World Domination System

Chapter 414 Setting Off

10,000 Ether blocks. Gone, just like that.

Indeed, Daneel had just used a Ker Gem to power the explosion. The results were impressive, to say the least, but the burden they put on his pocket was too much to bear.

After Kellor checked the poor sect leader's body, he looked up to say, "He's barely alive, My Lord. Can I ask what that was?"

"Oh, nothing. Merely a trump card I plan to keep for extreme circumstances. Take him to the cell and heal him there. We can't afford to take chances with him."

Understanding that the King was unwilling to say more, Kellor picked up the sect leader's body using telekinesis and led him outside.

Sighing, Daneel looked around at the destruction that had affected the room.

It had a taken a full Ker Gem to get this much power, but it had still been insufficient to kill an Eminent Warrior level Fighter at close range.

Over the past month, he had been experimenting with parts of Ker Gems and Ether blocks.

This had been his final test.

This discovery had been the result of a small experiment that had been born after Daneel remembered a thought he had had long back.

Ether blocks and Ker Gems were stored forms of Energy, which were found in nature.

The principle of exploding trinkets was that Energy from mages was used to draw a special enchantment that made it so that this Energy was released explosively.

This had made Daneel curious, as these forms of Energy reminded him of the explosive materials used back on Earth.

Radioactive materials were just sources of immense energy which needed the right conditions to be set off to result in an explosion. If used correctly, they could generate energy to be used.

Why couldn't Ether blocks and Ker Gems be the same?

Hence, he had set out experimenting with the simplest method that was also used on Earth: using extreme amounts of heat to result in the explosion.

Initially, there had been many failures, as he had been repeatedly trying things such as increasing the temperature while the Ether block was inside the globe of fire, etc.

This had been his fascinating side project which he spent most of his time on when he wasn't training in the inheritances.

In fact, it was during a session of training the Basilisk's Breath that he had noticed the method to excite and erupt the Energy stored inside the items.

Using the Basilisk's Breath, he had utilized the slowed-down time to carefully examine each and every minute change in the swirling Energy in a Ker Gem while increasing the temperature around it.

While doing so, he had noticed that the swirling waves tried to exit the boundary set on them by the gem as a reaction to the increased temperature.

Only, the waves moved slowly, which Daneel figured out to be because he was gradually increasing the temperature around the Gem.

It was like a wave of water whose power was higher the more acceleration it managed to achieve.

And in this case, instantaneous acceleration was needed.

After figuring this out, it was simple.

Using the Basilisk's Breath, Daneel focused his mind to create a globe of compressed fire hot enough.

Then, he created a hole to its center and threw the Ether Block or the Ker Gem inside, resulting in the explosion.

Of course, the first time it worked, he had gotten his face completely blackened in the process.

Still, his eyes had been shining bright with the delight of discovery.

This whole process of finding something out by himself had been very rewarding and enlightening.

All in all, it had made it so that his training wasn't monotonous in any way, and that he now had a very powerful, albeit expensive trump card tucked up his sleeve.

Daneel didn't dare call it an "invention", because it was definitely possible that others might be aware, even though he was pretty sure that the inheritance was required to notice the minor changes.

All in all, he decided to only use it in the direst of circumstances if he had no other option.

As for the results of the training of the Ruler's Inheritance and the Art of the Withering Leaf, he was very satisfied with them as he had managed to beat the sect leader quickly before the man even managed to reach him.

With everything almost set in place, Daneel set about finishing the last thing on his list before proceeding to infiltrate the Big 4.


As a sudden announcement that the King would be addressing the people of Lanthanor after a long time became known among the public, it caused a furor the likes of which hadn't been seen in quite some time.

Many rumors started spreading, ranging from the one that stated that the King would be announcing his marriage with the fair lady Eloise, to the one that warned everyone that the King was going to march on the other Kingdoms to wage war and conquer them.

However, those in the know had already found out that this was regarding the recent changes and new policies and schemes that had been put into effect by the government.

So, even though it wasn't as exciting as those two rumors, many still flocked to the front of the Palace as this announcement would set the tone for the near future of Lanthanor.

At the point when the sun was highest in the sky, the King of Lanthanor appeared in the air with a smile on his face.

Large display trinkets had already been deployed to aid the at least 2-million strong, so when they all shouted as one, it was as if their cheers could rend the sky itself.

"All hail King Daneel!"

Daneel had already solidified his standing in their hearts, from all of his actions for their good.

Also, with his recent 'noble' act of saving everyone during the Olympics, he had also started to build an image for himself in the other inhabitants of Angaria.

"My dear citizens! I trust you have been well!"

Hearing the positive cheers below him, Daneel couldn't help but smile even wider.

This, this was why he had become King.

It all went back to that moment so long ago on the library steps, where he had been cheered for the first time for bringing justice to the commoners.

That same happiness that had suffused him then coursed through his body now, energizing him and making him look forward to doing his best to make sure that he did everything in his power to ensure the happy lives of these people.

It wasn't pleasure that came from being in control of them, or that which arose from a thirst for power.

No, it was a humble feeling of joy seeing the smiles on so many faces.

"Great! I'm here before you today to announce some very exciting things! First, I trust you all have heard about the Bank of Angaria?"


Almost everyone had heard about this mystical place which doled out money at very low interest, overall.

Nodding, Daneel pointed to the side, bringing attention to around 100 individuals who were standing in the air with Kellor.

"I trust you recognize these people? They are ones who have been uplifted with the help of the bank! And first and foremost are, of course, the continent-wide stars of our Kingdom, Helena, and Dalia!"

This small family had changed so much since when they had initially forayed into the capital with the intent of finding revenge and closure.

Helena looked mature and elegant in a flowing green dress, while Dalia was the very picture of youth, with her vibrant, red cheeks highlighted by her maroon dress.

The best way to highlight any scheme was to show success stories. So, taking a page out of the most effective advertising strategies on Earth, Daneel had these now well-off citizens speak very favorably of the bank.

By the time they were done, the eyes of the commoners in the crowds were wide open with dreams.

"Today, I would like to happily announce that we are opening the bank to the entire Kingdom! Anyone can come in to apply for a small loan, and after a small selection process, they will be enabled to pursue their dreams! My fellow Lanthanorians, if you wish to fly, Lanthanor will give you wings!"

As the cheering rose to a new level, Daneel swelled with happiness.

He had high hopes for this scheme, as empowering the poor was the best way to uplift an entire nation.

Only-such schemes were usually beset by cheats and crooks.

Well, it was time to remedy that.

"That also brings me to my second announcement. The bank is open to all, but only those who are verified and given IDs by the government of Lanthanor will be eligible to draw funds. Yes, you heard me right. The ID system that has been tested extensively will now be rolled out nation-wide. No more trespassers with malicious intentions will be tolerated! With this system, all outsiders can easily be caught, and all citizens will be protected! All hail Lanthanor! All hail Angaria!"

Seeing the millions of citizens jumping on the streets, Daneel knew that things were progressing well for the Kingdom.

Now, all that was left was to look for an opportune time to unite the Black Raven Kingdom with Lanthanor.

Of course, everything was in place for that move, so it wouldn't take a lot of difficulty.

After the grand success of this public address, Daneel had one last meeting with Eloise and Norcet to finalize details for their further plans, such as the one to set up a delivery system for the entire continent.

Finally, with all his affairs set, Daneel secretly made his way to the Watcher.

Sitting in that stone room facing that floating head, Daneel said, "I'm ready."

Nodding, the head replied, "Good, the earlier you go in, the better. Be careful, young King. This will be your most dangerous travail yet. The name of the sect you are going to is 'The Hedonist's Abode'."

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