Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 805: Under The Cover Of Darkness [Part 1]

Chapter 805: Under The Cover Of Darkness [Part 1]

It was worrying that Godfrey was accompanying them on their tour. Fortunately, the Demigod didn’t do anything except glance at Ethan from time to time.

Prince Isaac, who was doing his best to keep his cool, decided to distract his guest by telling ‘her’ stories about the City of Cashel and the history of the Milesians.

Since he wanted to look good in front of the beautiful lady accompanying him, he even divulged a few secrets about the movements of the Fomorians, as well as the war preparations of the Milesians.

“Truth be told, My Father, The King, doesn’t wish to confront them at this point in time,” Prince Isaac said. “And frankly, I’m sure the Fomorians also don’t wish for it either. Perhaps a compromise would be reached, but until then, the entire Kingdom is on high alert.”

Ethan thanked the Milesian Prince for this information, which made Prince Isaac very happy. Godfrey, on the other hand, chuckled as if finding the Prince’s attempt to make himself look smart was very amusing.

“Spoken like a truly ignorant man,” Godfrey commented after he finished laughing.

“What did you say?” Prince Isaac glared at the annoying insect who just wouldn’t buzz off no matter how many times he asked him to leave.

“I said, you are a very ignorant man,” Godfrey answered. “No need to thank me for speaking the truth. All I can say is you’re welcome.”

Prince Isaac wanted nothing more than to punch the annoying man’s face with his fist, but his father had forbidden their entire Royal Family from antagonizing Godfrey, who held the Rank of Duke in their kingdom.

Despite his high rank, the devilishly handsome man didn’t stay in his domain and was even more than happy to give his retainers free reign on how to manage his lands.

Godfrey simply stayed in the City of Cashel, which was the capital city of the Milesian Kingdom.

To this day, Prince Isaac and his siblings still had no idea why this annoying, yet very charming man, was hailed as an Untouchable.

Of course, Godfrey looked like a law-abiding citizen on the surface. He was also someone who was loved by many, especially the ladies, due to his dashing appearance.

But behind that charming face was a darkness that even the King of the Milesians didn’t dare to touch.

“I apologize on his behalf, Lady Ethel,” Prince Isaac said. “He is a perfect example of a rotten noble of our kingdom. Please, don’t take his words to heart.”

Ethan nodded and smiled at the Prince, giving Godfrey a sidelong glance.

This was not the first time he had seen the Demigod, but he had to admit that if he didn’t know how dangerous the other party was, he might have lowered his guard and chatted with him more about the information he knew about the Fomorians. S~aʀᴄh the ovlꜰir.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

After two hours of touring the city, Prince Isaac took Ethan back to the Restaurant of Osteria where they first met.

“It’s a shame that Lady Ethel cannot stay for long, but please, let’s have some snacks before you return to your quarters,” Prince Isaac said before shifting his gaze to Godfrey, who also followed them inside the restaurant. “Sorry, but you’re not invited. Please, don’t follow us, Lord Godfrey.”

Godfrey gave the Prince a playful bow before walking toward a table with a few ladies waving in their direction.

“Hah, I can’t stand that womanizer,” Prince Isaac muttered the moment he was certain that Godfrey was out of earshot. “Lady Ethel, let’s go.”

Ethan nodded and followed behind the Prince, who had made preparations for this afternoon break.

Desserts of every kind that girls commonly loved to eat, as well as some other snacks that could be enjoyed by anyone, were placed on top of the table.

Conall and Merric, who were serving as Ethan’s escort, were not fond of sweet things. Because of this, they only settled for some coffee and plain biscuits.

Ethan, on the other hand, knew that he had to play his role and ate a few cake slices, which were too sweet for his liking.

Even so, he ate and thanked the prince for his hospitality, making Prince Isaac’s smile widen a bit.

An hour later, Ethan and the others left the Restaurant of Osteria and were escorted to the city gates by Prince Isaac.

Godfrey didn’t follow behind them, seemingly busy with entertaining the ladies who seemed to have a very close relationship with him.

“Will I see you again tomorrow, Lady Ethel?” Prince Isaac asked. “Please say yes.”

