World Domination System

Chapter 495 The Elf Carnival 1

"Aren't elves supposed to be proud creatures who are known to never bow to anyone?"

Of course, Daneel had to act like he was surprised. After all, he wasn't supposed to know so many deep facts about elves.

Still kneeling, Katerina said, "Yes, we are proud. But we are not blind creatures who cannot recognize good and bad. And it is that pride that does not allow us to ignore debts. It would eat at us, day and night, until we choose to fulfill it. I think I speak for all elves when I say that the debt of saving our species is something worth bending our knee to."

Even though Daneel had been hoping for this, hearing the sincerity in Katerina's voice, he couldn't help but smile even wider from the bottom of his heart.

Wait…why wasn't Eldra like this?

Wasn't giving her the throne also a debt?

After a moment of thought, Daneel realized what the answer was and felt like slapping his head with frustration.

A choice, or a promise would always have more value in one's mind when one wasn't forced into making it.

He had given Eldra no other option: as he knew almost nothing about elves then, he had insisted on her swearing the oath in order to ensure that she wouldn't backstab him.

Ironically, that might be the thing that resulted in the present situation.

Would it have been different if he offered her the throne with sincerity and just asked for her word that she would follow him?

Looking at Katerina in front of him, Daneel knew the answer.


However, how could he have chosen that? He had just become King, and he had wanted to be as cautious as possible.

Yet, if he could go back in time, he would definitely have done things in that way.

Being forced to follow someone, and choosing to do so out of one's own accord were completely different things, so much so that the prejudice against the former might eclipse the value of the debt itself.

Now, Eldra's actions made more sense, and Daneel became even more confident in his present plan.

Also, he had learned a very strong lesson: different species could be different in entirely novel ways that he should learn about before dealing with them, if he wanted a long-lasting deal.

Yes, if Eldra hadn't been forcefully shackled, maybe she wouldn't even have had the 'need' which the Empire Spirit had manipulated.

So, in a way, even he was responsible.

Sighing softly, he said, "Rise. I will not say empty words. I will do everything in my power to save your species, and after I am done, you can choose your own method to pay off your debt. But for now, I need your support and help."

Standing up with a determined expression, Katerina pressed her lips into a thin line and said, "Of course. Anything."

"Good. This is what I need you to do."

5 days later, Daneel was standing in the sky above the large gathering area where over a million individuals could be seen.

According to the estimate given by the system based on visual data, the number was close to touching two million.

In other words, it was one of the largest crowds Daneel had ever seen in an open area.

Of course, the area wasn't completely open. Countless, colorful tents had been set up, with some offering food and others putting magic-based games on display that amused all those who passed them.

For example, there was the classic game of hitting a balloon with a gun that Daneel was familiar with from back on Earth, but it had been changed here to become a game of skill.

Balloons made of water elemental particles floated erratically in an area, and it was the task of the challenger to hit as many as possible using an arrow by using magic to alter the arrow's path during its flight.

Raucous applause always sounded whenever a challenger managed to hit more than one, and they were cheered by the watching elves and humans alike.

Yes, quite a few humans had gathered here, too, and although the majority were still elves, they couldn't be ignored.

There were always moderately well-off citizens of various Kingdoms across the continent who liked to travel to visit exciting places. Seeing them, Daneel was reminded of those from Earth who tagged themselves as having "wanderlust".

If Dinora's original plan proceeded as she wished, all of these humans' blood would just boil away and leave nothing behind.

In other words, they were the unwitting useless sacrifices that had come here for fun, but were actually in danger of losing their lives due to getting caught up in something that wasn't even related to them.

In fact, Daneel was partially responsible for this, too: the event was highly publicized using the Network of Angaria, which was how all these humans had found out about it in the first place.

It seemed that Dinora just wanted to make as flashy an entrance as possible onto the land of this continent.

Shaking his head, Daneel messaged Kellor and Cassandra, asking if everything had been prepared.

Receiving the reply that everything was in place, Daneel sighed deeply as a grave expression appeared on his face.

This was definitely the most complex plan he had deployed yet since coming onto this continent. There were many steps which all needed to go perfectly in order to achieve what he wanted, and if even one got messed up, the entire thing could fall apart.

However, Daneel was confident in his power, and his planning. He hadn't even slept properly over these past few days: almost each and every second had been spent meticulously thinking about and simulating each aspect so that it would be the best version possible that would definitely lead to success.

Finally, it was time.

Feeling like a student who was just going to attend a very important exam, Daneel said, "Get to your positions. It's showtime."

Maylana was the name of the elf whose heart had been shattered by the Queen of Eldinor.

