled quietly to herself. With Alan absent, she was no longer chastened, so the usual bitchy Heather resurfaced. She smirked. “Oh yeah. We plowed right through everything. Tell Alan thanks for having me. We had a ball. And I do mean that. We really had a ball. Maybe even two big balls.”

Susan smiled and waved benignly from the front porch as a snickering Heather walked away.

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