6 Times a Day

Chapter 365 Heather Meets Susan [DD Sponsored]

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About half an hour after Heather arrived, Susan came by and knocked on Alan’s door, asking, “How’s it going in there? Studying hard?”

Alan was sitting on Heather’s chest with his boner between her tits. He’d recently changed positions so Heather would have no choice but to keep on titfucking him, and so she’d still be able to reach his cockhead with her tongue. Both of them were close to more great climaxes. He opened his mouth widely, shock written all across his face.

Instead, Heather replied very calmly for them both, “Oh yes, Mrs. Plummer. Very hard! You should see just how hard it is!” She chuckled, doubly amused by Alan’s alarm. He’d seemed totally in control, but now the shoe was on the other foot.

Susan said through the door, “Do you two study partners want a snack? Something to eat or drink?”

Alan recovered enough to say, “No thanks. We’re good.”

But to his mortification, Heather replied, “I have something to nibble on right here.” Temporarily giving up on the titfuck, she bent her head down and languorously licked all around his cockhead.

He tensed up, imagining his mother somehow seeing what was happening (even though there was no way she could unless she’d had X-ray vision).

Susan fretted. She was very concerned about the state of her son’s penis, worried about the dreaded “blue balls”. She wanted to take a quick look at his crotch, at the very least. She was hoping against hope that she could find some creative excuse to take him away from Heather for at least ten minutes, so she could administer a good cocksucking.

To Alan’s greater horror, Heather added, “But a snack downstairs sounds good. We could use a break; I think we’ve been letting things slide these last few minutes.” She strongly emphasized the word “slide,” which caused him to gasp. “Don’t you agree, Alan?” Resuming the titfuck, she rocked forward and back, causing his erection to slide up and down in her sweaty, cum-soaked cleavage some more.

Alan needn’t have worried about his mother understanding Heather’s double entendres. Susan still radiated a natural innocence, despite her recent love of incestuous cocksucking. Heather had picked up on that, so she sensed that she could have some verbal fun playing with Susan’s na?ve nature.

Alan was working his way towards another climax, but he still hadn’t reached it. Nonetheless, Heather insisted they go downstairs immediately. He suspected she did that just to push his buttons, which he resented.

They made themselves presentable as rapidly as they could, then headed to the kitchen for a snack.

Alan was at least gratified that he was able to linger in his room when Heather left to tidy up in the bathroom across the hall. He used those few precious seconds to remove his orgasm chart and put it in a safe place.

Heather had really enjoyed all the blatant innuendo with Alan the last time she and Katherine had found him at the beach. The fact that she’d been able to say such things in front of his oblivious friends made it that much more devilishly enjoyable. She hoped to repeat that experience with Susan, and then some.

“How’s the studying coming along?” Susan innocently asked as they all sat on stools at the kitchen counter.

Heather answered, “Obviously, it’s hard. Very hard. But I’m staying on top of things. Thanks to Alan’s help, of course.”

As an afterthought, she gave a slight, knowing smile in Alan’s direction and added, “Alan of course is on top of things even more than me. He’s great.”

He nearly choked, he was so appalled by her blatant innuendo. But Heather said it in such a deadpan manner that Susan didn’t suspect a thing. At least, not so far; he feared (correctly) that Heather was just getting warmed up.

Susan handed them their food and drink. “That’s nice. He’s a pretty smart boy. Here, have some juice and cookies; I made them myself.”

“Thanks,” said Heather. “You know, that’s the problem: I’m not very smart. With me it’s always in one ear and out the other. In and out. That’s always my problem when I try to study. In and out. In and out. Too much of that. But thanks to Alan being on top, hammering away on these problems, I’m actually getting stuff done. It’s great!”

Susan, as usual, completely missed the sexual innuendo. She responded cluelessly, “He’s a hard worker, isn’t he? That’s my son. I’m so proud of him!”

“Yes, he is. He’s got a lot of spunk, too. Really full of spunk. You know what he can do that I can’t? He finds just the important points, and keeps pressing on them. He finds the thrust of the argument, and makes sure I know just that. The thrusting. Of the argument.”

Alan noticed that Heather was subtly pressing a finger into one of her nipples, just in case he’d missed the meaning of her “important points” comment.

His face turned red at the increasingly blatant nature of Heather’s innuendo, but he didn’t know how to stop her. Obviously she got off on doing risky things like this, so anything he might say would only likely make it worse. Whatever he said, she’d probably find a way to twist his words around and riff additional double entendres. So he just kept a low profile and hoped his torment would soon end. What made things much worse was that he still had a raging hard-on from the frustrating interruption to the titfuck.

Susan still just took Heather’s words literally, responding, “Yeah, they say that’s an important skill, separating the wheat from the chaff.”

