World Domination System

Chapter 410 Aftermath

[Host status updating. Please standby.

Host status:

Host Fighter Level: Warrior-1(50%)

Host Mage Level: Warrior-1(50%)

Host Condensation Level: Ideal(Amplification: .2x)

Host Body Potential: A+

Host Comprehension Level: ????

Host Condition: Nominal

Subroutine Primary Outcome achieved. Canceling subroutine. Deactivating tool.]

As the sect leader stared with wide open eyes, the system gave this message.

Things he hadn't been able to think of before once again appeared in his mind, making a smile appear on his face.

It was as if his persona itself had changed: from that scared King who had been running away with fear before because of going into a fight impulsively, to a World Dominator who always had everything under his control.

This was the real Daneel, but if he hadn't been the former during that fight, he would never have broken through in this way.

The sect leader noticed this, and his shock multiplied.

It was as if he was seeing a completely different person. Before, the kid he had been fighting had been a flustered and angry individual who was regretting the fact that he had even entered that fight.

Now, it was as if he was looking into the eyes of a mastermind who had engineered everything to play out in this way.

No! How could this be possible!

It didn't make sense. Was the King of Lanthanor crazy? Did he have multiple personalities?

If so, how had no one heard of it?

During the split second that the sect leader had before being blown back by a punch to his stomach, he asked these questions, the answers to which he would never find out.

One thing was clear: this was not the man he had entered the fight with.

Indeed, after catching hold of the sect leader's hand, Daneel had unhesitatingly launched an attack.

This fight was over.

Even his opponent seemed to know this, as was evidenced by the look of absolute shock and panic on his face.

Before the sect leader landed on the ground, Daneel pointed at him.

[Champion level Paragon Construct: Dragon Claw of Lanthanor forming]

The sect leader couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He remembered being witness to the image of a dragon in one of the books present in their archives, and he had marveled at their majesty and grace which somehow combined with overwhelmed power and ferociousness.

Now, as he saw a gigantic dragon claw materialize in front of him to pin him down, he once again felt that awe, which was this time coupled with fear.

Yes, maybe his opponent had broken through to the Warrior level at such an opportune time.

However, how the hell was he able to cast such a terrifying spell?

Objects like these were only said to be able to be conjured by Champions, and that too only by the most talented of them.

How the heck was a Warrior able to do the same?

The sect leader didn't understand.

And his opponent didn't give him the time to think further.

With astonishing speed, the King of Lanthanor used that second of time obtained by him using the Dragon Claw to rush forward and aim a punch at the Withering Leaf sect leader's head.

He had calculated it perfectly: the Dragon Claw attack had shattered the Warrior level defense trinket on his opponent's body, so his punch made it's way through, knocking his opponent unconscious.

Such speed and reaction time would definitely not have been capable of him just moments back.

Seeing the sect leader close his eyes, Daneel, himself collapsed to the ground.

His entire body felt like it had been put through a meat grinder, and the spot on his forehead where his mageroot was situated felt like it was being repeatedly pierced by flaming needles.

"Kellor and Cassandra, move in with the army. There should be some sect members outside the Valley, too. Apprehend them. Use the map I will transmit to you shortly to reach me. Remember: follow the instructions as closely as you can, or you will trigger the traps. Disable the sect leader, and imprison him securely. Remember: he's a Warrior, so use appropriate shackles and equipment."

By the time the last word exited Daneel's mouth, he was already half-unconsiousness. Sending the map relayed by the system, Daneel closed his eyes and crumpled on the ground, his blood pooling around him while the system continuously cast simple healing spells to keep him alive.

2 men lay side by side, but their expressions were so contrasting that anyone would gasp with surprise on seeing them.

One of them had an expression of absolute shock and fear, as if something truly unexpected had occurred.

The other: he had the expression of one who was genuinely happy and satisfied that everything had gone according to plan.

An unknown amount of time later.

Waking up with a start, Daneel looked around and wondered whether he was dreaming.

Everything felt…different.

Slowly, he raised his hand, awed at how…effortless it felt.

He had felt that he was quite powerful and fast while being an Exalted Human, but now, when he looked back, it felt as if he had constantly been swimming through lead then.

