World Domination System

Chapter 189 Response

In the section of the city where the Network of Angaria had initially been introduced.

Due to the situation where the enchanted parchments had had to be transported to Eldinor, the NOA hadn't had the chance to spread further in Lanthanor city.

Still, the appeal of the network was so high that many often gathered in the houses of those who had the parchment in order to listen to the broadcast.

The trinket which converted a normal communication trinket was quite simple, and it allowed those who had the NOA trinkets in their hands to regale their friends and, in some cases, even charge them for it.

Thus, whenever new content was introduced in the broadcast, it was always followed by a discussion between all those who had the capability to be able to listen to it.

Such was the appeal of outside news to a people who had spent their lives mostly absorbed in their own actions.

Especially considering the part of human nature where many always had more interest in others' affairs than their own, it was no wonder the NOA in Angaria took to people like a fish to water.

The day had started out with regular announcements regarding the 100,000 Gold Lan robbery in the Black Raven Kingdom followed by a dialogue regarding the new Queen of Eldinor.

This was the same panel that had previously discussed all the contestants in the election before concluding that Eldra Dartingnon was the best choice.

To be cautious of backlash, Daneel had told Eloise to make sure to focus on both the positives and negatives of the Queen of Eldinor. Of course, the negatives could be underplayed and the positives could be magnified, but there was no reason to ignore them altogether.

Thus, the present dialogue related to the fact that although the new Queen was still learning the ways of her office and could be seen occasionally drifting off into her thoughts, she had already gained the staunch support and praise of all the ministers under her.

After the dialogue, the NOA cut back to the two announcers who usually read out the schedule or hyped a certain program before its beginning.

"Ow! Ow! These damn shoes!"

"What's the matter, Olvy? We are live! Angaria is listening to you!"

"Uh… apologies to all those listening. I went to the general shoe store the other day where the size was either too loose or too tight. Finally, I had no choice to buy the loose ones which just made me slip. Ah, the supervisor is glaring at me. It seems that if I do not get back to the news, my face might have to try her shoe size!"

There were different announcers who focused on different aspects of entertainment. This particular duo excelled in their skill of spinning stories in a way that made people laugh.

Also, although Daneel wished to separate the channels later on, there was only a single NOA right now which was being heard by both the citizens of Lanthanor and Eldinor.

"I had the same problem until I visited Saloni Shoemakers! I heard from my cousin that the father of our previous King got his shoes stitched there, and I wanted to try out how it feels to have custom footwear which fits my feet perfectly. Now, I can't go back! The price may be a little higher, but come on, someone measures your feet and makes something specially for you! Can you say the same about anything else in your miserable life except the separate bathroom your family built because you make too much of a stink?"

After those hearing chuckled at the dry humor, they couldn't help but note the name of the shop. In fact, those who had been thinking of buying new footwear anyway decided to visit the store at least to check it out.

In this way, the conversation continued throughout the day between programs where the name of the shop was subtly thrown in.

The next day, Kalidor woke up with a smile, still feeling happy because of the customer who had graced his shop two days before. Thanking him again in his heart, he made a breakfast of real food unlike before when they had to eat the cheapest rice broth for all three meals.

Going into his shop, he sat down and started working on the order only to be interrupted a few moments later by the bell at the door.

Another customer? Was he dreaming?

Although he was amazed, he controlled his feelings and served the customer in the best way he could.

The most crucial part was the price quote, as many left because of the high cost.

In Lanthanor, a man or a woman could live a frugal life by using just 10 Bronze Lans a day. Of course, this was only the simplest of food such as bread.

Middle class and upper-middle-class families spent around a Silver Lan a day to have a hearty meal which included meat.

In fact, just the other day, Daneel had been drawing a parallel between the economic systems of Earth and Lanthanor idly.

Going with the global currency, 10 Bronze Lans was equal to a single Dollar. With this amount, one would be able to get the simplest of food to continue surviving.

A Silver Lan, which was equal to 10 Dollars, was about the amount an average middle-class individual spent on food to have a hearty meal.

Thus, Lanthanor's treasury which had previously had 50 million Gold Lans before being depleted due to Daneel's schemes was equivalent to around 50 billion dollars, which was coincidentally the amount by which the richest man alive was richer than any other individual living on Earth.

As for Kalidor's shoes, each pair cost 10 Silver Lans as opposed to the general shoe store whose highest price was only a single Silver Lan.

Indeed, if an individual wanted to have custom designed shoes, they would have to fork over 10 times the amount just to get the most basic model. Other models which had things such as gold or silver trims had costs which were even higher.

Seeing this first customer frown at the price, Kalidor sighed inwardly feeling that this was another lost purchase.

Yet, as if the customer had remembered something, he took out his wallet and paid the price before promptly leaving after taking the token.

Startled but also very happy, Kalidor made his way back to begin work before having to get up again in barely a minute.

What was happening? Was the other store closed?

With many questions popping up inside him, he served customer after customer before becoming completely numb with joy.

At the end of the day, seeing all the Silver Lans shining in the register, tears flowed from his eyes imagining Cara's happy face when she found out that she could have whatever she wanted for a long, long time.

Closing the shop, he made his way to the Palace to pay homage to those who had made it possible.

The last customer had been kind enough to tell him the reason behind the flood of people: the Network of Angaria which was run by the Government had mentioned his shop multiple times in passing which made them come over.

Kalidor wasn't a dumb man. This incident had been preceded by the man in black robes who was definitely someone from the government, who had chosen his shop for some reason.

He also wasn't someone who could sleep peacefully if he had a debt to pay. Thus, in his hand was a money bag which held half the profit he had made.

Reaching the gate, he told them his purpose before waiting for a bit.

A few minutes later, a beautiful lady greeted him, saying, "I am Eloise, and I supervise the Network of Angaria. Your shop was chosen because what you sell is valuable, and it is unfortunate that you did not have the resources or the talent to advertise it yourself properly."

Nodding, Kalidor admired that this lady got straight to the point. Indeed, if he could, he would have undertaken the advertisement himself.

"As you were selected to test the power of the Network as an advertisement channel, you do not need to pay anything. Of course, if you wish for it to be continued, you will have to file an official request later when we open the channel to all. Lanthanor appreciates your gesture, but-"

"Please take this as a thank you. I will definitely be back when you do open it up."

Shoving the bag into her arms, Kalidor walked away with a strong stride.

In this way, the Network of Angaria made its first financial return on investment due to its help in making a family smile more without having to worry about grumbling stomachs and snuffed-away wishes.


Valley of Mist, Withering Leaf Sect Central Hall

The Sect Leader stood alone in the center of the hall, glancing at a piece of parchment which had the emblem of a green skull on it.

As he saw the message, a wide smile greeted his face before the parchment automatically combusted into a green fire that did not even leave behind any ash.

It was time to take the fight to Lanthanor.

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