“Tomorrow might be difficult,” Ethan replied. “But the next day will be fine.”

“Good.” Prince Isaac smiled. “I’ll meet you here at the gates at one in the afternoon.”

“Okay.” Ethan nodded. “Thank you for everything, Your Highness.”

“No, My Lady,” Prince Isaac bowed politely. “It is my pleasure to be of service.”

The young man was about to kiss Ethan’s hand, but Merric was quick to act and prevented the Prince from doing what he wanted.

“I’m sorry, but Lady Ethel’s father asked me to not let anyone greet our Young Miss in this manner,” Merric said in an apologetic tone. “I hope you are not offended, Your Highness. She comes from a very conservative family.”

“Ah! I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Prince Isaac tried to keep his disappointment from appearing on his face.

But since he didn’t want to look like a persistent person, he decided to give up for the time being and try again the next time they met.

“Your Highness, there is also one issue I find troublesome,” Conall, who didn’t speak much during the tour, decided to voice out what was on his mind. “I noticed that there were several people eyeing our airship and observing our movements yesterday.

“Lady Ethel was very troubled by this, so she stayed inside her cabin the whole day. If possible, I would like to ask Your Highness to deal with these suspicious people. I’m sure My Lady will feel safer knowing that His Highness has made a move to keep her safe.” “Say no more, Sir Conall,” Prince Isaac replied, while patting his chest. “I will make sure that no one will trouble Lady Ethel during her stay here in our lands.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Ethan replied. “Your words mean a lot to me.”

Seeing that this was an opportunity to score some brownie points, Prince Isaac called for his aid and gave orders to chase away the pests who were spying on the apple of his eye. Ethan then returned to the Flying Ship, escorted by a few Wizards who did their duty and chased away the men who were ordered by their respective Masters to keep tabs on the young

lady’s movements.

After Ethan successfully returned to his cabin, he found three beautiful ladies waiting for him with smiles on their faces.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Lyall said while imitating Ethan’s voice. “Your words mean a

lot to me~”

“Hahaha, very funny,” Ethan replied before snapping his fingers.

Immediately, his transformation ended, returning him to his original appearance.

“So have you kept tabs on the faces of those who were secretly following me earlier?” Ethan


“Even better-I cast a tracking spell on them without their notice,” Nicole replied. “We will be able to track them wherever they go in the city.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Conall asked. “Do we kidnap them tonight?”

“Yes.” Ethan nodded. “But you guys will be the ones doing the kidnapping. I will act as bait to draw out the attention of the observers whom the subordinates of the Prince weren’t able to

drive away.

“Also, I have a feeling that Godfrey had set his sights on me. As long as I stay on the Airship, he will definitely follow to talk to me.”

Hecate narrowed her eyes after hearing Ethan’s words. “That’s too dangerous. What if he suddenly tries to capture you?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be going alone,” Ethan replied. “You and Lilith will accompany me. Since Dainsleif is also with me, I am certain that we will not be defeated so easily.”

Nicole frowned but didn’t oppose Ethan’s decision.

“So this is a two-way mission,” Nicole commented. “One team will capture and interrogate

the targets, while the other team will try to lure Godfrey and the observers who are paying

close attention to this Airship, allowing the first team to move undetected. That’s your plan,


Ethan nodded. “Yes. As long as I’m inside the Airship, people will pay close attention to it, preventing you guys from doing your mission.”

“Then, when will we set out?” Lyall, who seemed to be very excited to beat up some people,

said with a smile.

“At eight in the evening,” Ethan replied. “So make sure to eat a light dinner. We will be busy

the entire night.”

Everyone in the room nodded their heads in understanding.

Finally, they were now about to start their mission, which was the main reason why they came

to the City of Cashel in the first place.

A/N: Only one chapter tonight. We are currently experiencing heavy rain, and my apartment is getting flooded. It’s so stressful to mop every fifteen minutes.

Fortunately, the Typhoon might leave our region tomorrow. Until then, I ask for everyone’s understanding during this difficult time.

Thank you, and I’ll see you all in the next chapters!

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