Heather maintained a straight face. “Right. He goes plowing straight into the wheat. A lot of plowing. But don’t worry; it’s not just him helping me. I’ve been showing him a trick or two as well. I’m good at tricks, and I don’t even charge for them! Right, Alan? I’m sure he’s going to get a good score. How do you think you’re scoring now, Alan?” .

He muttered, “Um, I think we’ll do better if we just get back to the books. Right away.” He made a motion to go, but Heather wasn’t done with her snack, or her mind games with Susan.

She continued, looking at Susan very seriously, “I was saying to him that I have a serious itch. Alan, do you remember when I was saying that? A thirst, if you will. For knowledge. When I’m studying with him, I feel like I’m quenching that thirst.”

He noticed that she was stroking her hands up and down her glass of juice, visually showing him how she was hoping to quench her thirst for his cum.

Again, Susan didn’t appear to notice, although on some subconscious level she responded lustily to the handjob motion. She asked, “So this isn’t the first time you’ve studied with him? I don’t remember you coming here to study before.”

“Oh, I’ve definitely cum here. Why, I just came about half an hour ago.”

Susan replied, “Obviously! No need to tell me that.”

“True, but not just over here. He’s cum at my house before.”

“You mean ‘come TO your house,'” the still clueless Susan corrected.

“Right. We’ve done it over at my house. In my bedroom. It’s a good environment for the thrusting and the quenching and plowing and hammering and whatnot, to continue the themes I’m discussing. I hope to do it with him a lot more in the future. I think maybe it would be better if we do it in school, like the library. What do you think about that, Alan? Would you like to do it in the library?”

He was afraid that if he said yes, she’d hold him to his word and make him fuck her in the library, and if he said no, she’d later berate him for not wanting to fuck her. To make matters worse, he was so aroused that he could barely think. He draped his hands over his crotch to prevent his mother from discovering his condition (and to prevent Heather’s hands from going there, if she got that bold). He said noncommittally, “Um, I don’t know. Let’s get back to work and worry about that later.”

Heather replied, “Wow, isn’t that impressive, Mrs. Plummer? Does he always study this hard? I must say I’m really impressed with his tool. You know his-”

Alan was petrified that she’d finally say something that Susan would understand. He couldn’t take the tension anymore. He interrupted, “Heather! Come on; enough chitchat! Let’s get this over with!” He got up (still clutching his groin) and walked out of the room. He knew Heather would have little choice but to follow.

Susan was closely attuned to the condition of her son’s crotch, and she couldn’t miss the way he was covering an obvious erection. Oh dear! He DOES have blue balls! How terrible!

Heather frowned, but said, “Sorry, Mrs. Plummer. You just can’t keep him down when it comes to studying. We should really get back and bone up on our missed work. Alan’s a great boner. Thanks for the snack!” She hurried off after him, ready to fuck some more in his room.

“No worries! Good luck with your test!” shouted Susan.

Just before Heather was out of range of Susan’s ears, she said loudly, “Studying with him is so exciting. I’m such an eager beaver!” Then she burst out laughing as she hurried up the stairs.

Susan lacked certain skills, such as an ability to make many jokes and an ability to pick up subtle comments unless she was looking for them. She’d lived such a sheltered life that she still didn’t know much sexual slang, like ‘boner’ or ‘beaver’ (though she was learning rapidly, especially from Suzanne who was teaching her new words every day). But in fact even Susan came close to suspecting something was up with the way Heather was talking.

After they left, she thought, “I’m really impressed with his tool.” I wonder what she meant by that. Sounds vaguely sexual. Naaah… Maybe she meant his computer? But I wonder. Could he and she…?

Naaah. Tiger says he doesn’t have a girlfriend. And nobody has THAT much luck with women. She’s the head cheerleader and, supposedly, the next homecoming queen, for Pete’s sake. Although, maybe… Lately, my Tiger has become such a sexually potent young man, maybe even she’ll pick up on it if she’s with him long enough. Maybe she’s picked up on it already and that’s why she’s with him?

Anything’s possible, I guess. He HAS confirmed that he’s fucking big-titted cheerleaders, and she is a cheerleader and has sufficiently big tits. She’s beautiful enough to be worthy of his cock, that’s for sure! Plus, there ARE only six cheerleaders. But on the other hand, I hear she’s a very difficult person, very domineering and mean. That doesn’t sound like his type at all. Also, a few days ago, when I asked him point blank whether he was fucking her, he refused to say one way or another. I’m not sure what that means, if anything. He doesn’t kiss and tell. Hmmm. It’s an intriguing mystery!

At least she makes him really anxious to study. I sure hope they’ll study together more often. Not only can my Tiger get more work done, but hopefully she’ll get him all worked up flashing those tanned tits all over the place, and then Mommy can sweep in afterwards and guzzle down all his spermy goodness! Hee-hee!

She sure does have a strange way of talking, though. I guess I just don’t understand teenage lingo these days. And what about his blue balls? I wish there was some way I could help with that right now!

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