World Domination System

Chapter 99 Angaria

[Trade with the neighboring Elf Kingdom known for its enchanting specialty, Eldinor, has steadily increased over the years to now account for more than 40% of the total products imported by the Kingdom. By analyzing the trends over decades, Big Data Analysis Module-1 has enabled the system to notice that such an increase has been preceded by multiple changes in the needs of the market in Lanthanor. One very glaring anomaly is that the number of mosquitoes around the Kingdom has increased alarmingly in a short period of time. At the same time, mass shipments of barriers were also available in Eldinor for immediate supply. Although the King at that time had a suspicion as was mentioned in his memoirs, he had no way to prove it.]

Daneel was quite shocked hearing about this anomaly. Eldinor? This wasn't the first time he was hearing of this Elf Kingdom, but this was definitely the first time he heard of this tie between the presence of mosquitoes and the sale of barriers.

"System, tell me again about this part of the World."

[Affirmative. According to data collected, Lanthanor is located on a continent named Angaria in which at least 10 other Kingdoms and forces are known to exist. A gigantic ocean surrounds the continent, and there is no concrete information regarding the World beyond. Along with Axelor, Eldinor is one of the Kingdoms located near the borders of Lanthanor. The two Kingdoms are connected by trade ties. Although Eldinor is a smaller Kingdom, they are renowned for their enchanting skills. Known as the "Trinket Hub of Angaria", the famous Enchanting College is also located there.]

Elves of Eldinor. Daneel had heard this phrase quite often in the stories recited in the slums told by travelers who claimed to have traveled the world. At least in the stories, these elves were said to have shining skin with blade-like earlobes and large eyes. Known for their knowledge and general aptitude in magic, there were many stories about elves helping anyone they could out of the kindness in their hearts.

Yet, hearing the analysis, Daneel couldn't help but shiver as he realized what it meant if the deduction the system made turned out to be true.

To set up his business, Daneel had noticed a need in the market and made a product to address the need in a way that was more effective than the existing alternatives. If what he suspected was true, the Elves had gone one step further and created the need in the first place before selling their product to address the need.

Although he trusted the system's skill, Daneel still wanted to confirm everything for himself. Summoning Kellor to his room, he asked:

"Who all are we inviting to the Kingdom for the Coronation Ceremony?"

"My Lord, all 4 of the Kingdoms that we have amiable ties with have been invited. Of these, Eldinor is the one with the closest tie due to our trade agreements. The King considered asking them for help if there was no other way, but he did not do so after hearing the Eldest Prince's offer. They have already confirmed their presence during the ceremony."

Nodding, Daneel dismissed the Court Mage. This was simply too sensitive a topic to speak on unless he verified everything himself.

Trade was after all the lifeblood of the Kingdom. If misunderstandings suddenly cut off the incomes of the many farmers in Lanthanor, it would simply be disastrous to the Kingdom which had just undergone a change in leadership.

Thus, Daneel made the decision to be tactful about the situation. He would first try to make backup plans before looking for a way to confirm his suspicion. The episode with the Honey Trap Solution had taught him that it was always wise to assess the situation thoroughly and make sufficient preparations before throwing himself forward head first.

The next task was to make a visit to the Royal Treasury of Lanthanor. This was something Daneel had been looking forward to, as he still remembered that dazzling sight in the Minister's manor when he received his first payment for the Honey Traps.

The treasury was located exactly underneath the room that held the dragon heart. It was the second most secure location in the whole Palace, what with the core of the formation located directly above it.

After going down a flight of stairs, Daneel passed rows and rows of soldiers who all bowed to him in reverence. Still not used to this many bows, Daneel simply nodded in response, yet he soon felt his neck hurting as he realized that this was definitely not the effective thing to do.

"My Lord, if I may suggest, would you like a visit from the etiquette teacher on duty in the palace? He is in charge of teaching the young princes and princesses the proper actions someone in command must take in order to be respected."

Daneel's eyebrows pressed together as he heard Kellor say these words. He had considered this himself, but rejected it because he simply did not have the time right now. Still, many prestigious dignitaries would be in attendance at the ceremony.

Thus, he simply nodded to Kellor before proceeding towards the treasury.

At the end of a hallway, the path ended after being blocked by a humongous door that fit the ceiling perfectly.

The hallways themselves were at least 30 feet high, making it so that the metal door's handles were located 15 feet in the air. To Daneel, it felt like they were humans intruding in a giant's home.

"The King himself was puzzled regarding these doors, My Lord. Please place the oathstone in the groove in the door to enter."

A round groove was indeed present in the black metal door. Walking forward, Daneel summoned the oathstone and placed it inside.

As the orb flashed again, the doors started opening with a rumbling sound.

Balls of light twinkled into existence with the doors opening, while Daneel walked in with his jaw wide open.

Thankfully, only Kellor saw this unseemly expression on the King's face.

Daneel had no other option. The sight in front of him was simply too magnificent.

Bricks of shining gold were placed one on top of another to form cubes that were taller than him. Each cube at least held 1,000 such cubes, and Daneel could see at last 10 such cubes all around the rooms.

Shelves to the side held Gold Lans by the hundreds of thousands, with the coins neatly placed in bundles of 10,000 each.

An enormous barrier held the most Ether Daneel had ever seen in his life. By his estimate, there were at least 50,000 Ether blocks inside the translucent white barrier.

Although these blocks of Ether placed similarly like the bricks of Gold were brilliant to behold, something else caught Daneel's eye.

Inside the barrier, he saw a small pile of red gems that shone much brighter than the Ether blocks.

From the distance itself, Daneel could see that these gems had something more viscous than the mists in Ether floating in them. Perfectly shaped like the diamonds he had seen back on Earth, Daneel felt himself yearning to touch one and see how it felt.

Seeing Daneel's gaze transfixed on those gems, Kellor spoke beside him.

"These are Ker Gems. They are a higher tier energy resource than Ether. As you must know, as a mage advances in levels, the amount of Ether blocks he consumes reaches a staggering level. On advancing to the Warrior Mage level, even the concentration of energy in Ether is insufficient for Mages to advance. Thus, these Ker Gems are required. Beneficial for both Mages and Fighters, this was the main resource the previous King yearned for. Although Ker Gems indeed give better and faster effects when trained with for someone below the level of a Warrior Mage, they are simply too expensive to justify the cost. A single Ker Gem is equal to 10,000 Blocks of Ether."

10,000 blocks of Ether?!

Daneel was simply dumbstruck hearing the cost. With the exchange rate of Ether blocks, this meant that each gem cost a whopping 100,000 Gold Lans!

Training was simply a method of burning money, mused Daneel, as he started strolling towards the barrier to get a closer look at the Energy resource that used to make the previous King go crazy with desire.

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