The words that had been thrown at her abruptly, out of the blue still revolved in her head to this day, making her burst out crying at random times even though all she wanted was to forget this whole ordeal.

Why was her life so unlucky?

She had had a simple, but happy childhood.

Her parents were part of the few elves who loved to farm. Elves were known for their varying interests, and it just so happened that she, too, inherited that interest and excitement that came when looking across a field and knowing that it was her handiwork.

Like all elves, her parents were moderately talented in magic, which allowed them to even research and create spells to better till the soil or reap the crops.

Of course, the bane of the elves was that few liked to share, instead just receiving happiness from the knowledge that they had accomplished something on their own. This was in stark contrast to humans, which was a species in which many only received happiness from their accomplishments when they received praise from others.

Her childhood had gone on happily, until that incident which had changed her life forever.

They lived in a remote area, so the kidnappers just strolled inside to grab her.

Her parents, of course, tried to stop them, but she could only watch as their heads rolled on the ground, cut off in a flash by the kidnappers who seemed to be powerful mages adept in combat.

She spent a year enslaved, fighting for food, light and even the right to use the bathroom.

Finally, when she was set free, she had thought that she could calmly continue with her life.

Using the scheme implemented by the Queen who had seemed fair and just then, Maylana entered the Palace with the plan to work a few years and accumulate some money so that she could go back to her village and buy some land to resume her family trade.

However, everything changed once again when she was joined in the personal retinue of the Queen.

Slowly, they grew close, until one day, Maylana cracked and just poured out all of her deepest, darkest secrets, such as her guilt that she was the one responsible for her parents' deaths.

The Queen had comforted her and helped her immensely, until that fateful day when she had been called to her room and scolded without reason.

She had been told that it really was her fault, and that she should be ashamed that she hadn't been able to help.

This broke her completely, and it was only now that she had recovered a semblance of sanity.

Today was the day of the Elf Carnival, as it had come to be called, and although she had intended to sit in her house and mope all day today, too, the neighboring family, who took pity on her condition forced her to come in the hopes that the festive atmosphere might lighten her mood.

She had arrived at 9 a.m using the special teleportation doors that had been set up in a lot of villages, and she actually had to admit that it was a good decision.

She had the company of a small elf child called Martina, who had been left in her company to cheer her up.

The cute little child tugged her here and there, wanting to take in all the sights.

When the little elf urged her to play with 'Balloon and Arrow' game with pleading eyes, she did so, and actually won due to the skill of carefully controlling elementary particles which she had learned from her parents, as it was essential when farming.

The little elf's eyes went as wide as saucers, which made Maylana laugh for the first time in what felt like ages.

Just when she once again started to think that her life would go back to normal, she started to hear screams from somewhere nearby.

They were near the outer border of the carnival, as this was where the stalls for the poorer people were located. Further inside, she had heard that top-class magic exchange stalls and expensive trinket sellers had set up shop.

Maylana's first instinct was to go help out. She had been taught by her parents to help those in need when she could, so she followed that now.

Keeping a tight clamp on the little elf's hand, Maylana headed further outward to the border, which was when she saw a horrifying sight.

A thin, curved, red veil had popped up at some point, and it seemed to be slowly moving toward her direction.

The veil was transparent, so, behind it, Maylana could see hundreds of people on the ground.

They were motionless, which made her assume the worst: they were dead.

Suddenly, she felt something behind her, and for the briefest moment, when she turned around, she felt she saw someone familiar.

That feeling passed away instantly, and as she turned back around thinking that it must have been her imagination, she saw something that made the hair all over her body stand up.

One of the elves among those hundreds on the large field suddenly turned red, and before she could say anything, the body burst like a tomato, with the blood evaporating into mist, leaving behind a few gristly remains, among which she could also see some kind of yellow substance.

With a shriek, she stepped back, before she was accompanied by many similar sounds from those around her.

As a primal fear encroached on her mind, she started to run backward, with tears appearing on her face.

The little girl was confused; although she had been standing facing the same direction, it looked like she hadn't seen the grim sight that Maylana had just been subjected to.

Thinking that she must be in shock, Maylana picked the cute elf up, who asked innocently, "What's wrong, Sister Maylana?"

Even while running for dear life, Maylana sighed heavily and wiped the tears from her eyes before saying, "I'm sorry, little one. It seems that my bad luck has affected you, too. Just close your eyes and hold me. The Queen will-"

Just as she was continuing, she saw people around her looking up, and as she did so too, she saw the one she had just been referring to.

The Queen of Eldinor stood in the air, completely petrified, while a voice continuously cackled in her head.


At the same moment, a notification sounded inside Daneel's mind, but it only made him smile.

[Oath-link with target 'Eldra' has been broken.]

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