His bones, blood, organs: all seemed to be functioning more efficiently. In a way, it was as if he was a vehicle which had switched gears.

He had felt this once before: when he had advanced on his path as a Fighter and Mage after entering this world for the first time.

Now, he knew why it was called a different realm.

Warriors couldn't be compared to Humans in any way, and this made him chuckle at that stupid decision to take that fight before.

No matter which way it played out, he would have been killed.

Leaning back on the bed and yawning lazily, Daneel recalled his plan.

Before stepping out to face the sect leader after self-hypnotizing himself, Daneel just hadn't been able to do it.

True, the simulation had shown that he might win 9/10 times, but his guts had been screaming at him continuously that this was a mistake.

It had felt just plain foolish to ignore them.

Besides, he had been through a lot to become who he was now. His smart nature, slyness, and intelligence as a King had been obtained after making mistakes and learning, and he hadn't been able to step forward and ignore all those.

After all, this wasn't his last option. True, he had a deadline and he had to reach it, but if he died while hastily rushing to reach it, everything would be futile anyway.

He could simply wait and train and put himself through other dangerous situations. He had 4 months of time! If he still didn't succeed, after that, he could simply go seek a fight with someone else as a last resort.

Also, he had multiple Champion level trinkets on his body which he could use to take care of his opponent easily. After all, a Warrior couldn't hope to defend against multiple head-on attacks from a Champion, no matter what level he was on.

So, no matter how Daneel saw it, he couldn't justify dumbly going out to face the sect leader, especially due to fact that he could beat the man by resorting to extreme means without risking his life.

He wasn't truly trapped either. He could simply call his army, and even a Warrior wouldn't be able to defend himself against the bombardments of hundreds of soldiers.

Hence, Daneel had once again stopped and thought about what to do, and it was then that he had hit upon this idea.

The system was able to control his facial expressions by taking them from his memories. It could go through his memories to replay things, or analyze. Then, why couldn't it block certain things from him?

On asking the system this, he had received the answer that it was possible.

[Memory Smudger-1 Tool available for purchase. Cost: 5000 EXP.

Memory Smudger-1: For a short period of time, certain chosen memories/knowledge/traits/experiences can be blocked from host's active mind. Specified memories/knowledge/traits/experiences can also be imposed. Please upgrade the tool to increase time of effect.

Level-1 Time of Effect: 60 minutes.]

He had been expecting the system to be capable of it by default, but Daneel had had no problem with the fact that he needed to spend EXP. He had a feeling that it would be incredibly useful in the future too.

So, with 0 EXP in his pocket, Daneel had set about installing backup plans to save himself in place. The system was capable of carrying out simple pre-programmed orders, so he had ordered it to make a subroutine to send instructions and call the army to save him in case he was really about to die, and also to activate a Champion level trinket to stall.

Kellor and Cassandra had been called over with elite Mage and Fighter units, and they had been put on standby.

After that, it had been a simple process of using the tool to make himself think that he was truly trapped with no other way out, and that he had to fight the sect leader at any cost and win with his own power without relying on any outside help.

If it would work, it would work. If it didn't, he would at least live to try again later.

It had been close. Looking down at his body that was still laced with wounds, Daneel shuddered at the thought of going into that thought without all these preparations.

And remembering that thought of "If I won't do it, who will?", he chuckled.

Right now, he was just a nobody who couldn't do a single thing against the Church if it attacked. Compared to the many Warriors, Champions and individuals possibly above that level on this continent, he was less than an ant.

Being so, it sounded naïve and preposterous to think that he was its savior.

Of course, he was going to become someone who would save Angaria, but he was still nowhere close.

However, the thought did sound...admirable.

Just as he was about to inspect that strange line of information he had seen on the status, Kellor sent an urgent message through the oathstone.

"My King! The sect leader just collapsed! Blood seems to be pouring out of his pores! We don't know what to do!"

With alarm, Daneel rushed to the underground prison.

He had a lot of questions to ask this man, but by the time he arrived, the sect leader was writhing as blood congealed around his body.

His eyes were rolled back into his head, but he was sputtering a few words repeatedly.

As Daneel heard them, he opened his mouth in surprise.

"D-damn y-you A-Ashahell! Th-this wasn't written in t-the technique! I w-will have my re-revenge!"

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